
Pregnant hungry all the time

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Avatar f tn t feel hungry your baby is . But I feel hungry all the time all day long . Try eatn something small . If it hurts . With you ulcer . I eat breakfast then through out the day eat little snack . Then eat a good dinner .
Avatar f tn ( I'm almost 38 weeks lol and I can eat all day but I'll get full fast): also I'm nauseous AGAIN idk why
Avatar f tn I am feeling hungry all the time. Just after 10/20 mints of my lunch or dinner i have an urge to eat more. I am not stressful. Neither pregnant. But then why do i feel this way. Plzzz help?
Avatar f tn I'm 5 weeks, 3 days pregnant and I'm hungry all the time. My stomach is always growling. I've read you should only put on 1-2 pounds in the first trimester. Why am I so hungry this early in the pregnancy?
Avatar f tn I'm 24 wks and I eat all the time I have since before I knew I was pregnant lol my .
1486020 tn?1354028475 completely agree with the above poster. I was hungry all the time and found out my sugar levels were going crazy. I craved sweets non stop. I believe its the bodies way of trying to get whats needed.
Avatar f tn I am over weight and I stay bloated all the time and it does not matter if i ate ten minutes ago i feel as if i am starving all the time, im always hungry i try not to eat but if i dont ill get sick. I am also gassy all the time for some reason and always tired, what can this be????? sorry kind of alot of stuff in one thing but i feel like i am falling apart and i am only 21 so i need help and suggestions on what could be wrong with me.
Avatar f tn Yep, hungry all the time!!! I gain the most weight in my first trimester but my baby girl is super healthy. Ranking in the 95 percentail and will be a 10 pounder. Even though i gain like 50 pounds it was all worth it, she is super healthy. Because i ate, i never felt sick. You are not alone. I'm due in 2 weeks.
Avatar f tn I'm 27 wks and I'm hungry all the time but I love meats more now than b 4 being preg.
2104110 tn?1358318243 I snack a lot all the time. My bf says I eat too much and I told him no.. I eat more often. Lol.
296340 tn?1336164001 I am 38 years old and 8 weeks pregnant. I am excessively hungry all the time... every hour I have to eat something. Within 9 days I gained close to 8 lbs. is it normal? I thought that the first trimester you might not eat anything at all due to morning sickness.. well I do have my morning sickness, but still I have to eat.. each time when I ate, I started feeling nausea... Any advise will help...
Avatar f tn I'm 8 weeks and 2 days and I'm hungry all the time I don't remember being this hungry this early on in my first pregnancy
Avatar n tn Also try drinking water when hungry to fill up. I am not aware of any medical issues that makes one hungry all the time, other than a tape worm, but then you wouldn't gain weight. Even this may be an old wive's tale LOL. If someone else has an ideas they will post to your question, so stay with us for more advice. In the meantime when you want something to eat, ask yourself "am I actually hungry, or just want to eat?" Take care..
Avatar f tn I'm hungry all the time as well. I'm 17 weeks with a little gitl I just try to eat healthy snacks through the day.
Avatar f tn Anyone else hungry all the time?? I'm 18+2 and I eat & eat &eat and can't get full no matter what I eat.. Is this normal at this far gone?
Avatar f tn Omg the same way i just turned 15 weeks and man can i eat and on top of that ...I crave chips and all the time you have any dinner ideas ???
4320028 tn?1365814475 I had my decompression surgery just over Week ago. i can't say that my recovery has been anything that i thought it would be. i was not prepared for needing a walker and constant help. i was prepared to be tired and have incision pain and some minor headaches. i was really hoping that the pressure I've been feeling for months would finally go away. my ns says its normal since there is still swelling in my brain. by far, i was the most UNPREPARED for being hungry all the time.