
Carbs needed for building muscle

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs needed for building muscle


Avatar f tn s not unusual when you first start building muscle for the body size to decrease, but not the weight. Muscle is more dense than fat, so a pound of muscle takes less space than a pound of fat, which is why you're getting smaller, but the scale isn't moving. Have you calculated your actual calorie requirements each day and kept track of, exactly, what and how much you are eating?
Avatar f tn Are you really a female? 6'3" tall and only weigh 120 pounds? If all that is correct, you don't need to lose weight; you're already too thin. 750 calories is not nearly enough food and you can't maintain that; your body will start holding onto what little bit of fat you have, in order to protect itself.
Avatar m tn ve done away with carbs, I hope you just meant simple carbs such as white flour and sugar. Vegetables are also carbs, whole grains are carbs, and you need these for proper health. You can't just live on protein. It's unhealthy.
Avatar n tn So I take kickboxing 3-4 times a week, and a resistance (muscle building) class two days a week. I eat better than I ever have, mostly fruits and vegetables, almost no carbs, very few processed foods. I am not burning fat. I am building muscle, (my clothes are actually tighter), but I am not burning the fat. I don't really care what the scale says, but I would like to know why the fat is not going away. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Avatar m tn One, you are building lean muscle mass from running and that weights more than fat so it will look like you are not losing weight. The other is that Glutamine is a protein. Any nutrient (carbs, protein, and fats) intake that is increased and the body does not use it, it is stored in the body as fat. Suggest you start measuring your body instead of using a weight scale. You will become trimmer, clothes fitting looser, without really losing weight due to increased lean muscle mass.
256553 tn?1258883918 If there is a lack of carbs, the body uses protein which prevents the proteins from doing its job, building and repairing tissues. Fats are needed for formation of cell membranes and synthesise fundamental chemicals, help transport vitamins A,D, E, and K. Instead of cutting out carbohydrates, eat high fibre foods as well as low glycemic index foods as they slow the digestion of the body's carbohydrates.
Avatar f tn It started out as conditioning after school, doing build ups, distance and muscle building excersises for the season beginning in March. Three weeks into February, I got injured. I did some muscle damage to my calf, making it painful to run. Fast forward to now. I've healed for the most part and only deal with occasional pain/soreness and usually it's shin splints rather than the muscle damage. However, I've been noticing something strange. I'm not losing fat.
1385898 tn?1280168002 ve been trying to eat lots of food with calories an carbs as they are most important in building muscle, but even that i lack, my arms are still as skinny as a twigs an i dont know what to do, im at 3-4 meals a day with snacks in between meals. Please i need some help an advice on this, i am currently 113lbs an my goal right now is at least 130+ lbs. I am 5'8", and i smoke weed daily to help me with the eating cause it gives me the munchies, but i still dont gain.
Avatar m tn You should focus on building muscle by eating more lean protein. That will help all the way around.
Avatar n tn Welcome As long as you are working out and building/maintaining muscle mass, you should NOT be losing muscle. It's when you STOP exercising that you begin losing muscle. I'm not really up on "stone vs pounds" but I think your 13 stone converts to around 180 pounds - is that right? I don't know how tall you are, but 1000 calories doesn't sound like very much.
707563 tn?1626361905 But I do point out whenever these diets are mentioned that they are generally not considered healthy in the long-term, though they have shown some short-term weight loss and muscle building results. It is what it is. We all wish it were otherwise.
Avatar m tn At dinner, right? That means you could be fueling muscle growth for only a few hours a day, and breaking down muscle the rest of the time, Instead, you should spread out your protein intake. Your body can process only so much protein in a single sitting. A recent study from the University of Texas found that consuming 90 grams of protein at one meal provides the same benefit as eating 30 grams. It's like a gas tank, says study author Douglas Paddon-Jones, Ph.D.
Avatar n tn Carbohydrates will be used to produce energy and protein is needed for muscle gain through the use of strength training exercise. Muscle building is dependent on how much strength training is done and to what part of the body it is targeted to. Source: K. Mccarty Focus on what to eat to gain muscle. There are many techniques to build your muscles which can be executed for different purposes.
Avatar n tn Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day to provide your body with the minerals and nutrients needed for healthy weight gain before training. Fruits and vegetables contain glucose, which will provide your body with the necessary energy for a successful workout. In addition, the high fiber content in fruits and vegetables will prevent constipation that may occur when eating large amounts of carbs and proteins. A serving is about the size of a tennis ball, or one cup.
Avatar m tn IGF1 and Muscular Development Growth hormone goes from the pituitary gland to the liver and that stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factors which are polypeptide protein hormones known as (IGFs). There are a number of varieties, the various IGFs, IGF1 weightlifters are most interested in because it's anabolic, muscle-building effects.
Avatar f tn And as for interval cardio burning fat and not muscle, it depends on how long you do it. Interval a marathon and you will eat into your muscle. It just depends. I assume your workout given your very poor physical condition is pretty easy compared to endurance athletes, who do eat into their muscle doing cardio. Everything depends, and that's all I keep saying, whereas you keep telling everyone to do the same things you've bought into at the moment.
221122 tn?1323011265 I have tried to maintain body building with them, as much as I can for my schedule, but I am losing muscle mass. There was no fat on them to start. I am at wit's end because I feel like a freak. Moreover, even with this new weight, my stomach still holds a few too many inches of fat. Is there any reason why I am losing muscle mass at such an extreme rate and is there anything I can do???
Avatar m tn many article on insulin resistance but i found studies where insulin resistance get better by losing fat and building muscle because muscle respond better to insulin. another study says high intensity training improve insulin resistance because high intensity like sprint can only work on glucose can not work on ketones. many conflict studies about low carb high fat. seem like new area. but i know for fact my friends who on paleo and not diabetic have high sugar when they eat carbs.
2101610 tn?1333561243 Sometimes not eating what your body needs does that, especially if you're skipping breakfast. When your body doesn't have fuel from food, it will burn muscle, and muscle is needed to aid in weight loss. Eat normally, just exercise portion control. I find people who try to really watch what they eat and have a splurge day or limit themselves severely end up having splurge days, over splurge, which is also counterintuitive. You need carbs, some fat, etc., to have a balanced diet.
Avatar m tn ve got PCOS and have been able to drop over 100 pounds (I average 20 a year) its been slow but its come off - but it did take a good year plus of working with a diabetic dietitian to find the right combo that would work for me (carbs, protein and fats) that and finding out which foods just don't agree with me and eliminating them from my meal plan.
5536886 tn?1455827346 This is contrary to how exercise affects most people -- it actually tends to reduce appetite in most of us. It also uses up time we might have sat around noshing. That sometimes messes people up, however, because as you increase exercise you actually do need more nutrition -- not necessarily more calories, but more nutrition-dense foods. I don't know how much exercise you've added, but if it's resistance training, more protein is usually needed, but that doesn't mean steaks.
7650155 tn?1414371335 This past week I've decided to get serious about my health. I'm 29 years old, 5 feet 7.5 inches tall and about 150 pounds. I've always been active but am focusing on leaning up and building muscle . My diet consists of: Breakfast: 5 egg whites & one yoke fried with olive oil. Half a grapefruit & a half a cup of quinoa with one tablespoon of chia seeds, agave & cinnamon. Lunch & dinner: varies between chicken, fish or ground Turkey. And a side of veggies.