
Carbs per apple

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs per apple


Avatar n tn Dr Ramsetty- There seems to be a fair amount of conflicting information on the web as to whether adding apple cider vinegar and / or cinnamon to ones diet can help in blood sugar control. I would certainly consider adding both of these things to my diet if they would assist. Do you have any advice?
Avatar n tn Our doctor gave us no idea on how to accomplish this. I was told by someone else she needs to take in 250 - 300 grams of carbs per day. Is there a list somewhere of foods and there carb value. Also which are good carbs and which are empty carbs? Gaining 1/4 of her body weight seems excessive.
Avatar f tn 15 grams of carbohydrates is equal to 1 carb count. Try to limit your carbs to 4 carbs or 60 grams per meal. And 2 carbs per snack. There are very good charts available online to help you guage the carbohydrates in fresh foods as well. Also try to eat at the same times daily. This will help keep your sugar levels stable and keep from putting a demand on your pancreas from binging because you skip meals or go long periods between eating.
Avatar f tn Did this person tell you to cut all carbs, or just simple carbs? Vegetables are carbs. Fruit are carbs. Whole grains are carbs. Beans are a combination of protein and carbs. I think what most would advise is to avoid white flour, bagels, sweets, anything that turns to sugar quickly in your system. That's why you're craving sugar -- carbs are necessary for energy, and sugar is quick energy but also stores as fat if not burned immediately. Same with processed carbs.
Avatar m tn (net carbs is total carbs minus fiber carbs.) A snack is sometimes suggested to be 15 net carbs. (Yum, chunk of cheese and handful of pecans!) Offhand I dont know the net carb of an apple but you can look that up and think about it. When the sugar levels in your blood are too high, the blood becomes abrasive to your body. If you eat all of your carbs all at once, your blood sugar will go higher than if you ration it out over the course of a day.
Avatar n tn Hey there! I don't think you need to limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs per day. I would recommend trying a high protein and high fiber diet. Also try meal planning. Having a plan will ensure that you aren't going overboard on carbs, and knowing how many carbs you'll have for each meal will help you plan your bolus more correctly.
Avatar m tn She said to limit my carb intake to 180g per day. So instead of counting calories I count carbs (I also keep track of calories though). I worked out 3 of my 6 days for p90x and still lost 6lbs last week by doing this. So excited because I did p90x for 30days without skipping any days and I was staying in my calorie range, and I only lost 2lbs and I gained a body fat percentage. I was not watching my carbs. Now that I am, I have felt better and am finally dropping pounds. Hope this helps!
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar f tn Everyone is different so everyone will react differently however I know that carbs were my downfall. I was told to keep my carbs under 40 per meal. While it sounds like you are doing really well, it could be carbs or the meds might not be working. I take metformin which is not expensive $4.00 at Walmart.
193609 tn?1292180293 What is the recommended number of carbs to eat per day? I am using a calorie counter and I am good there, but not sure how many carbs per day will equal weight loss??? Thanks!
Avatar f tn Every meal/snack should include protein, fat and carbs. Opt for the complex carbs such as whole grains, veggies, etc and eliminate simple carbs like sugary foods and those made from white flour/rice. I agree that several "mini meals" might be best for you, in order to keep you full all day.
Avatar m tn m lucky. I drink ove rd a gallon of water, consume over 3000 calories, over 300 grams of carbs (50 of which as re fiber), 100 grams of fat, and over 200 grams of protein each day. All of my nutrients come from food, I don't take any supplements aside from a couple of vitamins. I'm 35, Male, 184 lbs., and do crossfit 3 to 6 times per week. My question again, why do I deficate so infrequently? I feel like I should at least once a day with with what I take in.
Avatar f tn however, you do have to be careful on the amount you eat. If you want to stay within the 1550 calories per day and eat the nuts, then recommend cutting back on something else. Maybe use the nuts in a salad as a main meal so you are getting protein with carbohydrate vegetables, and good fats.
Avatar f tn Reduce the carbs you eat. I took out bread as this started to cause me trouble and replaced with homemade alternatives. One of which was banana pancakes made with ground down almond instead of flour. Delicious!
Avatar m tn I tried several different things I found after searching the internet. This included drinking about 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider close to bedtime The consistent answer I found was to drop some weight. I also found information about alcohol with meals. I started eating more salads for lunch and then, at dinner, drank 2 to 3 ounces of Cabernet with dinner. That helped tremendously.
1157811 tn?1263831494 I love bread, but also know that they are source of a load of carbs, sugars and empty calories. So, again, what is a healthy amount of carbs per day and in what for are the carbs best consumed? Thanks in advance for any help!
Avatar n tn So? Most humans live mostly on carbs. The healthiest societies eat little meat. Bodybuilders are the unhealthiest eaters around, though they do get big muscles, because they eat too much protein, causing later in life kidney and liver problems. The healthiest foods are carbs, meaning dark green leafy vegetables. There are people who do best on high protein diets, such as plains Indians and Inuits; give them grains and they get what they have now, which are high rates of diabetes.
Avatar f tn I traded my usual fast food lunch (two slices of pizza, or burgers, or fried food) for something less fattening (an apple, a head of anise, carrots), I stopped having my usual after work snack of 9-12 pieces of sliced cheese (at 90 calories per piece), I try not to go overboard at dinner.
1325032 tn?1274798006 Im just wondering if anyone has had sucess in weight loss with apple cider vinegar? Ive read to take 2 teaspoons in 8oz of water twice a day, and you will see gradual results. Im hoping this will help me lose the few extra kgs I still have after having my baby girl. Thanks and any replys are greatly appreciated!
Avatar n tn Healthy would be lots of vegetables (even if you buy frozen and nuke them), low carbs - such as only 1 piece of bread per day, very little to no sugar and lean meats. And regular exercise. My concept of a healthy breakfast would be vegetables, such as California blend of carrots, broccoli and cauliflour, top with a couple cooked eggs and some fresh salsa (such as pico de gallo). I also do a veggie drink made in my vitamix - kale, spinach, ginger, lemin juice, cilantro and an apple.
7712902 tn?1393734882 s healthy carbs because it has fiber and great vitamins but you must take in to consideration they are still Carbohydrates and your body treats all simple carbs the same. 1 apple yields about 20-30 carbs, a banana is about 30+, and most fruits are similar. The only true difference between a piece of fruit and table sugar is fiber and vitamins as far as your body is concerned.
Tbd It usually involves cutting all added sugars, grains, sweet fruits and starchy veges. Low carb is defined as less than 100g of carbs per day. Very low carb is 25 - 50 g of carb per day. When you cut carbs you still energy so you get this from increasing your fat intake and making sure you have enough protein. Enough protein can be at least 100g for a woman and probably about 120g for a man. You can use a diet tracker to work out which foods have how much carbs, protein, and fats.
Avatar m tn Am I eating during the daylight hours or after dark which is A MISTAKE FOR MOST OF US. I have found a good rule of thumb is the diabetic recommendation for the number of carbs to eat at each meal/snack. Am I drinking alcohol, sodas, coffee, tea, or other flavored drinks? Am I getting 6-9 hours of sleep a night? Am I keeping current my diary of what foods I am spending my "allotted calories.