
Carbs in a zeppole

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs in a zeppole


193609 tn?1292180293 Well I think a low carb diet is anywhere from 25-50 carbs a day. I think depending on your weight now and height and with your activity level you have to check out what amount you need to start losing weight.
Avatar f tn Whole grain cereal Fruit and yogurt Whole grain toast with peanut butter, fruit Hard boiled egg As long as you stay with complex carbs, which are those in whole grains, veggies, fruits, such as apples pears, should be okay. The complex carbs are the ones that provide fiber to keep you feeling fuller longer. Also be sure to get plenty of protein with every meal. Eggs and whole grains are excellent sources of protein, as is dairy.
Avatar n tn There is NO ideal carb count. Each of us is different. How many carbs you can handle without having your BG go too high (140 in the USA) is different than it is for me (I eat under 50gr a day). Google "eat to your meter" that will tell you haw many carbs YOU can eat.
Avatar f tn Carbs are in bread, pasta, veggies, etc. They are everywhere and they are good for you, complex carbs.
Avatar n tn Hey there! I don't think you need to limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs per day. I would recommend trying a high protein and high fiber diet. Also try meal planning. Having a plan will ensure that you aren't going overboard on carbs, and knowing how many carbs you'll have for each meal will help you plan your bolus more correctly.
7058746 tn?1393435420 That sounds about right but your dietician will go over the exact amount of carbs you can intake with each meal. In my case, I'm required to eat a total of 180 carbs a day/30 carbs each feeding (eat up to 6x a day-breakfast, lunch, dinner with snacks after each). I have to check my sugar before my first meal and then every two hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner. I mainly drink water (all day) and milk (breakfast/lunch only).
Avatar n tn Is there a list somewhere of foods and there carb value. Also which are good carbs and which are empty carbs? Gaining 1/4 of her body weight seems excessive.
Avatar f tn Why do I feel nauseous when I do a "cut diet" ? I am training for a spartan race in June this year. And every other day u eat no carbs.
Avatar f tn Healthy diet is high in unprocessed and minimally processed foods. This means you will eat lean meats in moderation, plenty of green and brightly colored veges, moderate whole grain cereals, some fruits - but stay away or limit portions of very sweet fruits, nuts, some dairy, healthy fats / oils. Bad carbs could be considered those white carbs that break down quickly. This includes bread, white rice, cookies, candies etc.
Avatar n tn I think the trick is finding a replacement for the carbs you already consume for example using lettace leaves in place of tortilla wraps or spiralized veg in place of pasta - hope this helps x
Avatar n tn I have had type 2 diabetes for 16 years and have always had trouble with my levels. An uncontrolable brittle diabetic my doc calld me. Playing defense taking 3 different types of insulin a day all day. Recently my doc changed my insulins to 1 toujeo but it is impartive that I take fast acting with every meal according to the carb count.I have no idea what I'm doing. And despite my efforts they still sky rocket after I eat.
Avatar n tn If you would like to follow me I eat low carb I eat 30 carbs a day bc I had JD and my dad died at 53 from complication to diabetes so if I eat 30 or less carbs a day my A1C is 5.3 when I eat carbs it's about a 8 so that's my happy number.
1290943 tn?1272093764 My daughter was diagnosed earlier this week and we are struggling with the carb counting still. She has her first endo appt on Monday but I feel like her numbers are all over the place. I felt a lot better about my 'abilities' to count carbs after reading about this Dawn Phenomenon.... anything else I should know? My biggest question is what to feed her in the morning. She SPIKES if she eats cereals (which she prefers) and I'm not crazy about all the sugar anyway.
Avatar f tn YOu could put down total carbs and then in bracket after the amount of fibre. That way you have complete information. Are you on insulin, or just counting carbs? Personally, I never bother about counting fibre (I am on insulin).
Avatar m tn You can find products that have zero carbohydrates, but are still pretty high in calories. A calorie is actually a measure of energy. Basically, everything you eat requires a certain amount of energy to "burn" it completely. Different types of ingredients take more energy for your body to process completely. The link below may help in finding the nutritional values you're looking for-
Avatar f tn Hello! I'm 18 years old and 168 cm tall. I weight 56.4 kg and I'd like to get back to the 53 I weighted last spring. The thing is: I don't want extra speed diets or no-eating ones. I'd like something that wouldn't damage my health or get in the way of my training. (I'm a runner preparing for a 10K in two months and I lift something as well). I don't want to lose muscle. I need muscle! LOL Any advice for increasing muscle and lowering down my fat percentage?
Tbd Carbs from whole grains and/or carbs with fiber will help you maintain more stable blood sugar. Here is some information on better carbs for diabetes. You can find these articles in the Eat Right section of the Sugar Sense app; tap the bar menu in the upper lefthand corner and scroll down to find the Health Guide.
Avatar n tn ---Calories from carbs contribute greatly to weight gain if a big percentage of your calories comes from breads, pastas, grains etc. Because your protein comes from foods which contain a high number of carbs (most of complete proteins come from food combining in vegetarian diets) it could be an issue. --- Protein has 4 calories per gram and about 25% of the calories from protein are lost due to heat/metabolism. This is called Thermic effect.
Avatar m tn to much to list, there is a class of food that is not good for a diabetic... carbohydrates (carbs) your body turns carbs to BG, period. that is what your body does with carbs.
Avatar m tn Im keeping my diet less than 180g of carbs a day and less than 1900 calories a day. But based on my reading, it depends on how your body processes food and handle sugar. Youll have to test your blood sugar every hour for 3-4 days to see how your body reacts to food.
Avatar f tn I have that problem also and it took me a while to figure it out. When I eat mexican or chinese food those carbs take a long time to get in your blood. So the insulin was getting in my blood before the carbs and caused me lows. Then I would eat something or drink juice and later on my sugar would be high because of those slow carbs that finally made it to my blood. What I do know is take some insulin and 2 hours later take some more.
Avatar f tn Even a nondiabetic who eats no/low carbs, then suddenly eats carbs will see a more drastic spike than a nondiabetic who hasn't been lowcarbing. These are just a few things to consider. Has he seen an endo? Or is it just his family Dr telling him to exercise more? He should see a endo, and possibly a nutritionist who specializes in diabetes. Hope this helps.