
Coughing blood with bronchitis

Common Questions and Answers about Coughing blood with bronchitis


Avatar m tn About 3 weeks ago, I came down with what I thought was the flu - body aches, coughing up mucus and 103 fever. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with bronchitis, given antibiotics and prednisone. 2 weeks later, I'm still coughing constantly, but it's dry - no mucus, can't sleep and found I've lost over 10 lbs. My appetite is down, but I have been eating.
Avatar m tn last 1month every morning when i woke i split cough with very lilttle amount of blood like a 'point'.it just happen in the morning when i wokeup.i am smoker.i have a sinus problem.what is it??i felt irritation in my throat.
Avatar n tn It is common to lose your voice with bronchitis. Usually it is all the coughing. I am praying you get well soon. Please let me know how the appointment goes.
Avatar m tn Hi please I need help I have been coughing for like 2 weeks no fever just like tickle in my troath, I start feeling like a weird sound in my right lung every time I take deep breath, I went to the doctor and he said It was bronchitis I started an azithromycin cycle 6 tablets , I finished taking it 2 days ago ... I still coughing and still felling that weird sensation in my back every time I take a deep breath , what can this be, how long this can last?
Avatar f tn The major cause of coughing up blood is chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis. Other possible causes of coughing up blood include COPD, lung cancer, tuberculosis, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia and lung abscess to name a few. Also, check to see if he is on blood thinners for heart disease, this could be causing the bleeding. I suggest he should go the ER, for immediate evaluation. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn It is a disease affecting the lungs causing narrowing of the airways, usually due to an allergic reaction to triggering factors. Therapy is with bronchodilators which cause the airways to dilate. Your symptoms could also be due to COPD or Bronchiectasis. The other causes could be due to Bronchitis or Cystic fibrosis. You will need to consult your doctor who may need to do a sputum culture and sensitivity to determine what antibiotic the organism is susceptible to.
Avatar f tn So I went to the walk in clinic this morning and was diagnosed with acute bronchitis. I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant and need some advice as to what I can rake to help with this god awful cough.
782115 tn?1245684075 You are right to be concerned about the blood in your boyfriend’s sputum. Coughing up blood is definitely abnormal, under any circumstance. Given his age and long smoking history, the blood was probably due to his having chronic bronchitis. If so, that would be serious now and, even more so, later in life. This blood should be considered serious and, at a minimum, he should see his doctor and have a chest x-ray.
Avatar f tn I've had this really bad cough for like 2 weeks n it just gets worse n worse to the point where I start losing air cuz I can't stop coughing. My mom thinks I might have bronchitis.. sadly I had to Google it because I didn't know what that was. N now I'm freaking out..
Avatar f tn how long will bronchitis last? I was sick for over a month coughing,shortness of breathe, flem, wheezing... all of those have gone away except the wheezing.. sometimes its worse then other times.. I previously smoked for almost 2 years but at max 5 or 6 ciggs a day and hookah..
519736 tn?1253986826 i saw a Dr last week and was told i have bronchitis. been on antibiotics. still feeling lousy and coughing. i had started to cough badly at night before i went to the Dr. he took yet another chest x-ray and told me i definitley have bronchitis. seems i should be feeling a little better by now, but i'm not....ugh.this is starting to scare me. i have never felt like this in my life, and i have had both bronchitis and pneunomia before.guess it's back to the Dr...
Avatar m tn I don't know if this is pertinent, but Advair caused such extreme coughing (almost incapacitating bronchitis) that I stopped using it. As for Spiriva, I find it extremely drying. I only use it every fourth day. On that regimen it helps. My lung health is actually much better and I am more comfortable since I gave up Advair, and my coughing is moderate. Advair also caused me to develop adrenal fatigue, which was quite dreadful, and I am still recovering from it.
Avatar f tn my 7 yr old dgtr has been coughing and vomiting at the same time for going on 3 weeks now. She is asthmatic and has been diagnosed with bronchitis. nothing is helping the cough is about every 20 min awake or asleep. The cough started out to occur only at night and it has now moved to all day and all night. She no longer has any food in her stomach and just violently dry heaves. She keeps being given antibiotics and thats it.
