
20 super foods to lose weight

Common Questions and Answers about 20 super foods to lose weight


Avatar f tn / Though I think the first thing to do is lose any water weight you have by drinking a lot of water regularly (I've got an app on my phone which tells me how much water I should be drinking each day and that helps motivate me) also record what you eat and it's nutritional values (I also have an app for this) and don't skip breakfast! Then just do leg exercises (e.g. squats, lunges) often.
Avatar f tn I am young i shouldnt be ashamed to take pictures, and put on swimsuits. But as most of us know it is really hard to lose weight. I have tried almost everything!! I am already borderline diabetic so i am afraid if i take the medicine the doctor prescribes i will become diabetic. Help me please at this point i will try anything!!!
Avatar f tn I am fairly new to the group and have not had the courage to come forward with this until now. I am a compulsive eater and bulimic. I am trying to lose weight safely now, but the problem is that once I get the urge to eat bad things, I run to the grocery store as fast as I can, buy the stuff and wolf it down, leading to guilt and disgust of myself. Has anyone here ever experienced this and how did you overcome the temptations?
Avatar n tn Hey. I am 15 years of age! I am trying to lose weight. I am every fat! I need to lose weight but everytime I try it I fail. I start back eating sweet and bad foods. I feel emabarred when I say I try to lose weight because all my friends do is laugh at me and don't take it serious. I need tips on how to lose weight fast and healthily of course. I need someone to tell me what to do. Please I really need help. Thank you!
535882 tn?1396576685 I could not eat anything without having stomach pain, so I did not eat, I still have problems on and off, but I would prefer to be overweight then what I went through, the first stage was H-Pylori, then the gastro did a bunch of tests to determine why I had pain after eating (Unless I ate like a mouse) just under the left bottom rib, so after the tests the Gastro came up with a guess that I had some sort of Arthritus in the cartiledge that supports the stomach.
Avatar f tn Thank you! Im probably jusworrying too much, but I didn't expect to lose weight before I gained it.
Avatar n tn t suggest trying to lose that much that quickly. Healthily, you should be looking to lose about 2lbs a week, and the weight is unlikely to stay off if you go at a faster rate. However, if you are intent on losing more weight, I can only recommend that you remember to drink plenty of fluids, as well as listening to your body in order to make sure you're getting enough energy.
Avatar f tn I'm not very good at metrics so I converted 56 kg and come up with between 120-129 lb. That's not ideal but I've seen a lot more weight stacked onto a 5' body. You don't mention your body make up; eg: you say you have really big thighs. Are the muscular, a bit flabby, or littered with cellulite? You also didn't mention your age. Losing weight and/or contouring your body is really not that difficult but it does take time.
Avatar f tn You might have a thyroid issue
Avatar n tn If you stop eating white foods like bread and pasta you should lose weight. However, don't deprive yourself... eat whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice instead of white occasionally. Weight trainers do advise you to have a "cheat" meal at least once a week so you don't feel deprived. Eating mostly meat and vegetables should help. Good health to you. Hope it helps you. It's working for me.
Avatar f tn 5mg of prednisone for chronic inflammation which makes me hungry 24/7 what can i do to lose weight without causing me more pain
Avatar f tn Try not to stress, its completey normal in 1st trimester not to lose weight due to loss of appetite, nausea and watching what you eat. You dont need to put on much at all in 1st trimester as baby is so tiny and their needs are so small. What nutrtition they do need they will steal from you so try to go for quality foods whenever you do eat and remember to stay hydrated.
Avatar f tn I'm no doctor, just a man who has read way too many articles on fitness and tested a few out. What I've found the best way to lose weight is to find your maintenance level (you can find a rough calculator online) that will tell you about how many calories you burn in an avg day. Subtract around 250 calories and you've found your ideal calorie amount! Keep in mind you should take exercise into account as well. You should be shooting around -2 lbs a week.
Avatar f tn Try reading other threads to gain an insight on what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and why certain foods wreak havoc not only on your glucose levels but your ability to lose weight. One note: You will see 30 minutes of daily exercise being recommended. Do 20 minutes of light resistance training first. For the first 20 minutes you’re burning of glycogen [stored glucose mainly in the liver and muscles]. Once you break the 20 minute plateau your body begins to burn fat.
Avatar f tn m 20 and I have just found out I have pcos, just wondering if anyone ladies out there can give me some advice on loosing weight and the correct diet to have. I have done plenty of reading up online so I know all the basics, just wondering if anyone had any more advice for me! P.s I am aware of treatments from the doctors but mine isn't willing to help me out with anything, thanks!
Avatar f tn Here is the answer to this question. In order to lose weight, you have to subtract calories. Safe weight loss is 1-2 lbs/week, so in order to lose 1 lb/week, you'd have to drop 500 calories from your BMR each day (1 lb is equal to 3500 calories, so 500 calories X 7 days = 3500 calories or 1 lb). OR you can drop 250 calories from your diet and increase exercise to use an additional 250 calories. Changing up calorie counts and exercises will help prevent plateau.
1269982 tn?1271173219 I work out constantly and still have the body of someone who lays around all day eating donuts. I desperately want to lose 20 pounds. Please someone help me!
Avatar n tn If you've doing these things already for awhile, then no, it won't suddenly start making you lose weight. If you just started doing this, then it might. If you were completely sedentary your whole life and you're young, starting any exercise program and eating better should start showing some results quickly.
Avatar f tn I'm almost 37 weeks and all I did was lose weight. I'm slowly gaining it back but I'm still not back to my pre pregnancy weight.
Avatar f tn Should I lose the pounds I'm 20 weeks and showing he keeps on saying I'm to large....
Avatar f tn What healthy effective ways are there to lose weight while pregnant?..
Avatar f tn Im 17 years old an a newly mum I find it really hard to try an lose weight an eat healthy foods. Any suggestions that could help me?