
Zyrtec and eczema

Common Questions and Answers about Zyrtec and eczema


Avatar n tn I was also advised to take Zyrtec and wondered if Zyrtec had any more benefit for skin reactions thank Claritin. Claritin didn't help at all. Two dermatologists suggested Zyrtec over Claritin . I hesitate to try the Zyrtec as I took it once a few years ago and promptly feel into a deep sleep. If it is better for the skin than Claritin can it be taken at night and do any good? Your help is greatly appreciated. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar n tn Zyrtec can cause side effects like skin nodules, rash, pruritis (itching), acne, urticaria, photosensitivity reactions and eczema. So, the itchy red cheeks could be due to Zyrtec. Discuss your symptoms with your consulting doctor he may change the dose or the medications. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn The itching turns to minor pain a week or two later as the skin drys and stretches, almost with very tiny tears. Anyways, as I mentioned, it starts when I take Zyrtec and stops after that.
Avatar n tn My 8 year old son has what is believed to be eczema we have done a biopsy which one pathologist read as psoriasis and another read as eczema and his dermatologist thought he had skin lupus. We are currently treating it as eczema and he is on elidel and triamcinolone cream, we have tried tanning beds and bleach baths. No relieve, this has been going since last Nov. The dermatologist wants to put him on methotraxate (sp?) (chemo drug). I am nervous, any advice????
Avatar n tn Doctor prescribed medications for his eczema and ointment and has taking some antibiotics and some other medications orally but it seems nothing is working. His eyes and that general area is all swollen and has red rashes all over his forehead. Of course they ithcy like heck. We did blood test too just in case but nothing came up. He is as healthy as a normal teen age boy can be. He eats well, gets proper exercises and everything is normal. I need help, any help would be grateful.
478342 tn?1241369352 Anti-itch drugs, often antihistamine, may reduce the itch during a flare up of eczema, and the reduced scratching in turn reduces damage and irritation to the skin. For mild-moderate eczema a weak steroid may be used (e.g. hydrocortisone or desonide), whilst more severe cases require a higher-potency steroid (e.g. clobetasol propionate, fluocinonide). Eczema can be exacerbated by dryness of the skin. Moisturizing is one of the most important self-care treatments for sufferers of eczema.
Avatar n tn I've always had it and I take zyrtec because creams don't work for me. Even though you're pregnant you are allowed to take the normal dose of zyrtec so if creams don't work try that!
Avatar n tn I have eliminated it being dry skin of an allergy, ive changed my lotion soaps and detergents. I’ve taken Zyrtec daily and Benadryl. I’ve gone to 5 different doctors, had blood tests, EMG test and nobody can seem to help me. I’m in constant pain and really could use some advice.
Avatar n tn I was using the steroid cream my dr gave me and following your advice about washing my hands and using a good lotion. Nothing was working and I felt like actually getting worse. I had some Zyrtec and started taking one a day for a week and it's basically working!! Very few itchy areas pop up once a day or less! Thanks for the advice!!
Avatar m tn Went to a derm who tells me it is Eczema and I will be fine, take Claritin or Zyrtec and some topical creme he prescribed and I will be fine. Well, it seemed to work for a short time with the Clartin but that made me really bloated and blotchy so I stopped that after 10 days and have not taken anything since. It does not really itch but looks worrisome. I have never had any issues like this on my skin.
Avatar n tn Good Evening, I'm suffering from itchy skin / allergy from what I think we're midges ontop of this I suffer eczema, so I trigger very quickly. I have a dr as a friend and she said as I am well into the pregnancy at 25wks 3 days she recommends zyrtec however twice now the pharmacy has said polarymime the drowsy one. Super confused and it's annoying me and I'm putting it all off only using and lathering calamine lotion on me just like a moisturizer. Any tips and hints Plz?
Avatar n tn Treatment includes oral antihistaminics like benadryl or Claritin or zyrtec and topical application of corticosteroids.You may try application of calamine on the affected site. It may work by soothing the skin.Severe cases may need oral steroids. Try keeping cool as urticaria may tend to flare up in warmer conditions. In particular, keep the bedroom cool at night. You should take a comfortably cool bath and wear smooth-textured cotton clothing.
