
Fingernails ridged

Common Questions and Answers about Fingernails ridged


Avatar n tn weight gain, difficulty losing weight, IBS with constipation, dry skin, dry thinning hair, outer portion of eyebrow gone, ridged fingernails with no moons on fingers, brain fog, fatigue, mood changes, depression, high cholesterol, low blood pressure, slow pulse, headaches, sensitivity to light, decreased sex drive, menstrual changes,
Avatar m tn For the past year I have had ridged lines going horizontally across both of my big toenails. At first I thought nothing of it but I am now wondering if it could be something serious. My other toenails are fine and so are my fingernails so I am unsure if it is beaus nails or not? Please help!
Avatar f tn but i noticed white stripes going across my toenails - 7 of 10 of them BUT my fingernails are just fine - anyone ever see this before? i am kind of thinking it is a sx of the pegasys, copegus - anyone have any clues???
Avatar f tn I tell ya people, I am totally exhausted, my face is scary pale and my fingernails are so dry they are ridged and peeling away faster than I can actually clip them off. (ouch!) Have any of you had labs/findings with any similarity? I want to ask the Online Doctor but he wasn't open for business today.. I would love your help.
Avatar m tn I've never had sexual intercourse and I've never masturbated before. I have used tampons and I've noticed that if I don't put them in a certain way they hurt/get caught on something. I was curious and put a finger in my vagina. On the wall closer to my body, I felt soft bumps. It felt like warts on the sides and then a ridged bump in the middle. It doesn't hurt too much but I get a very minor pain. It's not even pain, but ore of an uncomfortable feeling.
Avatar f tn My mole behind my left ear has been there since I can remember, and used to be brown and round, with no medical problems relating to it. Now, it is asymmetrical with ridged and uneven edges, and is a little bit raised in the center. What does this mean?
Avatar f tn Priapism’s when the penis does not return to a flaccid/semi-ridged state. You probably can’t identify whether his penis’s erect because many young males’ penises are semi-ridged when not erect. Chances are he’s having Normal erections and isn’t use to feeling them. Children can have erections, but are much more excessive during puberty. Erections are embarrassing for male preteens/teens during puberty because they can happen without reason at any time.
1674823 tn?1307263620 I have been noted to have domed fingernails but not apparently 'clubbed' They have been like this as long as I can remember What might cause domed nails but not clubbed. ???
Avatar f tn The doctor says my thyroid hormone levels fluctuates as do my symptoms. My fingernails are the worst and I am so very tired and weak. They are very soft and thin with ridges. I thought the synthyroid was supposed to help with these issues. Am I wrong and is something else going wrong This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/263637'>Fingernails indicative of thyroid problems?</a>.
745313 tn?1323142298 I knew about the thinning hair, which I am experiencing to a much, MUCH worse degree than I expected (but hey, it's summer!! ) But I have never read anything about tx affecting your fingernails. It only makes sense, as they are both made of the same thing - but has anyone else had this problem? Mine are awful! They are like paper, thin, peeling, and constantly ripping, even though they are cut completely short.
Avatar f tn Anyone have terrible fingernails with their VDD? I ask because for the past few years my nails have been very blah, the minute they start to grow they just split and peel. Now, I have noticed being on the VD for the past few weeks/months my nails finally seem to be growing slowly and not splitting or peeling, yet anyhow.
1067423 tn?1267740670 Hey there, girl.....I don't know. It sounds terrible. When I was getting chemo, I had an eruption of psoriasis and I lost my toenails and they aren't coming back....chemo ended 5 years ago. I hurt my toes all the time; but I know it would be much worse if it was my finger nails. I wish I could offer some help. Maybe someone will come along and know something helpful. Have you spoken to your doc or your chemo team about this? That's a good place to start.
Avatar m tn Actually, Synthroid HAS been known to cause hair loss, and NOT just from the start of therapy. If you study the literature enclosed with the Brand, I think it might say that. Some people do better on the generic for some reason, and it might be the filler. I do better on the generic version from Mylan Labs., not any other, in combo w/ T3, again from Mylan. That said, people have been known to shed at the start of therapy. It's a journey allright, because response is so individual.
Avatar m tn If HIV fluid got under your fingernails from hand-genital contact, does the virus die immediately while underneath the fingernails? My understanding is that the virus is damaged/non infectious immediately when fluids are transferred onto the hands no matter if its under the fingernails or any other part of the hand. I think I already know the answer but I would appreciate a response. Thanks!
Avatar n tn Hi, please tell me what can have caused my fingernails to get purple/bluish after one day of running much more than I was used, on July 14th. Since then, my fingernails stayed purple/bluish. I have gone through EKG, echo, xray, CT scan, blood work and spirometry test, all came back normal. What other tests can I take?
Avatar n tn Four days ago a friend of mine -- who has a problem with my sexual acts -- told me I should stop because I can get HIV if semen gets underneath my fingernails. He told me that underneath the fingernail is mucous membranes that will get infected. I cant find any information about this but it cant be true can it?!?? Short hand -- IF I get semen underneath my fingernails am i at risk for HIV?????
Avatar m tn I recently visited an escort and she was inserting a rubber dildo into her vagina. After she was done with it I stupidly grabbed the toy with my hand and as hard as i could I pressed my fingernails into the toy shaft. I don't know why I did that but I am paranoid that my fingertips or underneath my fingernails I contracted hsv or hpv.
Avatar n tn misshaped fingernails turning yellow kind of warbly and flat in spots and are not growing and splitting
Avatar n tn 8 out of my 10 fingernails are slightly swollen and red at the cuticle pus is oozing out of a couple also 2 of them have a white patch on .
Avatar n tn Anyways, the other day i was talkin with my sister and somehow we noticed that the underside of my fingernails were quite purplish. i dont know if its got anything to do with the pills i take? could you help me?