
Carbs in diet snapple

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs in diet snapple


Avatar n tn t know if your increased sensitivity to sweetness is caused by the reduction of sugar in your diet due to the diabetes. I also don't know if the Snapple you are talking about is regular or sugar free. If it is the sugar free variety, they do taste sweeter to some people than the regular ones. The only thing I can recommend is to dilute it with some plain water. That will probably be better for you anyway and go twice as far.
Avatar n tn s the type of carbs. Simple carbs, such as sugar and white flour, metabolize into sugar in your body very quickly and store as fat if not burned very quickly. Complex carbs burn more slowly and provide a long-lasting energy and provide us with our most important nutrients. High protein diets are a current fad, and some of them might one day prove out -- we just have to see what happens when we have a lot of years of people eating this way and see what happens to them.
Avatar n tn Hey there! I don't think you need to limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs per day. I would recommend trying a high protein and high fiber diet. Also try meal planning. Having a plan will ensure that you aren't going overboard on carbs, and knowing how many carbs you'll have for each meal will help you plan your bolus more correctly.
Avatar f tn Everybody is different in how many carbs they can eat. The only way to tell is to get a BG meter and test... test before you eat count the carbs you eat and test 1 hour, 2 hours after you eat. your BG should not go over 140. We do know carbohydrates raise BG ALL carbs... rice,pasta,wheat,potato, and most fruit contain large amounts of carbs. so test to see what you can eat.
Boy Diabetes means your Body can not control the rise of BG. What causes BG to rise... Carbohydrates Carbs raise BG ALL carbs Whole wheat, brown rice, most fruits, potato... all carbs raise BG Steak has very few carbs so it wont effect your BG much, however the mashed potatoes will send BG through the roof. Google "low carb hi fat diet" (LCHF) LOTS of diabetics can control there BG by eating LCHF diet without meds.
Avatar f tn They worry about aspartame. A chemical that is deity drinks that is bad on the baby :) that's all I know how much diet of anything you can have in a pregnancy is outbof my knowledge..
Avatar f tn / this is my 5th baby and evrey time I get pregnant I tell myself im gonna stay away from carbs but its always what gets me thrue the sicky part I usually really slow down on weight gain in third trimester cus I do lots of walking and water I try not to stress too much about the weight thing but its really hard not to even tho I know I will loos it might take a year but I always do Its funny cus when im not pregnant I never eat carbs cus my body just hates me when I eat it so I stay away from i
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar n tn Recently quit smoking (7 months ago) gained 15lbs. I'm 5 foot even and 156lbs. Any advice I. How to lose. I have upped my exercise and I'm on a 1200 cal diet, watching carbs, eating more veggies and increased water intake. I don't want to lose fast or unhealthy. Not looking for a number on the scale just want clothes to fit better at least.
Avatar n tn Limit your carbs if it's medically possible - when you do eat carbs, do it in veggies, fruits, and brown rice. Look up recipes from nutritionists and make those. Start taking walks as often as u can.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately there is no perfect diet and there no perfect diet for diabetes. But avoiding simple carbs is good for everyone. A BG meter is a good tool to use. Check out everything. Even beans. Yes some people have a very large and long lasting spike on beans, even though books suggest it as a good choice. Supplements can help some people. If you want to go in that direction consider things like chromium, they help some people control BG.
Avatar m tn i need to manage my sugar better. i tried exercise, cutting out most carbs in my diet. but i get attacked by pasta and pizza from time to time. i really have cut back a lot on my diet but need other tips so that my a-1c gets better. any ideas?
Avatar n tn Consume more complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, brown pasta and whole wheat bread, one to two weeks before you begin your training program. Complex carbs contain energy in the form of glucose, which will provide your muscles with the necessary fuel before you begin training. Complex carbs contain essential nutrients and minerals that will help your body develop after working out. A slice of wheat bread, or one half cup of white or brown rice, is a serving of complex carbs.
Avatar f tn Why do I feel nauseous when I do a "cut diet" ? I am training for a spartan race in June this year. And every other day u eat no carbs.
Avatar m tn Type 2 diabetics must pay careful attention to the amount of carbs eaten. Consider carbs as an equal to table sugar. On nutrition labels carb sugars are listed in grams. Every 7 grams equals one heaping Tablespoon of refined sugar. Changing lifestyle habits can go a long way in controlling type 2 diabetes. Restrict & avoid refined sugars, practice and adhere to weight control, do some sort of exercise daily, practice stress management, and get adequate sleep.
Avatar f tn Healthy diet is high in unprocessed and minimally processed foods. This means you will eat lean meats in moderation, plenty of green and brightly colored veges, moderate whole grain cereals, some fruits - but stay away or limit portions of very sweet fruits, nuts, some dairy, healthy fats / oils. Bad carbs could be considered those white carbs that break down quickly. This includes bread, white rice, cookies, candies etc.
Avatar f tn what is a really good diet to go on and how does it work? i want to lose weight fast, i have tried a few diet pills but they make me tired do any of them work?
Avatar f tn rather a balanced diet would be a better option than healthy food.. ur normal diet should comprise of fibres in a large amount. proteins, vitamins, carbs and a little bit of fat..try working out also coz having healthy food alone won't be of help.. keep your system hydrated drink water... and don't starve your body in any condition.. go for smaller frequent meals than large sumptuous meals.. good luck.. keep posted so that we get the updates...
193609 tn?1292180293 Well I think a low carb diet is anywhere from 25-50 carbs a day. I think depending on your weight now and height and with your activity level you have to check out what amount you need to start losing weight.
Avatar f tn YOu could put down total carbs and then in bracket after the amount of fibre. That way you have complete information. Are you on insulin, or just counting carbs? Personally, I never bother about counting fibre (I am on insulin).
Avatar n tn You can eat different vegetables, fruits, protein and healthy fats. Grilled fish and seafood dishes can be some nice meal options.
Avatar f tn Any ideas for foods that will keep in my suit case and will help me to avoid all the carbs the make. They cook for over 200 people so a lot of the food is easy carbs. Thanks!
Avatar n tn my mom 78yo was dx with diabetes last wk (bld sugar 257)only symptom was tired and dry mouth..she prob had it for a while.she would eat candy and her diet was sporadic, apetitie down,,,.her dr wants her to try diet first...her sugars this past week, fasting, run about 180-240...she has stopped all sugars, is eating better, 3 meals a day, wheat breads, salad/vegs/fruit uses sugar free sodas and occass has had sugar free cookies....todays fbs was 288..I'm not sure what caused it...
451075 tn?1210258648 thanks everyone for the input, means a lot. I decided to ditch Oat Brand and replace that with mixed berries in the morning. Then have some more berries during the middle of the day. I am feeling great and my workouts are great too so far (I am 3 days into the diet).
644592 tn?1226588817 A balance is good but ultimately it is lower calories that result in weight loss. We do recommend limiting your intake of white carbs and instead eating complex carbs such as whole grain bread products and cereals, beans, legumes and vegetables. Stick with us. There are some challenges coming up and we offer great support. The weight and exercise tracker really help you stay on track.