
Breast pain lactation

Common Questions and Answers about Breast pain lactation


Avatar f tn I have never had breast milk start leaking out of my breast before I actually started breastfeeding a baby I only needed the pads after my milk came in which took about 3 days to a week after I started breastfeeding
Avatar f tn i was going threw the same thing but i took test after test and they should up negitive. After about 7 1/2 weeks of pain in my breast and fluid i went to the hospital for throwing up and little did I know I was pregnant wait a while and take another one okay...Hope everything works out.
Avatar f tn You don't get breast milk in until 2-6 days after you give birth. First thing that is produced is colostrum, which is clear, milky, orange or yellow in color. That is the nutrient rich and thick stuff baby gets first. The more baby breast feeds the more your body will make the milk. Breast size doesn't matter in production of milk, you should make milk just fine. But you do need to drink a lot of water to produce enough breast milk. So keep hydrated after you give birth.
Avatar n tn Me and my boyfriend dont have sex but we do foul around. He loves to suck on my breast and I love it when he does its really nice. He ***** on them about everyday and well he did it today and said there was stuff coming out...Is it breast milk? Am I lactating even though I am not pregnant? Is it possible?
Avatar f tn I was about 12-14wks when I started. I thought it was strange too. But my doc said it was ok.
8171031 tn?1399327634 I'm 22 weeks and I just noticed in one cup of my bra it's wet... is this breast milk? And if so is it normal for it to start on one side?
Avatar f tn Hi I have noticed today while in the bath that both of my breasts are lactating I am Not PREGNANT I had my last child 18 months ago but never breast fed....nothing like thiws has happened before anyone one got any ideas as to what maybe the problem.... I wear a bra everday nothing has changed in my breasts ie when i was pregnant they were sore and heavy none of that is happening...
Avatar n tn I normally get breast pain right before I am going to have my period. Since you had pain before your period also it could be from hormones trying to regulate itself. So many changes are occurring in your postpartum body, the pain in your breast is probably one of them. I just had my baby 8 weeks ago and right now I am a terrible mess too. Things should get better for you soon since your are 10 mths out.
Avatar f tn My three sisters have all experienced the same pain at first and yes we have all seen lactation specialists. Keep it up and pain will go away!
Avatar f tn If your pregnant that's why:P
1466977 tn?1286463167 Breasts can sometimes secrete fluid at different times, even when not lactating. Call your OB. Most likely just hormones.
Avatar f tn Yes u will cuz some women dont start getting their milk in till a few days after bb arrives b patient it will come in soon!
Avatar f tn I never leaked with any of my 4 kids.
Avatar f tn My milk supply is decreasing and even though I supplement my baby with formula I want to still give him breast milk. After the milk supply has decreased can I or I mean how can I get it back up, and is it possible?
Avatar n tn my wife just passed away i have a 4 month old i do not want to do formal, i heard somewhere if a man stimulated his breast on a tight schedule he will be able to breast feed i am hoping this is true i have already started so far i have gotten a clear sweet liquid coming out of my breasts, not enough to satify a growing baby, if i can help out at all i'm gonna do my best even if it kills me.
Avatar f tn There was lactation after that.. for a month.. i had breast engorgement too.. i had to squeeze them out.. but the lactation was gone for like three months already.. today i just felt a bit pain in my right breast and i squeezed it and a drop of milk came out.. it’s not plenty at all.. but should i worry ? Is that normal ? When that drop came out, that slight pain in my right breast is relieved.. i’ve been hitting gym and doing kind of strenous exercises for a month till now..
972246 tn?1311088535 The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Breast pain. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Breast injury Normal female menstrual cycles Premenstrual syndrome - may cause breast pain or discomfort that is cyclic. Pregnancy - causes breast tenderness or breast aching Start of menstruation - causes breast tenderness in adolescent girls.
Avatar f tn My beautiful son was born on the first and i am breast feeding. Any tips for making this journey a successful one?
Avatar f tn Does any you breastfeeding mom have an idea why my breast be hurting n burns... I had my baby girl, she's almost 1months now n nothin seems to relieve this pain :( just wondering what it could be.
Avatar f tn They sell this jell I cant remember whats its called but it sort of helps out. It is very painful I remember the pain when I first breast fed! It was horrible and I wasnt producing enough milk so I would breast feed her on both sides yhen give her 2 oz on formula. It gets better its not always painful Im sorry you're going through the pain. Go to the store and look at all the baby area for that cream.
Avatar n tn My nipples always hurt when my daughter first latched on and after she suckled for a several seconds it eased up - it is NORMAL for there to be initial pain as your breasts are very tender. But the pain should relent. Pain does NOT always mean poor latch. Please see a lactation consultant ASAP so you don't lose your breastfeeding relationship with your baby.
Avatar f tn See a lactation consultant! My hospital offers their services for free, and can help with determining what could be the cause.
Avatar m tn Well, it IS time to consult the doctor. I would make an appointment promptly. Some women have prolactemia which is lactation when there is no baby. It can be due to hormonal imbalances such as producing too much estrogen or due to a small, harmless tumor in the pituitary gland. But usually it is both breasts when that is the case. It could be an infection. Or something more serious. So, you need to be seen by your doctor as soon as possible.
4043310 tn?1355912647 Just wondering, I want to breast feed when my babies here but I have flat nipples will my nipples change so that I can breastfeed
10219953 tn?1426171839 I was sitting down when I felt it the first wet spot of lactation. Iv always had a high supply of breast milk. With my 1st I started lactating at 5 months. With my 2nd pretty much by the end of pregnancy and now iv started. I'm gonna have to sleep now with breast pads.