
Lexapro social anxiety

Common Questions and Answers about Lexapro social anxiety


Avatar f tn i have social anxiety also, i am on lexapro which helps a bit... and no change in weight as of yet anyway..
Avatar f tn If you find the answer to this question, let me know. Iam the exact same way. People seem to think i am stuck-up, or a b tch. My husband is the only one that gets me. One thing I have learned, when i do talk to people, i try to talk enough to bring up my shyness and it seems after that they know im not stuck-up and they reach out more. I dont take it anymore but when i was on lexapro, i was more confident with who i was and was able to talk more to people.
433485 tn?1321813390 Hello Sue357. I have been suffering from social anxiety for over three years and i have been on XR Seroquel for the last year in a half. it has been helping me find peace within myself, but anxiety still haunts me daily. Mostly when i go out to work, parties or even a simple phone call.
Avatar m tn I take Lexapro for depression and social anxiety, and it has been amazing. Unlike Prozac, Lexapro is specifically recognized by the FDA as a treatment for social anxiety as well as depression. After just three days of taking it I felt like I'd finally woken up after walking around in a daze for years. I was in therapy at the time (still am) and I have also found that I'm much more able to use the therapy effectively now that I'm no longer depressed and scared all the time.
358304 tn?1409709492 it definitely seems to help while you're still on the meds. I didn't do the CBT while I was on paxil as I felt I'd overcome my social anxiety for the longest time. However, as I've gone off (almost) paxil, I've found that my thinking has gone right back to where it started!
Avatar n tn I saw a psychiatrist and he suggested I had a slight social phobia and some generalised anxiety. A small amount of valium worked until lexapro (an antidepressant) kicked in and then i began to feel normal again quickly. If it's acute and you feel not quite right, go to your doctor and ask for some antianxiety meds, a very low dose that you should never use for a month, and never use it if you are drinking alcohol. You may be better to skip the vlium altogether and try an antidepressant...
Avatar f tn I am presently on lexapro,I was on cymbalta,I have social anxiety, anxiety,OCD and major depression.I am just wondering what medication would be best for my condtions.
1649932 tn?1348082640 Social anxiety is a common anxiety issue. You are certainly not alone at all. It takes some time for medication to regulate in your system and get working properly. Ive heard it takes from a week to 2 weeks for this to happen. I would contact your psychiatrist, or whoever perscribed you Risperidone, and seek their opinion. Medicine works differently for everyone. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa.
Avatar f tn So I have palpitations pvcs and fast heartbeat but eliminating caffeine and starting Metroprolol has helped a lot. But I also have pretty severe social avoidance and anxiety especially in unknown situations and people. I've been unemployed for some time because I'm so anxious about starting a job. I've been taking Xanax as needed for awhile which helps the anxiety and also just recently stopped Propranolol and started Metroprolol.
433485 tn?1321813390 i suffer anxiety and have found that certain things bring on attacks+sugar is defo one of them things.if i have sugary foods,alcohol or little sleep,the next day i am a wreck with my anxiety.if i have some sort of social event coming up,i'l avoid these triggers for a few days and must say my anxiety is at its lowest state for doing so.just wondered how did you get diagnosed,my doctor hasn't give me any diagnosis just says i suffer anxiety.
Avatar m tn im 18 and have a social anxiety problem and i dont no what to do about it anymore. I tried to go back to school yesterday and had one of the worse experiences with the anxiety of my life. I seriously felt lie i was going to die while sittting in the classroom and had to leave. I`ve never told anyone i had this problem before because im so embarrassed.
Avatar m tn Social anxiety is a pretty common form of anxiety in my opinion. If you read many of the posts here you will probably see many similarities in your experience with this. Have you always been shy/nervous in big groups of people? Have you suffered from anxiety in the past? Anxiety can be a real big pain in the you know what, but it is VERY 'treatable' with understanding and the willingness to confront it even thought it can be very confusing and scary; especially in the beginning....
1308146 tn?1295864373 The experience on the train with the guy who triggered your panic reaction by being too forward is just one example of social anxiety. Many woman would have just told him to back off. But all of us with anxiety know we react by running:). Fight or flight kicks in and off we go! How is the job coming along? You told us about your first day, but I haven't seen any posts since. If you have been able to manage it, congratulations.
Avatar m tn He performed a neurological examination on me, which was normal and perscribed me lexapro for anxiety. I kept my appointment with the other neurologist, who is more well known. He performed another neurological examination on me, which was also normal. I asked him if another M.R.I. could be done, which he was kind enough to order on my cervical spine. This was also normal.
Avatar f tn I am on prozac 20mg I started it about a month ago I am now 37weeks and it has helped a lot!!!
Avatar n tn If you respond well to Celexa then you might respond even better to Lexapro. Lexapro is a the next generation of Celexa. You can research it to better understand hard to explain in chemistry terms. The side effects of Lexapro tend to be less severe than Celexa also. The above answer that was left by Paxiled is all correct as well.
Avatar n tn t seem to control a symptom of high anxiety or another mental disorder. i do have social anxiety and somewhat daily panic attacks for about 2 years. but the last couple of weeks, i cant seem to get my brain to slow down. im havin alot of negative thoughts that i cant stop or even control at all and just really out there "why the hell did i just think that". Is trying to cope with this stress for so long on my own taken its toll??? but could this be ADD with anxiety???
Avatar f tn I've been diagnosed - by a psychiatrist - with Social Anxiety Disorder. I've been taking Lexapro for almost 2 months - started on 10 mg and the dosage was up to 20 mg two weeks ago. Also, for the last 3 months I've been speaking every week or two with a licensed professional counselor. My main problem is associating with people that are close to my age range, I'm 26.
Avatar m tn I am on dostinex and I was concerned with it effecting the lexapro I take for depression and anxiety. I asked the pharmacist and he said they'd be safe together. I had my anxiety before the start of dostinex, but, I think the side effects of the dostinex cause me a lot of trouble and since have had an increase in anxiety even with the lexapro. Can I ask what symptoms your tumor caused you? Elevated prolactin? How long does your dr. suspect you'll have to take the Dostinex?
794366 tn?1418009395 By the time third day comes without Klonopin wafer even though I take 40 mg of Lexapro my depression worsens and my anxiety worsens and roaming of thought about what is the point becomes prevalent, which is relieved if I take Klonopin 2 mg at least every second day. Therefore additional anxiety that she believes that Lexapro 40 mg should take care of anxiety and stop the need for Klonopin is present and brings us additional unneeded worry.
1295419 tn?1276822872 My gp is handing me over to a psychiatrist because I have severe anxiety and while the lexapro helps immensely, I also need talk therapy to overcome what I am going through. I also have very obsessive tendencies and it is to the point that it is affecting my life. It is over my gp's level of expertise, although she has helped a lot. She is not trained to deal with more than the everyday stress people deal with. Mine is much more than that.
Avatar n tn I think social anxiety is hard to deal with. Have you been diagnosed with this or ocd? What does help with social anxiety is practice. Role playng. Also observing others. And remembering that no one knows what is going on in your head so if you try to appear calm on the outside, they will not know that you are very anxious inside. When you say compulsive staring at body parts, what do you mean? And most importantly, what are you doing to treat the condition?
Avatar m tn Dude, you sound almost exactly like me. The only difference is that my anxiety was nearly all the time rather than in as big of waves as yours. To be sure, mine did come in waves too, just of smaller magnitude. I have all the symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder. You may be more on the panic disorder side. No one knows/knew I have it though as I live a normal life on the surface. Everything you describe is me pretty much. Therefore I feel like I can comment here.