
Carbs in a dos equis

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs in a dos equis


Avatar f tn I had jeigermeister, jeiger bombs, a fifth of jack Daniels, fireball, bud light, dos Equis, and those frozen margaritas you get in Vegas. I drank cause I was in Vegas for the weekend, the next 2 weeks is when I missed my period. But my midwife said everything was fine. So don't feel bad. I still am disappointed with myself but I didn't know. Plus it was too early to test for it.
Avatar f tn I had it with my 3rd son and I do not have it this pregnancy;-) I agree with a more portion controlled diet and only eating a certain amt of carbs for meals and snacks. Like others pointed out, your nutritionist will help you tremendously with the dos and donts. My son was 7lbs 14oz, normal for me.
Avatar f tn It is safe for you to take anything with simethicone in it. That's the active ingredient in gas X. I found that eating fried foods had a bad effect on me. Maybe that's the offender? Carbs can do it sometimes too...
193609 tn?1292180293 Well I think a low carb diet is anywhere from 25-50 carbs a day. I think depending on your weight now and height and with your activity level you have to check out what amount you need to start losing weight.
Avatar f tn Whole grain cereal Fruit and yogurt Whole grain toast with peanut butter, fruit Hard boiled egg As long as you stay with complex carbs, which are those in whole grains, veggies, fruits, such as apples pears, should be okay. The complex carbs are the ones that provide fiber to keep you feeling fuller longer. Also be sure to get plenty of protein with every meal. Eggs and whole grains are excellent sources of protein, as is dairy.
Avatar n tn There is NO ideal carb count. Each of us is different. How many carbs you can handle without having your BG go too high (140 in the USA) is different than it is for me (I eat under 50gr a day). Google "eat to your meter" that will tell you haw many carbs YOU can eat.
Avatar f tn Carbs are in bread, pasta, veggies, etc. They are everywhere and they are good for you, complex carbs.
Avatar n tn Hey there! I don't think you need to limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs per day. I would recommend trying a high protein and high fiber diet. Also try meal planning. Having a plan will ensure that you aren't going overboard on carbs, and knowing how many carbs you'll have for each meal will help you plan your bolus more correctly.
Avatar m tn ok so my dog has a swollen right side she has a bump on it and then when she rolls over she starts barking and welping and she also does that when anyone comes near her left sidr
Avatar n tn Hola, tengo 24 semanas y a mis 20 semanas diagnosticaron a mi bebe con gastrosquisis. Todo esto me tiene muy nerviosa y padezco de insomnios pero todo ha empeorado en los últimos días, ya casi no como y tengo dos días con dolores articulares y musculares, dolor de cabeza y un poco de fiebre ( parecen síntomas de algún virus). Cabe destacar que sigo sintiendo a mi bebe moviéndose como de costumbre.
Avatar m tn Dos Santos was scheduled to make his UFC debut against Gabriel Gonzaga on October 13, 2012, at UFC 153. However, dos Santos pulled out of the bout and the fight was scratched from the card after a blood test showed that he had antibodies for Hepatitis B, a disease he had when he was 18 years old. He recovered from it, but the inactive virus remained in his body. He will now have to undergo a twelve-month treatment in order to completely get rid of the virus.
Avatar n tn puedes probar a tomar melatonin ( también se compra sin receta ) y en una habitación a oscuras porque es así cómo funciona, no es adictivo ... prueba con valeriana ( valerian root )... a mí me costó mucho dormir más de dos horas seguidas la primera semana pero la melatonina con la valeriana ayudaban. Date un baño con agua bien caliente antes de ir a la cama. Es muy normal también tener el síndrome de las piernas nerviosas, yo lo tuve en piernas y brazos.... sucede en las noches y muy incómodo..
Avatar f tn hola eh tenido dos embarazos y en ninguno de los dos mis bebes se logran el ultimo baby que perdi era de dos meses... que posibilidades habra para tener un embarazo saludable,y si sera muy pronto de intentar otra vez?
1084115 tn?1385228589 That six months is how long the ribaviron lasts in your system and it's the ribaviron that causes the trouble. I think a year or two later would be fine. Have fun making babies!
Avatar n tn hola doctor, le cuento hace unos dos meses y medio tuve un par de experiencias con dos trabajadoras sexuales en diferentes días las cuales en las dos ocaciones me practicaron sexo oral sin preservativo, yo eyacule en sus bocas, pero la penetracion fue con proteccion, hace un par de semanas se me produjo una diarrea que no ha parado y la verdad me tiene muy asustado, cree usted que pude haber contraido el VIH? Es necesario que me haga una prueba para estar seguro?
Avatar n tn bese a una mujer dos veces despues de tomar vino y ella tenia un diente que de su encia le sangraba y mis labios estaban secos y rajados hay riesgo de vih estoy muy asustado
7058746 tn?1393435420 That sounds about right but your dietician will go over the exact amount of carbs you can intake with each meal. In my case, I'm required to eat a total of 180 carbs a day/30 carbs each feeding (eat up to 6x a day-breakfast, lunch, dinner with snacks after each). I have to check my sugar before my first meal and then every two hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner. I mainly drink water (all day) and milk (breakfast/lunch only).
Avatar m tn En esa busqueda de soluciones encontre este foro que me ayudo a identificar primero que era adicto y eso hasta a uno le da verguenza admitirlo y dos que la forma de dejar no era de inmediato sino poco a poco. Tengo una niña de seis años y la verdad no podia dejarme ganar por esta pendejada.
Avatar n tn 1.En base a su experiencia, que riesgo representa estas dos relaciones de haberme contagiado de VIH?. 2.Estos sintomas que experimento puedes ser por la infeccion Aguda?. las dos personas desconozco su estado serologico, cree que por lo que le describo puedo estar infectado. por favor estaré esperando su respuesta.
Avatar m tn Me realice una prueba rapida a las 4 semanas que resulto negativa. Desde las primeras dos semanas del incidente senti uno de mis ganglios del cuello inflamados, tambien tuve un ligero dolor de garganta que no duro mas de dos dias, nada fuerte. No he tenido fiebre ni erupciones cutaneas.
Avatar n tn Is there a list somewhere of foods and there carb value. Also which are good carbs and which are empty carbs? Gaining 1/4 of her body weight seems excessive.
Avatar f tn estoy preocupado de que haya podido contraer VIH por cualquiera de los dos encuentros, a la cuarta semana me ha salido un sarpullido en la rodilla y no se si es el rash deprimo infección o una alergia, pero ya va dos días. Gracias por su respuesta!
Avatar f tn Why do I feel nauseous when I do a "cut diet" ? I am training for a spartan race in June this year. And every other day u eat no carbs.