Super foods to help you lose weight

Common Questions and Answers about Super foods to help you lose weight


Avatar n tn Hey there! I've been in your exact situation! It can be hard trying to lose weight when people don't believe you can but you can do it. Start by trying to lower the sugar but not all at once so you don't binge and give it up instantly. Eat a big healthy breakfast like eggs or oatmeal and fruit! Try to eat within the first hour of waking. Have a medium lunch and a slightly smaller dinner! Make sure to have snacks inbetween those meals!
Avatar f tn / Though I think the first thing to do is lose any water weight you have by drinking a lot of water regularly (I've got an app on my phone which tells me how much water I should be drinking each day and that helps motivate me) also record what you eat and it's nutritional values (I also have an app for this) and don't skip breakfast! Then just do leg exercises (e.g. squats, lunges) often.
Avatar f tn Thank you! Im probably jusworrying too much, but I didn't expect to lose weight before I gained it.
Avatar f tn I started to try and lose weight in a healthy way. And like you I def. did crave some of my former binge foods or foods that just weren't considered "healthy." I had a few options of things that worked for me. For quite a while when I wanted to do that I would journal or find something to do with my hands.
Avatar n tn If you stop eating white foods like bread and pasta you should lose weight. However, don't deprive yourself... eat whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice instead of white occasionally. Weight trainers do advise you to have a "cheat" meal at least once a week so you don't feel deprived. Eating mostly meat and vegetables should help. Good health to you. Hope it helps you. It's working for me.
Avatar f tn The info you find will help convince you to stay away from those foods. Finding Healthy alternatives for the foods you crave is also helpful. I crave cookies a lit but I found this great vegan cookie recipe online and it fulfills my craving without the regret.
Avatar f tn You might have a thyroid issue
Avatar f tn d advise you to take any prescribed diet and divide by two as far as truth is concerned. Also, the only good way to lose weight is slowly by changing to a diet you are going to follow for the rest of your life. Fad diets don't work in the long-term and can be unhealthy in the long-term as they can lack important nutrients. Good luck.
Avatar f tn re an APO-E 4/4, but if you change your diet elminating pre-processed foods and increase your fiber intake you will lose weight. Most pre-processed foods contain added sugar and fats to make it taste good. If it's low-fat they probably snuck sugar in there someway, and if it's low sugar generally it has extra fat in the product. The fake sugars like splenda, equal, and the pink packet fluctuate your insulin just as much as sugar does.
Avatar f tn I am young i shouldnt be ashamed to take pictures, and put on swimsuits. But as most of us know it is really hard to lose weight. I have tried almost everything!! I am already borderline diabetic so i am afraid if i take the medicine the doctor prescribes i will become diabetic. Help me please at this point i will try anything!!!
Avatar n tn Ok, can you first tell me a few things first. I need to know how much you weigh, what is your height, what is your daily routine, and what is a typical day of eating for you? Do you walk at all, have pets, etc.
Avatar f tn If you are breastfeeding, you should wait until you and your baby have got the hang of it before you start to lose weight. Give yourself time to get back in shape, and don't despair if the weight doesn't fall off immediately. Finding the time to fit exercise into your daily life, now that you have a newborn, can be tricky. You can start to do some gentle exercise such as walking, pelvic floor exercises and stretching, as soon as you feel up to it. Or you could exercise with your baby.
Avatar n tn It just seems that she is ignoring the fact that I am gaining at an alarming rate and unable not matter what to lose any weight. I feel I have to reach the point of obesity before being help? The latest diagnosis was that I may just have to live with, I certainly don't agree with that. Any suggestions ~ yes I plan to change doctors as the last time I saw her she suggested I cut back on how much I am eating apparently ~ so much for listening skills.
Avatar f tn 5 kg is too much to lose in one week. Safe weight loss is about 1 kg/week. You can stop eating junk food and drinking sodas to get a good start on your weight loss and lose what you can by eating healthy and exercising, then continue losing after the first week is over.
Avatar f tn m always cleaning on my feet till 9pm what can i do to lose weight fast i know i have to lose the fat eating but have trouble doing so.
Avatar f tn There is a woman on here, Barb135, she started a weight loss challenge for 2015. We are challenging ourselves to lose at least 1lb a week, she is super helpful and gives so many tips. I need to lose 50lbs still but overall have lost 10. What is working for me is keeping a food diary and tracking my calorie intake on here. My calorie limit is 1200 a day or 1300 max. With that, I walk if in outside just around my house.
Avatar n tn Hiya. I'm 19 years old and as of today am 19 weeks pregnant. Before pregnancy I was 103 lbs. Which is only because I tried so terribly hard to gain weight after being underweight for years. I mean I was 87 lbs before I gained all the weight. Then I got pregnant. Instead of being a happy 103 and gaining because of my little bug I am losing weight. I'm now 96 lbs. Every time I've been to the doctor they've said nothing about weight.
Avatar f tn Most of the ways that will help you lose weight "fast" are not healthy for you and once you stop doing what you are/were doing, you will most likely gain back whatever weight you lost, plus some........ It's generally figured that losing about 1-2 pounds/week is the safest; that's not fast, but if you actually make "lifestyle changes" that you can stick with, you will be better prepared to keep off whatever you lose.
Avatar f tn You want to lose 25 lbs in 11.5 months? Is that correct? There's no reason you shouldn't be able to do that relatively easily. The first thing you have to do is stop drinking sodas and other sugary drinks. That would probably help you lose the most. Make water your drink of choice and make sure you drink plenty throughout the day.
Avatar f tn I'm almost 37 weeks and all I did was lose weight. I'm slowly gaining it back but I'm still not back to my pre pregnancy weight.