
Carbs in rice paper wrappers

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Avatar f tn Carbs are in bread, pasta, veggies, etc. They are everywhere and they are good for you, complex carbs.
Avatar f tn Healthy diet is high in unprocessed and minimally processed foods. This means you will eat lean meats in moderation, plenty of green and brightly colored veges, moderate whole grain cereals, some fruits - but stay away or limit portions of very sweet fruits, nuts, some dairy, healthy fats / oils. Bad carbs could be considered those white carbs that break down quickly. This includes bread, white rice, cookies, candies etc.
Avatar f tn Microscopic condom pores or leaks that allow HIV to pass are an urban myth. Unwrapped or outdated condoms might be more likely to break, but if they don't, protection is complete.
Avatar m tn many beers are made from wheat, barley, corn, or rice...typically high in carbohydrates. Wine is often made from grapes or other fruits that are then fermented to produce alcohol) In short- alcohol does have carbohydrates, but the amount of carbs varies a good bit between various types of drinks. As for where calories come from... You can find products that have zero carbohydrates, but are still pretty high in calories. A calorie is actually a measure of energy.
193609 tn?1292180293 Losing weight is really just a simple math equation and comes down to calories in vs calories out. In order to lose weight, you have to burn more than you consume. People lose weight on low carb diets because whether or not they realize it, they're consuming less calories. High carb foods (cereal, potatoes, rice, pasta, sugary snacks) tend to be quite calorie dense so a very modest portion can end up being pretty caloric.
Avatar n tn Total CARBS minus fiber CARBS equals NET CARBS. Since fiber CARBS do not affect your glucose readings NET CARBS is more accurate for keeping track of intake. How do I know how many NET CARBS are in a food? Personally, I like caloriekingdotcom for looking up foods but you can also use a paperback book of foods w/nutritional analysis or read those government analysis labels on packaged goods. Decide on your personal goal for total daily intake of NET CARBS.
1855476 tn?1356739693 Are you eliminating processed carbs like pasta, bread, rice, etc? Are you only getting your carbs from vegetables and fruits? I would recommend making sure you aren't getting your carbs from anything processed (ie bottled sauces, drinks, breading, etc). If you are eating a lot of fruit, that can be a culprit as fruit is loaded with sugar and sugar equals carbs. Reduce the amount of fruit you are eating or find a type of fruit that it lower in carbs.
Avatar f tn 1. "is it important that I also eat (breads, pasta, potatoes and rice in small quantities)?" Yes, eating these foods in small quantities is possible. But to each individual what is considered small, medium and large may differ. What you may consider small to another person may be medium. You must test preprandial and postprandial to see how much, if any, you can tolerate. 2. The difference between simple and complex carbs can be found on the GI.
Avatar n tn For dinner I will have about 35 carbs rice and vegi and chicken. I will walk 30 mins after that. Am I taking too little carbs. What problems will it cause by having too little carbs? If I keep doing this forever will I have diabetes complications? I think I consider myself pre-diabetes at this point and yet I need to be confirmed by the doctor. Thanks a lot.
Avatar f tn My daughter made me entire quilt using old pictures and printing them on the iron-on paper. Then sewed them onto a quilt. You can find that paper at Office Depot or Office Max or any store that sells computer paper.
Avatar m tn 1- If I take a full meal, rich in carbs like rice, the spike is as high as 215-220 after two hours. 2- after three hours the level is down to 140-155 even with this high carbs meal. 3-If I take the same big meal, rich in carbs, and go for a walk for one hour, the level would be 138-140 mg/dl after two hours. Now average meal with average carbs.
Avatar m tn Hi, first i want to tell you that I am not diabetic. I think it is important that I tell you this so you can judge for yourself what I say. My Mom's husband is, and I always had lower blood sugar, so I do my best to follow a diabetic diet as I find I feel much better. Now in the foodregardss. You want your grains to be as close to nature as possible. Brown rice, not white rice. UncleBen'ss might be a lower score due to fat added in the rice mix?
Avatar f tn Stay away from the simple carbs, such those found in processed or sugary foods. Eliminate white sugar, flour, rice, pasta from your diet - those are simple carbs that break down quickly and spike your blood sugar. They're stored as fat, if not used quickly for energy. Eat plenty of the complex carbs (fiber) found in veggies, whole grains, brown rice, etc. Complex carbs are broken down slowly, so they don't spike your blood sugar and they keep you feeling fuller longer.
