
No periods for a year

Common Questions and Answers about No periods for a year


Avatar n tn Has anyone had any problem like this or could possible suggest a possible problem? We have been trying for over a year to get pregnant with no periods or ovulation! Remember, it's not Thyroud issues or PCOS. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Dear All, my daughter has PCOS and has not had a period for about a year now , she has taken metafrom in the past and lost weight and her periods were regular. After that she stopped taking the tablets put on weight and now like I said hasn't had period for so long.
Avatar n tn A friend of mine had this happen - no periods for more than a year. She was breastfeeding and also trying to get pregnant again. I think reducing the frequency of the breastfeeding got her period to come back after a couple more months - and then she got pregnant again!
Avatar n tn Hormones are a real pain, aren't they? This can happen, periods just don't show up and we have a really long cycle but STILL have the PMS symptoms. Grrr. Try not to worry. If you don't have it for 3 straight months, call your doctor as they usually want to see you around that time frame. I had a slow thyroid and had periods about once every three or four months for a year and a half in my 20's. It righted itself.
Avatar f tn My friend found out after ttc for over a year that she had a folic acid deficiency and so was basically infertile without taking a vitamin. I agree a fertility clinic might be a good place to go- or at least some specialist. A gp can be an amazing dr but they're not specialists so things can fall through the cracks and they won't know.
Avatar f tn I've been lightly spotting for 12 months now I haven't had a really periods since June of last year during spotting I get horrible cramps..
Avatar f tn I haven't been able to conceive for any known reason either. My ex husband and I tried for 6 years, and my boyfriend and I have been trying for a while now. My periods are regular also....I've done testing and nothing shows up to be a problem.
Avatar n tn my daughter is eighteen yrs old and is not sexually active but she is not getting her periods. Shes been dianoised with crohns disease over a year ago and is taken 9 to 10 pills aday for that. Please tell me what could be wrong. She has no pain from the crohns or lack of periods.
Avatar f tn I am not getting my periods since 7-april of this year I had a miscarrige and the bleeding happened just like 2 days...and after that its almost 4 months I have got no periods and also I am not pregnant...
Avatar f tn Because you have just started your period last year, it is normal for your menstrual cycle to be irregular. This means for the next [average] 2 years after you first began your period, you could go a week, month, 3 months, 5 months, or even a year without your period. One time your period may last for 3 days, another for 7, and then for 5 days. Usually [average] 2 years after you start your period, it will become regular.
Avatar n tn I got my first period at 14, and between then and now, have lost it several times for a year or longer. In high school, I was put on Premarin and a few other pills, none of which had any effect. At 21, I finally began birth control (my mom was very opposed to this for the health risks, which is why I didn't start it sooner). I had a great experience - no side effects, and my periods were finally regular, even while at a lower weight.
Avatar n tn If it has been a long time since you last had your period, I would set up an appointment with your doctor so they can check things out and possibly give you a progesterone supplement to get your cycle back on track. The progesterone will "trick" your body into thinking that you already ovulated, and therefore bring on a period. Good luck!
Avatar f tn It sounds like she may have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which is associated with an irregular menstrual cycle and, typically, only about 4 periods per year. She may need a higher dose or longer duration of the medication (a progestin?) to force a period.
Avatar f tn I'm trying to get pregnant but unfortunately I haven't had my period for a year now. I'll be 28 in april. I went to the doctor but they haven't done anything yet to help. Any suggestions on how to jump-start my period so maybe I can ovulate? Natural suggestions are more than welcome. Anything at all, I'm willing to try anything at this point. Reposting this here since mods moved the previous post to the wrong section. It's been over a year of trying with no luck.
1661470 tn?1302935766 Hello I'm 20 yrs old and been married for a little over a year and my husband and I have been ttc since with no luck.. my doctor found that I have 2 small fibroid tumors after he did a pelvic is 1.8cm and is in my cervix and the other is 16mm in the uterus.. I want to know if this can be the cause of me not being pregnant yet.. are they big enough to be the cause or can it be blocking my cervix..what can be going on? Will I be able to get pregnant??
Avatar f tn You need to have a period at least four times per year (quarterly) to prevent a build up of tissue in your uterus. Having no period puts you at risk for endometrial cancer. There are medications that can help you have your period and there are medications when the time comes that can help you have a baby. Good luck!
Avatar n tn I'm 17, I've had regular periods since they started, aside from being a couple of days early/late every now and again. But so far this year, I haven't had a period. It's now been almost 5 months, but I can't remember if I even had one in December. There is 0% chance of me being pregnant, so I'm starting to get a bit worried as to what's going on... Just wondering what is causing this, should I see a doctor, is it common?
Avatar f tn it has been a year.... Don't just let your dr say well it could be this. Ask for a referral to a feriltiy speciailist they can hopefully help you more then your Dr sounds like they are.
Avatar f tn i have never had regular periods and have went just over a year and a half without a period.. i got so many test and everything done and some doctors would try and tell me maybe i have endometriosis only to have my ob (whom is awesome) confrim that i have never had that. my sister in law is 24 and has not had her period for just under a year they tried some type of birth control to help but still nothing. i would try not to worry.
Avatar f tn Well, periods and cycles can be irregular in the teen years for sure. However, I think that only 4 periods a year is probably outside of that. Have you had an annual pelvic exam yet? Talk to your mother as I would say that it is time to schedule one of those. You will see a specialty of doctor called an obstentrics/gynecologist or ob/gyn. They take care of our reproductive system and female parts.
Avatar f tn It took mine 18 months I had my daughter 4 1/2 years ago iud was only in for 3 months took till now to get pregnant last year had a miscarriage mirena *****
Avatar f tn I have been trying for nearly two years to get pregnant, last year in July I had an abnormal smear so had to have lasser treatment, after started trying again then in march I had a miscarriage where there was no baby just the sac so had to have a D&C that's been five months ago and still trying, the think is my periods after was fine but for the last two months they have been really heavy and I mean really heavy and also been having spotting in between my periods, went to the doctors an
Avatar m tn I'm 24 years old, male, was very healthy a year ago. I graduated college, moved to a new town, and got a great job. I've slowly debilitated starting around October of last year. At first, I would just notice that I was getting weak and light-headed every now and then. A few months later, at my job, I noticed I couldn't do as much when climbing stairs or working in hot situations long periods of time.