
Prozac vs remeron

Common Questions and Answers about Prozac vs remeron


Avatar f tn That seems like a reasonable thing to do. I hope you start to feel better soon too. When the doctor is available he will answer posts and hopefully you'll find his response and reassurance helpful. Good luck.
Avatar m tn Hi I have been on Remeron 30mg for 2.5 months for anxiety and it wasn't working. My doctor has put me on Prozac 20mg I have been taking this for 8 days and have been slowly tapering the Remeron. Am now down to 7.5mgs and will take 3.75mg tonight and tomorrow night and then stop. Today I feel very nausious and my head feels weird and Im a bit dizzy. Generally feel like crap. Could this be withdrawal from the Remeron or shouldn't I get withdrawal since Im on Prozac now.
1472535 tn?1287684045 I wrote before telling I had started mirtzapine Just found out the brand name is Remeron Started taking it thursday night 15 mg and 20mg prozac in morning I was a bit spaced out but not to bad until this morning where I have been suffering one panic attack after the other! It has got so bad I have had to take half a dose (2.5mg) of diazepam Has any other people had the same effect?
Avatar f tn Both Prozac and Remeron can cause anxiety. Were you on Remeron before starting Prozac? I would continue your medications as prescribed until you see your physician.
Avatar f tn Never been on it, but remember, we're all different. And don't rule out some continuation of Paxil withdrawal, since you didn't finish it, you medicated it. And since remeron and Prozac work differently, and since Prozac and Paxil work differently, no, taking one doesn't necessarily do anything about the withdrawal from the other except medicate it. It might work, but it might not.
Avatar n tn I want to go back to Paxil - do I have to wait while the prozac gets out of my system, or can I start today? Do I need to taper off the prozac (20mg) if I've only been on it a week?
Avatar n tn I have been on 20mg prozac and 15mg remeron and xanex as needed for 3 weeks I have been going back and forth from the cloud of depression to anxiety every other day. I think Im getting somewhat better. Do I need to give more time for the results Im looking for?
Avatar f tn That is in addition to the extreme insomnia. So i went back to the doc and he has changed me from prozac to lexapro, and added remeron for sleep. He said i could start the lexapro in the morning, and i assume i can take the remeron tonight if i want, but im hesitant to take it. Any advice?
459689 tn?1276570143 I do have one concern, Zoloft is supposedly better for anxiety than Prozac, and I have even heard that Prozac can make anxiety worse. I am confused and dont want to become addicted to having to have a sleep aid, but I start back at my evil (did not used to feel that way) corporation this Monday. I just want to sleep and not stink and not yell at my wife and be sooo agitiated, is that so wrong? I would appreciaite any feedback from the community. This forum has been a life saver for me.
492898 tn?1222243598 It is also not a good idea at all to do what my oncologist told me to do and just switch from one to the other, and this is true for Celexa or Remeron, from one day to the next but he told me to go down to half the dose of Prozac for three days and then no Prozac for three days and then to half the dose of Remeron for a few days and then to the full dose. Just wanted to share this for whatever it's worth.
Avatar m tn I would give Remeron a shot before trying Abilify as Remeron is supposed to have reduced side effects compared to several other antidepressant and you are subject to less interactions.
Avatar n tn I had NO side effects back then. My doc is thinking we will try serzone. Does serzone work similar to remeron? If remeron works will serzone likely work when all these others just make me worse? I'm so frustrated.
Avatar m tn I am right now on Prozac 20 mg and Amisulpride 50 mg. I talked to my current psychiatrist about the sexual dysfunction I have been experiencing because of these medicines but he insists I continue using the two. So this calls for a change of doctor. I’ll be visiting another one tomorrow and I’ll talk to him about the recommendations I get here.
Avatar n tn Quit Elavil and got well after mega doses of levaquin, augmentin, cefzil etc… Last Friday 3-6-09 I decided to quit remeron cold turkey with my doctors help. My withdrawal From Remeron includes many hellish side effects such as; nausea, brain shocks, insomnia, flu like symptoms, Insomnia being the worst by far. I take meclizine for the nausea, valium for the brain shocks, and now Seroquel for insomnia. Valium I can quit cold turkey(long half-life).
459689 tn?1276570143 i had some traumatic events and ended up in the psych ward for seven days, the doc put me on remeron, kept me on the prozac added cymbalta and thru in klonopin as well. i tried to return to work and was a babbling idiot. i could not complete a sentence and or answer a question...literally. that is how i figured out i was med sensitive, because the docs were sooo suprised at my babbling idiot reaction.
Avatar n tn what sleeping pills? I would be concerned about the remeron and prozac mix - remeron is some powerful stuff. Dont know the relatives medical history - but there must be a colorful one back there............................and unless you are seriously add/adhd the concerta is just waking you up from the sleeping pills.....and the remeron prozac sleeping pill combo is probably killing the real stages of sleep that you need........
459081 tn?1206355259 I have giained over 10 pds in the last 6 months I have been put on lamictral for over 6 months I am only on 100mgs. I also am on 200 welbutrin and 10 mgs of prozac. I workout 1 hour daily except days I work 16 hours. I someone give some feedback.
711224 tn?1344771687 I have been prescribed remeron to help the benzos taper. It really helps a lot but I noticed an important weight gain since I take it. I googled it and foud out it was for the treatment of anorexia as well!!! Having a thyroid condition, I watch out A LOT what I eat, no fat no white sugar and as little carbs as I can. Even with the diet, I did put on about 10 kg in 3 months without changing anything in my diet.
Avatar f tn does wellbutrin sr cause tingling of the body stopped prozac on the 10th of june and on the 15th i staerted tingling all over,alwso was switched from adderall to ritalin thought it might be the ritalin so i stopped it for awile,but the tingling is bad driving me nuts.
Avatar f tn The withdrawls symptoms from the paxil were horrible and it took forever for the prozac to kick it. the prozac though i feel didnt really do a lot for me, i still continued to have anxiety attacks, trouble sleeping etc. It was like the prozac took the edge off. I have stopped taking prozac again which my doctor is aware of.
284002 tn?1244547555 m also going to be on a low dose of Remeron to help me get through the adjustment stage of Prozac be introduced to my body. Also Remeron helped finally get me off of Paxil.
Avatar f tn i was wondering if you could tell me why anti depressants make me anxious i have tried prozac citalopram paroxetine and am now on mirtazapine. once i went up to the 30mg i have bad anxiety?
Avatar f tn I've been on Remeron for almost a year. The ringing got worse when I increased the Cymbalta but it has helped the depression and anxiety. The Lyrica makes my throat swell, ankles to. I'm afraid to come off anything right now because it is helping but have to get rid of some of the side effects. The pain is still pretty severe and can't increase the Lyrica. Remeron helps me sleep and I'm sure must help some with the anxiety.
Avatar m tn Dear Doctor, I'm a 19-yr old patient who has been on various SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) for 11 years, mostly prozac, on an initial diagnosis of Tourette's syndrome. In December 2007, I began to have sleep difficulties and my psychiatrist took me off prozac - which triggered a prolonged and persistent insomnia that can last for up to six days at a stretch.
1472535 tn?1287684045 I think Prozac has the longest half life of any of the SSRIs, so I don't think being off of it a day would cause anything. I have a problem forgetting to take my meds, and my doctor told me that Prozac is good in that it stays in your body for quite a while, like 5 weeks or something after you stop taking it completely, so if you miss doses on it it's not as bad as if you missed on something else.