
Carbs soy milk latte

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs soy milk latte


4542187 tn?1402677307 I still drink my coffee. Doctor said 2 small cups is ok just no sodas if I do.
Avatar f tn s Disease, a form of hypothyroid autoimmune disease, can have bad reactions to soy. Soy milk is fine, tofu is fine, tempeh and other fermented soy products such as miso and natto and real soy sauce (this doesn't mean Kikkoman) are fine, fresh soy beans (edamame) are fine, but this shouldn't obviously be the sum total of your diet. All legumes have positive qualities, are good sources of protein and fiber. And remember, all soy milk isn't created equally.
199177 tn?1490498534 Yeah, I'll take a double Latte' with soy milk and make it Vanilla with white chocolate. Thanks so much.
Avatar m tn What kind of milk do you mean? Cows milk, soy, almond. I would suggested you read the labels for carbs and check with either your primary or endo to see if the number of carbs are okay for you to ingest?
Avatar f tn ) veggie hot dogs soy mayonaisse all natural peanut butter beans (organic if in a can) all fresh vegetables (especially broccoli and asparagus) fresh fruits (limit to only allowed servings per day since they have natural sugars) Oatmeal (old fashioned stove-top, not the instant kind) cinnamon sea salt (limited amounts) pepper and seasonings dijon mustard 8 glasses of water black coffee (or with soy milk/ fat free milk and/or stevia) tea (iced tea, hot tea, with water or soy milk or fat free milk
Avatar n tn pasta), fat free or low fat dairy products (skim milk, 1% milk, low fat cheese, low fat yogurts, low fat soy milk/yogurt), and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eating daily high fiber breads and cereals (oatmeal). Eat 3 small meals a day with small snacks between meals.
Avatar f tn As for Soy, Asians eat a lot of soy in their diet, Soy formula is a good choice for infants, Soy-containing foods help prevent osteoporosis, Soy is a healthy food for adults, Soy helps improve libido in men. The above about Soy is false. Those who eat large amounts of soy, especially non-fermented soy, have severe hormonal imbalances that are very difficult or impossible to correct without eliminating or drastically reducing soy in the diet. i have seen soy as an ingredient added to tea bags!
Avatar n tn Not to rain on the parade, but this isn't a lifestyle change. You do realize if what you say is accurate you're not eating any nutritious vegetables. Oat milk is basically sugar -- it's not high protein such as almond milk or soy milk would be. I'm glad you're feeling good and doing better, but for long-term health, add in a lot of colored veggies -- and tomatoes aren't a veggie, it's a fruit, so you're not getting there with tomatoes.
Avatar f tn I typically have either an apple or english muffin for breakfast. Most days I will have a home prepared latte so that equals one cup of milk and 30 calories for the international syrup I've been using. The actual coffee I use says it doesn't have calories. So I usually eat around 220 to 300 calories for breakfast. Unless I have tea, which I do about twice a week. Lunch is often a salad or crackers, cheese, and meet. So again its about 300 to 350 calories for lunch.
Avatar f tn The pattern I have detected seems to be that if I have a black coffee and add milk then I seem to be fine, it is only when I have lattes, could this be something to do with the milk being warmed/boiled before it is poured in to the coffee, or perhaps it is just because there is more milk in a latte than when I add it to a black coffee (although i do make it very milky).
Avatar n tn Soy Milk or Fat Free Milk (soy milk should be unsweetened non fat natural) Soy cheese, veggie cheese or Fat Free cheese Soy Mayonaisse Dijon Mustard Apple Cider Vinegar Fat Free Sour Cream Fat Free Cottage Cheese Fresh Fruits (limit it to the suggested daily serving, fruit has lot of natural sugar) Fresh Vegetables ( especially broccoli and asparagus are really really good for you) Wheat tortillas and organic hummus avacados (good fat!
Avatar f tn I'm 23 weeks and 2 days. I love soy milk and was just wondering if it was OK to drink?