Avatar n tn Since you got well and then got sick again, you may either have a resistant strain, or have picked up a secondary infection. Yellow phlegm with a clear x-ray sounds like bronchitis. Either way, you need to see a pulmonary doctor to prescribe a different antibiotic to treat this new infection. Be sure to get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids.
Avatar n tn hi im 20 year old male...ok so i've been coughing for over 4 months now..used to smoke around 5-7 ciggarettes a day but i quit since i started coughing.....quit drinking all started with bronchitis..i've been to the ER 4 times...for excessive coughing and shortness of breath..i recently got sent to a lung specialist..he diagnosed me with asthma..gave me advair 500/50 and albuterol pump..and prednisone because i think i had bronchial spasm...things got a littlle bit better..
Avatar f tn I have been coughing for the last 4 months sometimes the cough is thick yellowish and other times its clear. My GP has given me nasal spray, omerperzole and now am on antibiotics. Despite all this the cough is not going away. What could be the problem?
Avatar n tn if could be any of the following Blood clot in the lung Bronchiectasis Bronchitis Cancer Cystic fibrosis Goodpasture syndrome Inflammation of the blood vessels in the lung (vasculitis) Inhaling blood into the lungs (pulmonary aspiration) Irritation of the throat from violent coughing Nosebleed that drips blood down into the lungs Laryngitis Pneumonia Pulmonary edema Systemic lupus erythematosus Tuberculosis
Avatar f tn Both my daughter and I have been sick with flu type illness and bronchitis for almost two weeks. Even though our flu tests came back neg the urgent care dr feels we did have the flu. We went back to see urgent care dr yesterday for the 3rd time since being sick. My daughter still have episodes of coughing and dyspnea. The dr at urgent care did do xray on me but not on my daughter. Sent me on my way with increased dose of prednisone and told me i was wheezing.
Avatar m tn I started out with my VL at 1.7 million.My 2 week bloodwork had it down to 20.I do not have my 4 week blood results yet.The reason I am nervous is while I was doing peg-ribo and incivek my VL went down to 160 which is nothing.I was expecting to be clear on my next bloodwork but it went back up to 11,000 and continued to rise until they took me off it.I was crushed so I will not allow myself to get excited this time until I see it in black and white.
Avatar m tn Got it and yes, gerd does cause a cough for some. Sorry, I wasn't very helpful with my questions. The thing with blood pressure is that it can rise periodically and that can be normal. This is why the tracking is important to look for a pattern. If it is routinely high, that's a problem. If it is occasionally high, less so.
1300043 tn?1272812819 I posted a few weeks ago for help here and never even got a response so I am dealing with it all on my own. Good luck with everything. And you may want to just go get a check up to be sure.
Avatar m tn WAIT A MINUTE... from what I am seeing online white build-up has nothing to do with bronchitis! I am getting really scared as the last three weeks I have been taking anything and everything to help this... and NOTHING is coming from any of it! The reason I am so concerned about it being cancer is that I up until about two months ago was a HEAVY HEAVY drinker...and smoker... since I have totally quit smoking and only drink 4-5 pitchers of beer a WEEKEND! and none during the week!
2093279 tn?1379547953 It could be from the coughing. I had bronchitis early on & my stomach was tender to the touch from all the coughing. Takes a lot of muscles to cough.
Avatar n tn im coughing up blood every other day or so for a year now. it gets worse when i talk a lot . i have a have chest pains and dizziness after coughing up blood and have a shortness of breath what do u think it is ??
Avatar f tn Treated for bronchitis twice at holidays and still coughing and clearing my throat. Now have left side rib discomfort. Taking Prilosec as dr said maybe refux. Nothing seems to help. Chest xray clear. Blood work was good. What should I do next? I'm at my wits end and worried. Any ideas or suggestions welcomed!