
Chest acne and back acne

Common Questions and Answers about Chest acne and back acne


Avatar f tn For months now, I've had this patch of extremely itchy pimples and rash between my breasts(some of them ARE pimples, I 'popped' a couple by itching and got cores). They didn't spread until recently, but nothing(creams, cleansers, etc) helped them stop itching or clear up. In the last month, they've spread to cover my entire chest, upper arms(down to short sleeve length), and upper back pretty solidly.
15642279 tn?1441935921 My friend had really bad back and chest acne, for YEARS, and it wasn't until just recently they found out it was caused by a wheat allergy. I also had face acne, and birth control really helped! I eventually got moved to Accutane, which is some seriously heavy duty stuff, but has made a world a difference!
1356959 tn?1488975948 That is a good sign you are having a boy.I have very bad acne that is all over my back my chest and I'm having a boy.I was reading in my pregnancy book that acne is a good sign for a boy.
Avatar f tn I always assumed the little bumps on my back was acne however, I now have a few on my chest and my back gets a little itchy now whereas before it didn’t. My back is a bit oily to the touch. I googled causes and all these frightening things popped up, bed bugs, scabies etc. Here’s a photo of my back: [IMG][/IMG] Any ideas would be appreciated.
Avatar n tn Hello, These can be due to acne or folliculitis skin. Back and shoulder acne are quite difficult to treat compared to acne on other parts of the body. Thoroughly wash your body everyday, especially the back and shoulder part using a back brush and frequently change your bed sheet, as it is conducive for bacterial growth. Engage in a diet that is low in sugar and fat but is rich in vitamins. This prevents acne by preventing the buildup of excess oil on the skin.
Avatar f tn I'm the same way. I usually breakout during my period, but recently I've been breaking out all over my face, chest and back. I think its do to out hormones changing.
Avatar f tn iam suffering from acne all over my face,chest,back,and butts is that normal?
Avatar n tn I have suffered a similar adult acne story as Sean who posted 7th Sept 1999. I am 25 years old Female. I had typical acne from an early age (11 years old) and received Roacutane (same as Accutane I think) when I was 15 years old. It worked a treat but 9months after I had finished treatment the acne returned. Over the years I have been on 3 treatments of Roacutane for about 18months each with the same result about 9 months later.
Avatar f tn I'm 20years old, will be 21 on the 7th, and am currently 31 weeks. I've suffered with acne pretty much my whole life, and it FINALLY started to go away and then I got pregnant -.- now it's worse then ever! Getting it on my chest and upper back and my face and underneath my chin. Anyone have any suggestions? My face is just super oily all the time! Thanks ladies!
Avatar f tn How many of you broke out in acne back face arms and chest and had a girl or are pregnant with a girl?
10028419 tn?1416841704 Just keep your face clean I use this stuff called stridex it'd helping my back and chest and it'd making my face a little better...
Avatar f tn I have horrible acne, I used to get it before I was pregnant but only on my face and not that bad, and now BOOM everywhere on my face, chest, And back. I hate it, and idk what to use to treat it!?
Avatar f tn it makes me not want to wear any tank tops anymore. I have never had back acne or back pimples or chest pimples, well maybe a weird chest pimple hear or there but never acne. I need help, I want to know what this is because it's ugly & it really bothers me. I thought at first that these goosebumps like things were just sweat bumps but now they're on my back & they're bigger.
Avatar f tn Just, be cautious...I am having to use them on my face, chest and back, and have recently found stretch marks on my if you're.having to do more than your face, try to use the wipes and still lotion.
1073912 tn?1510021266 They appear on my face, shoulders, chest and back(sometimes on my scalp). some are very painful, and swell up beneath the skin and few days later errupt and some whitish fluid come out followed by blood. They leave a lasting dark mark(spot). Can anyone help with this condiition. Is it a body acne or blood acne. Any prescription?..I'm open for suggestions..
Avatar f tn All the hormone changing my face got so bad eveny chest and I didnt ever breakout on my chest in my life it finally cleared up
Avatar m tn Hi, Acne is a common inflammatory skin disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. It occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and/or bacteria. The area that is likely to be affected in an individual depends almost entirely on his/her genetic predisposition. Dietary factors and personal care products that you use could be partly responsible, but their exact role is not known.
Avatar f tn I always had but now that I am preg its beyond worst and embarrassing along with facial hair
Avatar n tn m 11 weeks and my acne is face is kinda clear but my chest and back..especially my back..
6868372 tn?1385568674 Back acne means you have acne (zits, bumps, etc.) on your back. Backache means your back hurts.
Avatar f tn usually cystic acne are dark and round and can appear anywhere, esp face, arms, shoulders, chest etc. the contraceptive pills should have taken care of them though. let us know here if you get any more info. Sorry I couldn't be more help than that!
Avatar n tn Hi, a couple of months ago, as the title of this post sugests ive started to get some acne mainly on my upper back and now also on my shoulders too. Cant believe it how it looks now and how it used to look (i was clear, and even used to make fun of my sister's acne on her back!). Damn puberty... =p What's the best product (cream or natural) that would get rid of these marks and acne effectively?
Avatar m tn Each one grows and stays, not a single one had receeded, at firs they look like normal chest acne, then they grow bigger and bigger, very slowly. Had them for at least 2 years now on chest and back. Face is clear of acne (mostly) the acne is permanent, never receeds, but are never painful, even when squeezed, no itch, nothing, but they are red. there are around 40, small and large, the largest ones are around 1 cm across, mostly symetrical, some are more oval-like. They are also very raised.