Avatar f tn t take calcium supplements or any vitamins or supplements and do not like milk or ice cream. Only dairy products is low fat milk in Latte and once a day Activia and cheese on salad. Started taking supplements. Two weeks later more labs and I insisted on on a PTH level. 1/27/11 FT4, TSH, PTH wCA u24ca ionized CA 1.38 H 1.04 - 1.36 FT4 .9 TSH 1.04 PTH w/CA PTH Intact 57 CA 9.4 UR Creatinine 58 Ur Creantinine -24 hr 1.1 Ur CA 8.
Avatar f tn I dont drink regular milk AT ALL. But I do drink Almond, soy and coconut milk. Is that ok??
Avatar f tn I couldn't handle milk while I was pregnant. It made me sick and my stomach hurt. I would ask your doctor what else you could do if milk makes you sick. You can eat block cheese if you can't handle the milk. Which is what I did.
1464587 tn?1307491605 It seems to me from what I've read that most LLMD's are suggesting gluten free diets. I myself have been gluten free for nearly a year (I've cheated a couple of times for a piece of cheesecake), but for the most part, I'm pretty good. An added bonus is that you tend to eat much healthier when going gluten free which of course, is a good thing. I also try to stay diary free but am not as strict with that.
Avatar m tn My wife heard that I should stop all diet drinks and artificial sweetners. Can I still have my latte in the morning?
Avatar f tn I suggest you have your son get checked out by his MD and have blood work done to see if his thyroid is acting up or not. It is recommended to increase children's physical activities to loss weight. Have your child go and play outdoors, run, walk, and dance. Limit time in front of the TV or non-active-video games. There have been studies showing the longer the length of time a child sit in front of the TV, the greater the weight gain.
8112046 tn?1396620403 I used to consume soy milk daily. Upon ttc, & in my first trimester, regular cow milk seemed suddenly tolerable to me. Now that I'm 15 weeks I find that cow milk causes me to vomit. So I switched back to soy today with (so far) no problems. Do any of you ladies drink soy milk too? Or do you prefer almond milk?
1900997 tn?1321659956 Have you tried soy milk? I'm also lactose-intolerant too and also been drinking Lactaid -Fat Free. In your case you may have to avoid milk products all together since they sound like they're doing more harm than good.
87651 tn?1259602403 As you become balanced and all hormones are working together with your meds - you should limit soy comsumption. I love soy milk - I hate milk. But I limit my soy alot. I drink it in my coffee and that's about it. I would definately not do the slim fast thing. Way too many chemicals in there and could cause problems. Very commonly GI issues creep up drinking this for thyroid patients as well as others.
Avatar f tn s the best soy milk and almond milk are also good for you and have vitamins and stuff but nothing is better than whole milk, you get the extra vitamins from your prenatals.
Avatar f tn Almond milk from Blue Diamond is delicious and priced like soy milk. Almond milk and rice milk still have some soy in the ingredients but not as a main ingredient. To answer your question , anything but water can interfere with stomach absorption of meds. Anything but water is digested, water alone is just absorbed. Traces of sugar, proteins ect are digested. Will you notice depends on how much. Ritual coffee drinkers, will constantly slightly effect absorption.
Avatar n tn After days of tears I decided I need to fight for this disease. This morning I had a piece of bread + soy milk + almond. I think it would be around 10g of carbs. I took one cup of blueberries 2 hours later. My lunch consisted rice and vegi and tofu, esimated to be 20-25 carbs. After lunch I had some almonds and 1 cup blueberries. For dinner I will have about 35 carbs rice and vegi and chicken. I will walk 30 mins after that. Am I taking too little carbs.
Avatar f tn pasta), low fat and substitute dairy products (1% milk, low fat/fat free yogurts, low fat soy milk/soy yogurt), use plant oils, non trans-fat margarines, and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eat daily high fiber breads and cereals (oatmeal).
Avatar n tn Some children will accept whole milk if you add chocolate or strawberry flavor mix to it. If that does not work and she likes soy milk, then give her soy milk (has the same amount of calcium as in regular milk). Hoped this helped you.