
Jaw pain from teeth cleaning

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain from teeth cleaning


Avatar f tn i was perfectly fine before my last cleaning, the DAY AFTER, my teeth hurt, which i thought, well, that can happen after a cleaning....but it got worse and felt like cavities, went back a month later and nothing found. two weeks later a huge sore appeared on the roof of my mouth, my ear hurt, jaw and upper neck was swollen, but the pain in my teeth went completely away after that sore appeared.
Avatar f tn he suggested 2 things ,i still have a wisdom tooth that could of got a little disturbed from the cleaning and it has to come out on the left side where the pain and ear pain is, or from clenching my teeth i injured my jaw causing tmj! i am giving it 2 more weeks to heal on its own if it doesn't i am going to get an ex-ray and take it from there. this is one of those things that just happens with no explanation!
Avatar f tn so far I am 27weeks. During pregnancy is there pain in dental cleanings? Heard from a friend there is pain. Are teeth whitenings allowed?
Avatar m tn My dentist say if there is no pain and my jaw is not bothering me than she said we can delay the surgery. But she also said surgery might be necessary because all of my wisdom teeth are coming out in a diagonal direction instead of surfacing straight, and there is no space in between teeth for all four wisdom teeth to fit in appropriately. As she said this will affect lining of other teeth and increase chances for food getting stuck and cavities, maybe infection (I am not sure she say that).
Avatar m tn I also had fillings on the same jaw soon after as well. The gum pain worsened after 3 weeks from the initial deep cleaning and is now also in the jaw. However, initially after the deep cleaning the pain was reduced for a couple of days. The dentist believes this is cause by night teeth grinding, but don't think so. The pain starts at night while I am still awake and becomes worse when I lay down.
Avatar f tn my bite is still off but i dont have jaw pain. I NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS BEFORE UNTIL I GOT MY TEETH CLEANED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this to me is unbelievable,i thought maybe she damaged my nerves doing something wrong? maybe the tools weren't clean or i picked up something? i have no idea,ANYTHING THAT CAN HELP WOULD BE SOOOOOO HELPFUL!!!!!!!!!i go back in a week to get x rayed he wanted to wait because he did not want to take to soon so the abcess would show!!!!!!!! i am just sick over this!!!!!!!
Avatar n tn ve been experiencing severe tooth/jaw pain in my left jaw area. Back in October I had a cleaning and some xrays done, which showed nothing but an old amalgamate filling. The dentist replaced it with a composite filling, and all was fine. I had been experiencing some minor sensitivity on both sides to cold (sometimes) and sweets, but that's "normal", I guess.
440535 tn?1312368065 When I started the Chiari issues I had just dislocated my jaw and hit my head and the jaw pain was causing tooth pain. They thought I might be clenching at night so I ended up with a bite guard at night and it helped greatly with tooth pain! Since you have a tight neck with Chiari it just makes sense that it will also be jaw issues so maybe teeth? Just frustrating how much pain can be in the neck area! :) Good luck!
Avatar f tn I had my wisdom teeth pulled and for months after that I could barely open my jaw and was in extreme pain. Since then it settled down & the tmj was bearable. Now I have been having some issues and was told I need a good cleaning by the dentist (i have major tarter buildup) and i need xrays as there are many visible cavities in my molars. I am afraid to have the cleaning done & the cavities filled as im afraid it will make my tmj worse!
Avatar n tn My husband who has had this treatment many times assured me it would go away. Yesturday I had no pain in my teeth and thought... final. Then today I was eating a piece of beef and bit down on my right side and felt sudden pain. The whole right side of my jaw has hurt since then, about 9 hours. I was just examining my teeth trying to figure out what was going on.
Avatar m tn So before going ahead I start to investigate on the internet and there was a vet who was puzzled about painful grooves in teeth of cats brought to him and he reckoned it was either the consequence of tooth cleaning or hard food or both. From then on I clean my teeth with a paste of bicarbonate of soda and few drops of lemon juice, a tooth brush, interdental brushes and an electric tooth brush.
