
Carbs unlimited fife

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs unlimited fife


Avatar f tn My meal plan is breakfast I get 30 grams of carbs with no fruit and a snack 2 hours later containing 15 grams of carbs lunch and dinner I get 45 grams of carbs with a snack two hours after each meal. Snacks could be crackers with cheese or apples with peanut butter, just really watch your carb intake.
Avatar n tn I am 32 weeks pregnant and I have gestational diabetes. It isn't so bad I was so overwhelmed at first but once I talked to my nutritionist made it a lot easier.
Avatar f tn m very sensitive to carbs so for every meal wether is breakfast or snack, lunch or dinner I have to have protein. And limit my fruits I could only have 2-3 servings of fruit and the only ones are berries or apples everything else is high in sugar. And eliminating pastas, rice, bread switching to Splenda sugar or equal anything zero in sweetner. Switching to Almond milk even for coffee. You can have unlimited vegetables lean protein fish, turkey, chicken, fish.
Avatar n tn But before I started to take this medicine I got away from red meats, sweets, white bread. Basically carbs all around. That got me into a good eating habit. Which turned out to be the best for good health along the way. Beside now I must stick to this type of diet because I have since become diabetic. In my opinion I believe your doctor is pushing pills on you. You have to lose slow to keep it off and make a diet worth doing it right for the rest of your life.
Avatar f tn I too needed to lose alot of weight, fast, for my updomming wedding in May. After much reading on forums, such as this one, comparing diets / programs (nutrisystem, weight watchers, etc) and recommendations from friends & co-workers, I choose to try a weight loss clinic which provides the b12 w/ lipotropics injections (weekly), phendimetrazine, calcium fat burners & vitiamin supplements and I am glad I did. Following a strict diet of high protien, low fat & low carbs.
Avatar f tn You need carbs to live. Look up how carbs help you and how they don't. Make sure you are taking prenatals as well!
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar f tn How do you eat less carbs for breakfast? I can't seem to get away from bad carbs at breakfast.
Avatar f tn I am trying to eat less carbs but i need to do this right i do not know how many carbs i should require for the day? How do i find out what is right for me?
193609 tn?1292180293 What is the recommended number of carbs to eat per day? I am using a calorie counter and I am good there, but not sure how many carbs per day will equal weight loss??? Thanks!
Avatar n tn There is NO ideal carb count. Each of us is different. How many carbs you can handle without having your BG go too high (140 in the USA) is different than it is for me (I eat under 50gr a day). Google "eat to your meter" that will tell you haw many carbs YOU can eat.
Avatar n tn Hey there! I don't think you need to limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs per day. I would recommend trying a high protein and high fiber diet. Also try meal planning. Having a plan will ensure that you aren't going overboard on carbs, and knowing how many carbs you'll have for each meal will help you plan your bolus more correctly.
Avatar n tn With adequate oxygen present, the body metabolizes protein,carbs and fatty acids for the most efficient energy production at 600 kcal per ATP molecule. Lactic acid conditions prevail when poor oxygen levels are available to the cells because of: 1.Stress, 2.Shallow breathing, 3.Low Malic acid 4. High tartaric acid 5. Red blood cell abnormalities, 6. Mineral deficiencies Some of the above causes are inter-connected. Solutions: 1.
484583 tn?1230605092 I would say to sit back and see what the repeat echo shows. By your cholesterol profile, it's eviddent that you are doing the things that you need to in terms of risk factor modification. I doubt that your CT scan studies and the associated dye load had anything to do with progression (that is if there actually is progression by the repeat echo).
Avatar f tn Aaaw, am 12 wks so I still have a couple .. I wish they were unlimited right?! Jeje. Aaaw you're more than half way there, yayyyy !
Avatar f tn So I am recording the number of carbs I have at each meal. I have been told that if something has over 5 grams of fiber to subtract it from the total carbs. Does anyone else do this? And if so for the drs reference should I record the total number of the number of carbs minus the fiber? Thoughts? Thank you!
Avatar n tn I have had type 2 diabetes for 16 years and have always had trouble with my levels. An uncontrolable brittle diabetic my doc calld me. Playing defense taking 3 different types of insulin a day all day. Recently my doc changed my insulins to 1 toujeo but it is impartive that I take fast acting with every meal according to the carb count.I have no idea what I'm doing. And despite my efforts they still sky rocket after I eat.
Avatar n tn I think the trick is finding a replacement for the carbs you already consume for example using lettace leaves in place of tortilla wraps or spiralized veg in place of pasta - hope this helps x
Avatar n tn If you would like to follow me I eat low carb I eat 30 carbs a day bc I had JD and my dad died at 53 from complication to diabetes so if I eat 30 or less carbs a day my A1C is 5.3 when I eat carbs it's about a 8 so that's my happy number.