
Breast milk intolerance

Common Questions and Answers about Breast milk intolerance


Avatar n tn My child was breast fed until 14mths old. I have tried to giver her all sorts of milk (soy, flavored). She does not like any milk. We did allergy testing on her, and she is allergic (not extreme) to milk amongst other foods. Time has passed, and I have been giving her some milk and other foods she was allergic to. She has been doing fine eating those foods. She still does not like milk. She will eat yogurt and cheese, but not all the time.
Avatar n tn You may have a good try at pumping if you find that he is having a hard time latching on! Breast milk will be so much better for him. Also to increase your supply you can try mothers milk tea, lots of water, and oatmeal.
Avatar f tn You can still bf if baby has an intolerance by avoiding dairy in your diet. Your milk is very different from cows milk. The baby would exhibit reflux, rashes, or bloody stool if it has an allergy or intolerance.
Avatar f tn No..
9842459 tn?1411688168 Its not an allergy so much as it is an intolerance. My niece was unable to tolerate breast milk (regardless of dietary changes made by my SIL) and had to be put on a formula that was very broken down.
Avatar f tn Anyone else get crazy gas from milk? I drank milk last night before bed, and couldn't sleep. I was in so much pain. My chest was killing me, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Should I tell my doctor? Or maybe switch to another kind of milk?
Avatar f tn Sorry this is way off of our normal subject, but I was just wondering the signs of lactose intolerance and whether or not you can get this as you get older. I am wondering because I have had abdominal pain for the past about 4 days. And I mean it really hurts. Also my back kind of where my kidneys are. I also get nausea a little and spent this morning vomiting. I went to the doctor and he said I was free of infection, and I am not pregnant so he does not know.
Avatar n tn If it does turn out to be the milk, she may have lactose intolerance or a dairy allergy. Dogs can develop food sensitivities or food allergies anytime in their lives to any food, even something like chicken, if they are allergy prone. If the problem becomes more frequent it may require investigation by your veterinarian. A food trial may be warranted. This consists of feeding a hypoallergenic food for 8 weeks and nothing else during that period of time.
Avatar f tn a possible cows milk protein intolerance/allergy, but will only drink aptamil 1st milk -21ozs a day and is on 3 meals a day, why is he putting on so little weight? my daughter is 2 and half and was loads bigger than him at the same age!!
Avatar n tn I also started having issues with milk products randomly, completely stopped having milk/cheese/yogurt for couple days and when I tried a bowl of cereal I was fine :) I wasn't sure if it was just the extreme heat we got suddenly or what but it seems to have past now even tho its still pretty hot
Avatar f tn If you want to ensure at least one bowel movement a day, give them one bottle of formula. Breast milk can make them constipated, unless you eat something that will make them poop. Prune juice for Mommy. Lactose intolerance causes Diarrhea not constipation. It also gives them gas and makes them colic. Nuratimigen formula is the Best. WIC also gives it to you with a Dr prescription.
1099201 tn?1338180918 t even bother to mention these symptoms to their doctor since they just figure diarrhea, gas etc. is just part of aging. Milk in their coffee, milk in cereal. . . just carrying on as usual. This Lactose Intolerant issue should be made more public. I was in my 40's when I began this terrible trek. It took me more than 20 yrs to decide to do my own research. Lo and behold. There's a title for this malady ! LOL Titles help because it means there are others like us.
Avatar n tn Welcome to the gastroenterology community! With lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance, your symptoms will not occur 100% of the time. Just because you drank milk and the symptoms didn't happen, does not mean you don't have lactose intolerance. I believe that you need to eliminate 100% of all lactose for at least 2 weeks to know if it helps and to eliminate 100% of all gluten for at least 2 months to know if it helps.
Avatar f tn I have been all my life but my pregnancy it was worse. They have lactose free milk that you can drink.
Avatar n tn Moxie, you need to consult your pediatrician about this. She may be allergic to something in the type of formula or breast milk that she's currently being given and may need to be put on something that can be easily assimilated. Make sure you check both sides of the family to find out if there are any food intolerance issues such as celiac disease that run in the families.
Avatar f tn my lover is pregnent and she get abortion. now milk is coming from her breast. i want to know for milk will come to all who get abortion .
Avatar f tn Soya milk, also try milk products, I'm allergic to milk too but I'm fine with its products.
Avatar f tn Sound like you have either developed lactose intolerance or will only have it while pregnant. I drank milk while I was pregnant buy had to stop while nursing bc my daughter is lactose. Dairy passes thru mother's milk.
Avatar f tn s a sort of allergy, or a digestive problem about breaking down milk proteins, similar to lactose intolerance being a digestive problem about breaking down milk sugars. Lactose intolerance sometimes follows milk protein intolerance. Milk protein intolerance is difficult to positively diagnose. But it tends to be a slower reaction than milk allergy, which is often quick, or lactose intolerance, which follows within a hour or so.
Avatar f tn t drink milk, so I eat yogurts and cheese. Im lactose intolerance and was craving milk,so I was drinking it until it gave me really bad gas and stomach cramps.
Avatar f tn There was a few weeks in my second trimester where I had to switch to soy milk, because I would get an upset stomach if I drank whole milk. Now in my third trimester, my stomach can tolerate milk again. It's just weird, but I'm happy to be able to drink milk again. Dunking chocolate chip cookies in soy milk isn't the same!