
Carbs needed to lose weight

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs needed to lose weight


193609 tn?1292180293 Losing weight is really just a simple math equation and comes down to calories in vs calories out. In order to lose weight, you have to burn more than you consume. People lose weight on low carb diets because whether or not they realize it, they're consuming less calories. High carb foods (cereal, potatoes, rice, pasta, sugary snacks) tend to be quite calorie dense so a very modest portion can end up being pretty caloric.
Avatar n tn I found that carbs were my big issue and that I needed to eat different kinds of carbs to keep me healthy. I started to lose weight at two pounds per week and I have hypothyroidism which makes losing weight pain staking. You should only go for losing two pounds a week and no more than that. You might need to up your exercise for more cardio type activity.
2101610 tn?1333561243 Sometimes not eating what your body needs does that, especially if you're skipping breakfast. When your body doesn't have fuel from food, it will burn muscle, and muscle is needed to aid in weight loss. Eat normally, just exercise portion control. I find people who try to really watch what they eat and have a splurge day or limit themselves severely end up having splurge days, over splurge, which is also counterintuitive. You need carbs, some fat, etc., to have a balanced diet.
Avatar n tn With that diet, you might lose weight, but you will also not be healthy. As you describe it, your diet is basically dairy, lettuce and eggs. No real nutritious vegetables. No variety. Many people have a problem with dairy. Adults don't usually do that well with milk.
Avatar f tn I too needed to lose alot of weight, fast, for my updomming wedding in May. After much reading on forums, such as this one, comparing diets / programs (nutrisystem, weight watchers, etc) and recommendations from friends & co-workers, I choose to try a weight loss clinic which provides the b12 w/ lipotropics injections (weekly), phendimetrazine, calcium fat burners & vitiamin supplements and I am glad I did. Following a strict diet of high protien, low fat & low carbs.
Avatar f tn Last year I was diagnosed type 2 with an AIC of 7.9. I'm currently on metformin and glyberide twice a day. My recent AIC was 6.4. I think if I lost weight weight I could reduce the amount of medication I need but if I increase my exercise or reduce my oral intake I get very uncomfortable hypoglycemic episodes. My sugars dip into the 30's. This happens several times a week My post Prakash sugars range from 140 to 220. I'm 175 lbs and feel like I'm "feeding the meds".
Avatar f tn I'm no doctor, just a man who has read way too many articles on fitness and tested a few out. What I've found the best way to lose weight is to find your maintenance level (you can find a rough calculator online) that will tell you about how many calories you burn in an avg day. Subtract around 250 calories and you've found your ideal calorie amount! Keep in mind you should take exercise into account as well. You should be shooting around -2 lbs a week.
1269982 tn?1271173219 those are great for a meal on a go when needed but try to stick to healthy natural foods. This is the plan i`ve been on for a month and ive lost 8 lbs. best of luck.
Avatar f tn First off, check with your physician before beginning any weight loss program. With that said, follow his or her directions. There isn't a fast healthy way to lose weight. Think about it this way.... it took a while to get there, it will take a while to get down to the other side. Any balanced diet and exercise will help with weight loss. High protein and lower carbs are a decent idea.
Avatar f tn Is it better to eat a low Carb diet or a low calorie diet..Isn't stuck between the 2,I need to lose72 lbs..n I don't want it to take forever to lose it.I also expertise 6 days a week for 1 1/2 hrs.Just confused about the two.Also I'M on 3 medications that cause weight gain.And I'M wondering as long as I do overeat will I still gain weight from these meds.Thanks Brenda!!
Avatar n tn If you are not receiving the proper nutrition, you will likely be fatigued, fall short of your workout goals and lose weight. learn the proper foods to eat to gain weight before training, so your body will have the available nutrients for a good training program. Consume more complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, brown pasta and whole wheat bread, one to two weeks before you begin your training program.
Avatar f tn Here is the answer to this question. In order to lose weight, you have to subtract calories. Safe weight loss is 1-2 lbs/week, so in order to lose 1 lb/week, you'd have to drop 500 calories from your BMR each day (1 lb is equal to 3500 calories, so 500 calories X 7 days = 3500 calories or 1 lb). OR you can drop 250 calories from your diet and increase exercise to use an additional 250 calories. Changing up calorie counts and exercises will help prevent plateau.
Avatar m tn He then announced to me that I needed to get healthier and if I drank the smoothies he was going to teach me to make at least twice a day my health would improve overnight. I was intrigued, but upset that he didn't buy me my needed groceries. The first smoothie was bananas, strawberries a big cup of plain yogurt and the liquid drink poured into the blender that went with the fruits used. It was so sweet and good that I drank the whole pitcher he made from about 2:30 P,M up till bedtime.
Avatar m tn A few nuts, some fruit, these are the kinds of snacks I try to have. This really helps me lose weight. But everyone is SO different and you have to stick to what is best for you. Have you tried the intermittent fasting where you stop eating at say 7 pm and don't eat again until 7 am? I see you eat low carb and no sugar now. What do you eat then? What's your portion control like? Exercise is great, it sounds like.
Avatar f tn If you want to lose weight you need to have right motivation, diet, and exercise, it can be achieved! It takes 3,500 calories to burn a pound. This means that you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in with food. So you need to take in fewer calories than you burn in a day.
53833 tn?1234996629 Unless you eat low-fat and high fiber, at the same time, you’re not going to lose weight.
Avatar n tn Fasting is not for weight loss. It's for a lot of things, mostly spiritual or for cleaning out the system once in awhile, but is not a good way for lasting weight loss. A "diet" is by definition not a way to lose weight permanently. A permanent change in diet is. I have nothing against fasting, just using it for weight loss.
Avatar f tn According to my endocrinologist, you shouls only consume 200 grams of carbs a day to lose weight.
Avatar f tn It is to MAINTAIN your current weight if you let it default. You can use that information to help you find those values and then return to the setup page and lower the calories so it will show you where you want to be to lose weight. For example .. if I default and it should 1,900 calories to maintain .. I may want to return to the setup page and check the manual calculation of 1,400 calories, which should allow me to lose approximately 1 lb per week.
Avatar f tn To lose weight the correct approach is to lower carbs, not protein. Monitor insulin doses carefully as you lower carbs as it is very likely that smaller doses of insulin will be required when eating less carbs.