Avatar m tn She can open her mouth all the way like yawning, but seems not to bother her. I was wondering could this be a jaw problem. If so would it be a fracture or a dislocation?
293157 tn?1285873439 Its been over three days and still alot of pain on right side of face from above my ears, down to under jaw line..all teeth on right side are in pain.. I need to know if I have an infection or what?
Avatar m tn Actually, I should add: The pain alternates between pain from the tooth (particularly when liquids touch) to a dull lower jaw pain to odd instances of pain in the cheek and head (perhaps tension headaches). It is not always present but more there than not.
Avatar n tn That will help with any pain that might be in your gums from the cleaning and warm compresses on your jaw and neck will help with the muscle strain. The red spots on your tongue can be caused by dry mouth. Having your mouth open for the length of cleaning time would dry out your tongue and irritate the papilla (taste buds) on it. Good luck. All this will pass with some time. Don't forget to keep those teeth very clean now so the infection doesn't come back.
1362888 tn?1277758752 i started taking methadone about 3 months ago and in the last week or so my teeth started hurting, at first it was a dull pain but now its a throbing pain and all my teeth and even my jaw are killing me, why? ive always had pretty healthy teeth and just had my rutine cleaning in january and no problems then.
581210 tn?1220834780 However, I still have daily episodes of intense pain that may leave a lingering severe ache before the pain remits. Anti-inflammatories may help, but not always. Tylenol doesn't help. I was referred to an oral surgeon who said it is definitely a nerve issue, and if I wasn't better in a month, we might consider Neurontin. The site of injection is healed, no infection, no abscess. On x-rays, everything looks physically okay.
Avatar f tn You can get nerve pain from teeth extractions. There is another injury board where people post from dental injuries and one of the "common" ones is from wisdom teeth extraction. It appears the longer you wait the higher the risk of nerves being intertwined with the tooth. Did the pain start shortly after the tooth extraction?
Avatar m tn 1.) I have pain on side teeth and it travels to the left ear and down side-neck. I guess it's a nerve issue? Is it solely a tooth thing or is it something more? It brings about a feeling of aching in the ear. Any dental advice here. 2.) Also, sometimes I've been told I have cavities. Then I had cleaning, fillings, flossed daily, and brushed 3 times a day. Yet, the cavities would come back. Why? How can the cavities come back if I'm doing everything I was told to do?
Avatar f tn I was having a severe pain due to wisdom teeth then I got treatment from Dr. William.
Avatar f tn Now, when i brush my teeth or touch, pucker my cheeks and lips, my lower gums ache. Its not the area near my teeth that hurt but by my lower jaw where my teeth are growing that it hurts. I read online that periodontits causes this but i'm not sure that this is what i have because my dentist said my teeth and gums were fine. Also when I open my mouth wide where my upper and lower jaws connect also hurts and kinda clicks.
Avatar m tn Help? Anyone experience tooth/teeth soreness or pain while on this treatment? If so what did you do?
Avatar f tn Are you in pain. If not I would just get a second opinion. Maybe they just want to make money.
Avatar m tn I went to the dentist about 3 weeks ago and was told that i had caivities on 6 upper teeth. I went back the next day and had them filled with the white fillings and also had deep cleaning done on my upper arch. Since then i have had pain whenever i eat anything harder than bread.
Avatar n tn so im 15 years old, i went for the dentist for the first time to clean my teeth, everything went normal you know, little amount of blood and it was done, after i returned to my home i started to be painful, i know it should be painful but not as they way as i feel, i feel a rumble between my teeth happeneing in the lower jaw, the pressure between the teeth is so painful and i feel they are going to explode, just sayin, i have problems in the lower jaw as my teeth arent in a straight row+sometime
977806 tn?1249067346 The midnight teeth grinding is not something you'd ever notice but the dentist will. After all, you're asleep and not concious of what's going on during sleep. If you have him do an impression for a biteguard when he fixes the tooth, you'll know that nothing else should happen to your teeth while you're on the riba. It's a little like a kid's retainer. Mine is small and thin and only covers the top front teeth, keeping the back teeth from touching at all.