
Getting pregnant in your 20s

Common Questions and Answers about Getting pregnant in your 20s


1483631 tn?1319228646 Hey, hang in there. I am 37 going on 38 shortly and currently ttc for #2. I concieved dd at age 35 with a little help via IUI (but I have PCOS so I had that hurtle to overcome.) My friend both at 38 and 40 without any help successfully had two pg and two wonderful babies! The precious advice is spot on. Take care of your body and if things don't go as planned, look at your options in regards to fertility help from a RE or your GYN.
Avatar f tn My mom found out on instagram. Lol! I don't really have that bond with my mom anymore, because she doesnt like the man i chose to be with for the rest of my life. She's selfish like that. But she called me yelling and cussing at me, pretty much calling me trash. I told her if she was seriously going to yell at me and be imature about it and not talk to me like an adult. Then i don't want to hear it. Im almost 20. But ive definitely grown up alot in the past 2 years.
Avatar f tn Gosh, it's tricky sometimes to figure out. I'd do the progesterone test over again. My mother had this situation and it was related to her progesterone. Are you hoping to get pregnant as well now?
7476354 tn?1391460990 I waited because I wanted to make sure I was ready for the responsibility. I was married to a very immature man in my early 20s, and I honestly didn't want to feel like I was raising 2 kids at once. When I met my current husband, I knew right away I wanted to have children with him. You do a lot of ground and maturing in your 20s. I'm definitely not the same person at 34 that I was at 24.
Avatar f tn Also, unfortunately, the chances of the embyro being abnormal when a woman is over 40 is fairly dramatically greater than for younger women. So, in reality, you most likely lost your baby because of an abnormality in the chromosomes. Miscarriages are very common in older women. If you are still ovulating, you have a chance for a healthy baby. ( I remember one patient who had her first at 50 and her second at 51). Good luck!
Avatar m tn Yes it could be a cyst OR a fibroadenoma and probably is but you still need to have this investigated by your Dr. In the future if and when you discover something not normal within your breast you need to see your Dr. immediately for an exam and diagnosis. The two above mentioned findings are both related to hormone levels in the body. Whether this lump is the cause of your "Prickly" feeling is possible if perhaps a nerve is involved but that's really hard to say.
Avatar f tn I am 21 years old. I am not particularly active, meaning I do not exercise regularly, but I am not out of shape. My joints crack constantly in the following areas: back, wrists, ankles, toes, fingers, knuckles, shoulders, elbows, knees, hips. They do this on command as well as randomly throughout the day. I'm most concerned with my hips and shoulders. There is no pain. It is very loud and a little embarrassing at times. Is it harmful, since I am so young?
Avatar f tn I wore a heart monitor for about 3-4 weeks back in November and it didn’t show any abnormalities in my heart rhythm or anything. I will definitely be getting a second opinion and looking into seeing a cardiologist. Thank you for your input!!
Avatar n tn Thanks for your comment! Althought, our families have said something along the lines that you mentioned it's always good hearing it from someone else.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with PCOS when i was still a teen. I am now in my late 20s and have been unable to conceive with my husband. My GYN found a large cyst on one of my ovaries. I just had it removed. I've not been diagnosed as infertile yet, but my doctor told me I would go on clomid after I recover. Did any of you ladies have luck conceiving after a cystectomy and how soon?
Avatar f tn Not sure where you heard that...but no its not based off of age but the woman...i have friends in their 20's that have to go through fertility treatment because they cant get pregnant...its really based off the person...
Avatar f tn Mines has been slow the entire time... when I was in the teens I was like omgggggg this is taking forever I can't wait to get to my 20s, now that I'm in my 20s I can't wait to get to my 30s lol so it's been pretty slow the entire pregnancy but thinking back from where Im at now I guess it's been quick kind of! Just so anxious to meet my little girl!
1356157 tn?1285445697 No,that's not considered doing good at all,in my opinion. You still did 80mg. in 24 hours so you haven't even tapered. Did you take anything else last night? If you want to get clean you need to stop or taper down and stop. You can't be doing this your BF. Think it over and decide what you're going to do and we'll support you. Personally,I think you're a good candidate for in patient detox. You were on a very,very high dose at 800mg.
Avatar f tn Hi there. No, it's super annoying but not concerning. Your hormones are out of whack a bit making your cycle a different length each time. It very well could just right itself naturally but if too annoying, you can talk to your doctor about BC pills to regulate your cycle.
689528 tn?1364135841 Women get help for infertility in their 20s yet its a young enough age but over 38 in the uk you get no help whatsoever.How do you call that fair?Its discrimination really but thats how it is.
Avatar f tn t realize what i was getting into until after I was pregnant. But I turned 30 in August and die want to wait any longer. So far this pregnancy has been better than my first.
1317258 tn?1421713625 is do you have medical problems, or are you just not getting pregnant it takes a normal couple 12+ months to concieve
Avatar f tn I was 36 with my first pregnancy. We got pregnant the first month we tried, but I miscarried. Then it took about 3 months or so from the miscarriage to even try again. We started trying again in July last year and got pregnant in October. I'm currently 28+6. You're younger than I am and with no known fertility problems, you should be able to conceive soon. I used an ovulation kit and it worked.
Avatar f tn Every now and then, someone writes in who is worried she is pregnant but is afraid to test and find out. I always wonder why, since you don't get pregnant from a test, and pregnancy doesn't go away by itself if it is ignored. But even worse, it kind of high-centers the woman on a little mountain of fears. She can't get off the mountain because she won't test, so she sits there and stresses over what might be a totally baseless fear. Same reaction here.
Avatar f tn It is very unlikely that you will be pregnant as ovulation occurs in the middle of your cycle not straight after a period has just finished.
Avatar m tn ANYTHING can cause a temp ED problem, even in your 20's!!! I would suggest seeing your dr & mentioning the Accutane & the research results you have found. I do vaguely remember seeing an advertisement for some lawyer group in the states claiming a lawsuit to the manufacturer of Accutane & anyone who suffered from a list of problems INCLUDING Accutane !!!
Avatar f tn My husband motivates me everyday with weightloss and confidence, but I dont know. Ive read articles about women getting pregnant with pecos but those are just articles. Is there anyone here that has pcos that can give me some encouragement, knowledge, helpful lifestyle tips? Thank you!
Avatar m tn They tested me for seizures when I was in my early 20s because I would get spacey. They said when I was pregnant my brain shrunk and when it went back to normal size postpartum it was using a damaged area for memory... I was miserable forever and started thinking I was a hypochondriac until I was getting migraines that were making me go blind.MRI AT 37....FINALLY! A diagnosis... And I wasn't crazy.
1071322 tn?1255901253 But I in my 20s began to get hair and the other MINOR symptoms of PCOS.... I did not miss my periods till later in my late 20s...... I would suggest watching your symptoms, and POSSILBLY getting a pelvic and internal ultrasound if your have and abdominal symptoms.
Avatar n tn I had endo probably from the time I had my first period at 12. I had my first laparoscopy in my 20s, and had 3 before getting an official diagnosis of endo at 32. I finally got a doctor who said no more surgeries. Because the endo was so bad, I had adhesions from endo and scar tissue, plus severe ovarian cysts and some other things, I had a hysterectomy in my mid 30s. I say hold off on the surgery. It will always be there if you need it later.