
Breast milk nutrition

Common Questions and Answers about Breast milk nutrition


301354 tn?1211810520 All this while its always emphasized to continue breast feeding as long as possible(breast milk contains a huge percentage of all the vital nutrition required per day and so if you have missed any of the nutrition through any of your formula foods/cooked foods it can always be compensated in breast milk) It is true that many foods like dairy products etc can cause allergies but it does not happen in all children. its better to start those product(at least the ones like milk..
Avatar n tn You need to consider if you will have breast milk to give her. From your description, you have stopped breast-feeding for about 6 months now and your body may have stopped producing breast milk. Suggest keeping her on formula and start her on baby food for additional nutrition. She is 7 months old and can start on baby food vegetables, meat and fruit.
Avatar n tn Hi , I'm 35 Weeks Pregnant . And My Breast Don't Seem To Leak Any More . Is The Baby's Milk Not Producing ? Or Is This Not As Big As A Problem. My Breast Use To Leak When I Was 4 & 5 Months But It All Of A Sudden Just Stopped .
Avatar f tn pasta), fat free or low fat dairy products (skim milk, low fat cheese, low fat yogurts, low fat soy milk/yogurt), and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eating daily high fiber breads and cereals (oatmeal) and ΒΌ cup or less of nuts (walnuts, peanuts, and cashew). Eating meats and no-fat dairy products will help keep up her protein levels without taking protein powders, and decrease the gallbladder issues. Avoid certain foods she cannot tolerate, even if they are on the list above.
Avatar n tn I am 12 weeks pregnant today! when will I start producing milk? Also, I am afraid that I won't be able to produce enough for my child. How common is that?
Avatar n tn Since he drinks milk suggest making him milkshakes (milk, fruit, and ice cream blended) in place of milk at all meals for additional calories and protein. You stated he likes cheese, than add cheese to pasta, potatoes, or rice. Some tips for additional calories: If he likes pasta, then add meat or cheese sauces to the pasta instead of plain tomato sauce or plain pasta.
5250184 tn?1365571938 s cool because breast milk is like snow flakes, every time you have a baby the milk is made different specifically designed for the babies needs that keeps me motivated I want the best for my baby and you definitely can't get any better then that!
Avatar f tn My theory is, if breast milk is so much better for a baby than formula, then why do you need to feed a every 2 to 3 hours on breast milk and every 3 to 4 hours on formula? Breast milk is natural, so it can be deemed as "better" and easier on the babys tummy, but formula has a garenteed amount of vitamins and minerals in every serving and as a mommy, i want to make sure my baby is getting all the needed vitamins and minerals in every feeding.
Avatar f tn a nurse told me you can cut a lettuce in half and put i the freezer for a lil bit and put in on your breast for confort if your breast feeding.
Avatar f tn But one thing i constantly kick myself for is not conquering the breast feeding thing with my first, so im hoping to give it another go this time round. With my daughter, she wasnt latching on properly = not gettin enough milk, and causing me so much pain it was unreal - a light bulb came on in my head, and i thought 'why am i doing this to myself?! Hand me a bottle NOW!' so i bottle fed from then on. Expressing milk at this point was also like torture.
10084709 tn?1407712389 You Shouldn't do any type of milk other then breast milk or formula before the age of one. The reason is the osmolarity of different types of milk isn't the same as breast milk (or formula) and introducing these other milks to soon can cause kidney damage. I work as a nutritionist and the registered dietician I work with and I were talking about this and that is what she told me. Also doctors only need 1 general nutrition class, this is why I hate when doctors give nutrition advice.
Avatar f tn If you want to ensure at least one bowel movement a day, give them one bottle of formula. Breast milk can make them constipated, unless you eat something that will make them poop. Prune juice for Mommy. Lactose intolerance causes Diarrhea not constipation. It also gives them gas and makes them colic. Nuratimigen formula is the Best. WIC also gives it to you with a Dr prescription.
Avatar f tn I'm not a milk drinking & I have hard time drinking it is it any other dairy product I can drink or eat that my baby get the nutrition And I want have a hard with feeding it
Avatar f tn 1 teaspoon of fish oil, 2 tablespoons hemp seed, 2 tablespoons flax, 2 tablespoon fine oatmeal, quarter cup sunflower seeds, 1 TSP chia seeds, kale, arugula, baby spinach, whey protein, 1 TSP bee pollen, half teaspoon of ginger, 3 large strawberries, handful of blueberries, handful of raspberries, half a banana, almond milk, and then I mix it in my nutriblast.
Avatar n tn His weight is on the 25th percentile and his height is between the 90-95th percentile which indicates he is normal for his age. At 3months it is recommended to only start with infant rice cereal (mixed with breast milk). Juices are not recommended until 6-8 months old and orange juice not until a year old to prevent allergy to citrus. Infant Cereal (1-2 Tbsp) 2 feedings a day. Stay with breast feeding as his main source of nutrition.
470885 tn?1326329037 I started mixing formula and cow's milk at 11 months, never asked the dr, just did it on my own...and at 1 year I had Elijah on milk only. If you're breast feeding still *I* don't see a problem with you mixing breast milk and cow's milk to see if he'll take a bottle or sippy that way.
Avatar f tn ^ my daughter has lip tie and a short tongue, @scarletbegoniass, the pump just didnt pull from me and that can happen
Avatar n tn It's just you growing. Also, it hurts for all of us, on our period or not. It's an unsecured bra that doesn't hold your boobs and so when you run or jump around the kinda flail around. Try getting tighter bras, but not to tight. If you ever plan on having a baby and plan to breast feed, and you have bras to tight, it won't give the right nutrition to the milk. It will also stunt the growth of your boobs.
Avatar f tn s needs do, you supplement and your possibly losing that great supply. Your body will make all the breast milk your baby will need but continue to exclusively breastfeeding!! I am expecting my 7th, first four were breastfed up to 6 months, I then pumped and introduced a bottles of breast milk due to new work schedules, my other two a breast fed, over 12 months. I just weaned my 14 month old, as a matter of fact!! I am due in October!! Any more questions, here and open to help!!??
Avatar f tn not really you can get the same nutrition that milk gives you in supplaments and other foods.
Avatar f tn Many pediatricians recommend that babies getting more than 50% breast milk get a supplement of vitamin D to make up for what is lacking in the breast milk.
Avatar f tn org, has an excellent section with information specifically about nutrition and breast cancer. There is information about current research findings related to diet, a section on healthy eating and discussions specific to some of the questions you are asking. This is the link directly to the area of the website that discusses nutrition:
10052319 tn?1408978714 Ok so for my first baby i produced alot of breast milk as soon after i gave birth to my baby girl she latched on n she would be able to get full with just my breasts but unfortunetly my school didnt let me breastfeed because i would be getting out of classes so i only did it for 1 or 2 months and for my second baby it took almost 1 day after giving birth to have my breast milk flow out which caused me to give formula to her making her like the bottle way more then my breast so 1 month was it
599170 tn?1300973893 I cant seem to get my sons gf to take ( age 16) eating seriously she lives off fast food, is showing though finally got quite the oblong belly , would not know shes pg from behind...anyways she drinks plenty of milk and takes her vitimins,,how concerned should I be her only veg is iceberg lettuce or corn I tryd to explain both of those have little to no nutritional value...
Avatar n tn At each meal he should consume a protein source food, vegetable, starch, fruit, and a calcium source (milk or yogurt). He should eat 3 meals a day with snacks between meals. Sorry, I really did not have too much information. Hope this helped you.