336902 tn?1242006090 I have eczema, and it can flair up too! Here's what I do, I take 50 mg of Benadryl before I go to bed. I apply lanacane to the area, then apply some hydrocortisone. For day long relief, the best thing I've found is 10mg of Zyrtec. There's also a perscription cream called triamcinone that works well. Another thing that helps is vitamin D and sun exposure. Take 5000 mg of vitamin D for a month and see if that helps. Your dr can also test your vitamin d levels as well.
Avatar f tn Talk to your dr Hun. I use a prescribed nasal spray for my sinus as well as prescribed creams for my eczema. I asked my dr and he checked it out and ok'd it. You will feel better if you check, and won't stress yourself or feel guilty over it. Good luck! Hope you get some relief soon!
Avatar f tn My dermatologist said that the rash on my face was allergies?!?!?!? take a claritin or zyrtec. ive been taking claritin and it worked for the first three days and her i am... perioral is gone while im on this anitbiotic and this itcing is driving me insane!! Somebody give me some advice. O and the dermatologist says i have excma on my face it from me washing my face in cetaphil its the only thing that calms the itching down!
Avatar n tn Anti-itch drugs, often antihistamine, may reduce the itch during a flare up of eczema, and the reduced scratching in turn reduces damage and irritation to the skin. For mild-moderate eczema a weak steroid may be used (e.g. hydrocortisone or desonide), whilst more severe cases require a higher-potency steroid (e.g. clobetasol propionate, fluocinonide). Eczema can be exacerbated by dryness of the skin. Moisturizing is one of the most important self-care treatments for sufferers of eczema.
Avatar f tn Went to a doctor and was priscribed over the counterver Zyrtec/Cetirizine for the hives. Took them and immediately the hives vanished. Everything was going fine until the hives started to come back more and mroe regularly to the point I had to start taking the Zyrtec everyday to control them.
Avatar f tn The bumps soon merged and formed plaques in these areas. I took her to her allergist and was told it appeared to be eczema. I used creams, oatmeal baths and continued her Zyrtec. I decided to take her to a different allgerist for a second opinion. At this point she was placed on Zyrtec 5mg BID, Orapred 15 mg q daily x 5 days and Triamcinolone cream BID. The plaques were beginning to get better and I have seen some encouraging results regarding them.
Avatar n tn Eczema diagnosis is generally based on the clinical appearance and a few tests like the patch test and blood levels of IgE antibodies and eosinophils and a specific test for eczema is called the Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST). Skin rashes are diagnosed clinically based on the history and appearance of the rash. You should consult a skin specialist for proper clinical examination, which is necessary to evaluate any skin condition.
Avatar f tn I have a 7.5 year old son who started constantly snapping his head back about a month ago. It's definitely a tick, and it started very suddenly, and I don't know what to do. Please let me know if you have any breakthrough with this.
Avatar f tn I had forgotten to mention that I just recently stopped taking Zyrtec. My doctor thought it was eczema. She prescribed predisone and a topical ointment. That was about 8 days ago. The predisone helped, but I took smaller than the predscribed dose and still have had itching and random itchy bumps with itchy redness, especially if scratched, on my elbows, knuckles, and knees. Even so, I have considered my history and know there's definetly a corelation.
Avatar n tn Although I have enjoyed a good few benifits from doing this (my asthma is much improved, my scalp is much less dry and i sweat much less aswell) my eczema is worse than it has ever been before. In the past the sun would really help clear my skin up and i would tan pretty easily aswell, now i can't go in the sun for any length of time as it just isn't worth the discomfort afterwards! Anti-histamines don't really help other than slight reduction in itching... Please help me Doctor!
Avatar f tn My doctor was OK with me taking zyrtec. You just have to make sure to drink lots and lots of water.
681148 tn?1437661591 It seems like Akira has seasonal allergies and dust allergies in addition to her food allergies. Because I really don't want to give her long term steroids, I decided to only give her the 1/4 tablet of Zyrtec that the vet told me to give her before. I try to wait 'til I just have to give it to her, because I know that people can build up a tolerance to antihistamines, so I figure that animals can, too.
Avatar m tn Both Allegra and Zyrtec are 24 hour medications in my area. I have known several people who took 3 Zyrtec in one day, and my allergist says that you can't really OD on antihistimines. You should be sure to drink PLENTY of water and watch for signs of constipation and dehydration. You should make sure that your dr is well aware of how much of these meds you are taking to make sure that they are ok with any other medications you maybe taking.