
Good workout on gym

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Avatar f tn I also am still going to the gym. I am 16 weeks and 5 days. I go on the eliptical, bike and walk on the treadmill.
7045779 tn?1394737965 So I haven't been working out since I found out I was preggo.. So I'm 5 Months nd I believe I haven't gone for 4 months lol I was very active before then... So Nways I workout for an hour today. Js cardio tho. Walking for 30 mins nd 30 mins elliptical! I'm not overdoing it right? Im Js little worried that I might've done too much today..
Avatar f tn Hi I am 5 weeks, and I was wondering if I can go to the gym still?! I wasn't too faithful before I found out I was pregnant is it safe?
Avatar f tn I really recommend pregnancy yoga in your 2nd and 3rd trimester, before that aqua aerobics, swimming, normal yoga and Pilates, gym workout, light jog, stationary bike and cross trainer, anything really as long as you are feeling well and comfortable doing it.
850661 tn?1245666056 I agree with Mumita you can do all of that except for the crunches. You could supplement with a modified crunch using a yoga ball. I learned some tricks in a prenatal class my gym offers. Chances are if your gym doesn't have a class like that the rec center in your area will. I think swimming is the best workout when your pregnant. When I go swimming I really feel all the muscles in my abdomen and sides stretch out it's a great workout and it's almost impossible to hurt yourself.
Avatar f tn t breathe on a good day lol! My Dr said to.keep it up, never told me to stop but everyone is different and should check!
Avatar f tn I need a good workout plan for me without having to visit a gym. Are there any good, trustworthy and up-to-date sites that I can save to keep going back to do these exercises over and over each day? Or would anyone have any suggestions on where to begin?
Avatar f tn I had a csection 2 months ago and my Dr told me I can go back to the gym and do whatever type of exercise i want but im not too shure about that... I know i cant lift anything heavy but can Run, zumba, etc?
Skulleton And I think what I am missing is a good diet plan. I am not very good on diets. But if I find a good one I know I can follow it. I workout very offten but I just need a good diet that will give me good energy. Can anybody suggest a good diet for me??
4658567 tn?1364142123 I normally just walked on the treadmill or did the elliptical . I just found it better for me to walk around my neighborhood or park and workout on the treadmill I have at home because I cant do half of the cardio my body was used to before. I will say though not having my gym membership anymore i'm lacking alot of motivation.
Avatar f tn I assume you are not working the same muscles every day!! You need to give the group of muscles worked a day of rest.
Avatar f tn I used to always go to the gym,I love to lift and do cardios. I just love working out hard,now that I got pregnant I haven't been going because I don't want to over due it. I will be 9 weeks tomorrow and I want to start going and do light work out,any advice on working out during pregnancy?
1858556 tn?1319811692 my heart rate is between 125 - 130. Should I wait for it to come down before i start on a 30 minute workout on the weight machines the weights? If yes, how far down?
Avatar f tn m going tonight to pick it up and hopes for Staurday to be my first workout! I chose a gym that is close to my trainstation that I get out of from work (so I would be more inclined into going after work) and also this gym is good because it's well over 20 blocks from house. I plan to walk going and coming home so that will burn more calories too! I'm so excited!!!!
193609 tn?1292180293 Losing a sibling is a hard thing. I know about that. My brother died when he was only 11. Please be careful NOT to "punish" yourself, either. You did good to get a good workout. That's good! What else do you have planned? Something good I hope? Take good care of YOU....
Avatar f tn If you have access to a gym, this workout program, although challenging, is very good for toning legs and glutes overall. I do it once a week. If you don't have access to a gym, of course squats, lunges, hip thrusts, wall sits, kickbacks on all fours, and supermans will tone things pretty well.
Avatar f tn Take a before picture to be your guide. Try to have a gym buddy to have company on your workout and be motivated.
7290973 tn?1403777469 Lucky!!! I'm from Alaska and we didn't even have snow on Christmas! :\ We got to bring our daughter out only 2 times this winter to play in it. We also couldn't go ride our four wheelers after Christmas dinner because there was no snow.
769119 tn?1235025955 3 years ago when I was exercising body building and when I left an heavy weight I got pain in my head, when ever I was going to gym and started exercise I was getting pain, then I left the workout for 2 and half years, just few months ago again I started my workout, it was going very well for 6 to 7 months, but one day again I faced the same problem (headache) during workout. ofcourse I left heavy weight again.
Avatar f tn I was heavy lifting before I got pregnant and as soon as I knew I was pregnant I haven't do any heavy lifting. I haven't go to the gym because the gym is at my college and I'm working so I really haven't make some time to workout. I walk about 30 minutes like 3 to 4 days a week but I have been sick so I haven't really do any other workout.
Avatar f tn Good job on the workout! In the days after your workout you'll experience two different kinds of muscle soreness. Within the first 24 hours of your workout, you might be kind of sore. This is normal--your workout created little tears in your muscles and they need to repair. This is when you rest. You can still go to the gym, as long as you don't exercise those muscles that you focused on yesterday. 24-48 hours after your workout, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness will set in.
Avatar n tn I have been going to the gym about 4 times a week, doing cardio and also weight machines but still have not lost weight.
Avatar n tn Yeah it good but It will work better if you workout 4 days a week even if you can just do 2 days at the try then try a workout DVD at home or walk for 30 to 45 min
Avatar n tn i dont think you can be "fit" without any exercise. you can slim down w/diet, but if you want to be physically fit exercise is a must. i HATE exercise or going to the gym, but ive been walking/jogging/running and now i love it. i guess its become a habit and i try to find other things to do vs having to be in a gym for x amount of time. like i go outside and play soccer with my son, and playing with him. and on the weekends we do major walking. walk to the park, play go home.
Avatar f tn Hello ladies, I'm a FTM here and before I got pregnant I was trying to lose weight and get more toned. Now, I'm 8w1d and I don't have the energy to go to the gym. Any recommendations for a good prenatal workout DVD? I was looking at Suzanne Bowen's Slim & Toned but still not sure...
Avatar f tn I need to lose 20 lbs. I know I need to gym to achieve this. Inspiration on beating gym phobia please!
Avatar f tn I am looking into different home workout programs that I can do on my own time. I work as an EMT and my schedules are not flexible to fit in any gym programs. My question is have any of you tried the Les Mills Pump! program either at home or in the gym? What did you think of it? Did it work like they say? Do you have any other suggestions for me?