Avatar n tn Consume more complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, brown pasta and whole wheat bread, one to two weeks before you begin your training program. Complex carbs contain energy in the form of glucose, which will provide your muscles with the necessary fuel before you begin training. Complex carbs contain essential nutrients and minerals that will help your body develop after working out. A slice of wheat bread, or one half cup of white or brown rice, is a serving of complex carbs.
Avatar f tn being an Indian rice ,chapati are must for much more can I gain in next coming 17 will be water weight or what..feeling lot of pelvic pressure on vaginal area.
Avatar m tn High carb diet, such as one that consists of a lot of rice is not good. Rice is a simple carb that breaks down quickly into sugar in your body and if not used right away for energy will goes straight into fat cells to be stored for later use. This is what causes us to gain weight. Heart palpitations can be caused by other things; just eating rice will not cause your thyroid to switch to hyper... in fact, heart palpitations are often present in those of us who are hypo.
Avatar f tn My daughter got T2 in her 6th month. She has one month remaining. Were you T2 before your became pregnant? My daughter has made an amazing impact on her glucose levels, by doing what I do: Treat carbs like they're a poison to your body. I don't calculate glycemic loads, or consider good carbs and bad carbs. Rather, I avoid them entirely if at all possible. Now... I live on handfuls of almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and cashews. Cheese!.
Avatar n tn I'm taking sulfasaladine, but even when I wasn't taking it, it was orange. For the last few days I've cut out cabs and sugars and my stool is yellow now. I know I can't digest carbs, what would be the reason for this? Last night at 11pm I ate rice, alone rice and It was tasting so good, like i've never had it before. I eough, but not too much.
Avatar f tn Stomach size can be due to bloating, so try cutting back on processed/ "white" carbs (bread, rice, pasta, sugar) for a while and see if that helps. It usually streamlines my abdomen in a couple of days. Another thing is to make sure you're drinking enough water (minimum 2liters a day).
Avatar n tn 2 pieces of bread: 35 grams of carbs glassof juice : 40 grams Apple: 25 grams 1 cup of pasta: 40 grams I tried low carb and it works. I have weight trained for 10 years and know how to manipulate my fat percentage and it is all about when and how much carbs I am playing around with is a great site to find out about macronutients I am not saying that pasta, rice, breads are unhealthy, but we tend to take 3 cups of pasta instead of 1 cup. The same with rice ect ect.
1085545 tn?1284042254 Beans and lentils, again, have to be limited in quantity...test, test, test. Things with flour also have to be limited in quantity (like the wonderful Indian breads). Ditto for fruits. Anything high in fiber is better as it reduces the usable carbs. Soups are good. I eat eggs for breakfast with one piece of bread. There are sites that list the carbs of various foods like calorieking.
Avatar f tn t turned to fat, such as those found in fruits, veggies, whole grains. Stay away from the simple carbs, such as those containing white sugar, flour, or rice. Switch to stevia for sweetener, whole grain pasta and brown rice.
429164 tn?1321558847 i cut out all sides for dinner (no carbs,rice potatoes,even broen rice)..i only eat meat n veggies..then hr later sugar is (95_110)..lunch only salads or tuna and veggies (no bread) hr later sugar is (89_114)..brkfst...eggs,meat,cheese pepperidge farm very thin slice wheat bread with cream cheese..sugar be(112)...
1666434 tn?1325262350 g 2 pieces of toast and a glass of milk or a sandwhich with salad and at dinner like a small bowl of rice and chicken cause 1/3 cup of cooked rice is a serve and 1 cup of cooked pasta is a serve so if you had like 3, 1/3 cups of cooked rice that = 3 serves of carbs and 1 piece of bread is 1 serve and what not
Avatar m tn t consume any alcohol. She asked if I avoid too much carbs in my diet, but actually I do eat whole wheat bread and white rice almost everyday, and I eat cereals every other day, but this was my same diet for the last few years. So what could have caused the liver grow in 2.3cm after half a year? Can it be caused by the virus? Is it a bad sign? Can it be cancer? Please advice. Thanks.