
Workout songs yahoo

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Avatar f tn Walk after every meal , squats , lift 5 pound weights (no more than that) its easier said than done..........I tried to stay in shape I failed lol I have been extremely tired and craving sweets like crazy!
Avatar f tn I was wondering if it is safe to workout while being pregnant I already have gained a lot of weight and I am only 14weeks I just starting going to the gym and then I found out I was pregnant so I stopped I'm already overweight and I am worried about gaining to much weight and not being able to lose it!
637356 tn?1301924822 We Cheer 2 and since my daughter loves to cheer I thought why not. I played the game with her and realized for every cheer you master you open new songs. We played for two hours last night and today I am sore all over. I used muscles I didn't even remember I had!!! Plus it has a workout routine that will tell you how many calories you have burned by the end of the routine! I loved this!!!
Avatar f tn t start till June I can go to class next quarter Yahoo. Even if USC changes my mind about who does it I can still push it off till summer. I can't stay home I just can't.
Avatar f tn I walked to the library without stopping and back (with a bathroom break and grabbed a couple of books inbetween) with the walker. I wasn't able to do it without stopping a lot 2 weeks ago. Yahoo. Oh and I started PT exercises on Thursday. It went well. I'm still working on getting off the walker.
266539 tn?1281402152 It depends on what type of music your into and what you dont like :)
1346146 tn?1299360497 I did the dance central 20 minute workout(8) songs and I was ready to do another workout after that!(they had a 10 minute 4 song one) it was FUN!!!!
Avatar f tn Absolutely ;) I'd put mine in sweat mode songs to work harder and was doing it constantly for about 3wks anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3hrs (split up throughout the day) I dropped ten pounds in 2wks and felt great. Definitely can't wait to get back into that routine once I get some energy!!! Dancing to the wii is moving muscles and that's a workout in it's self.
1011285 tn?1302116858 I made a mistake of not going enough now im going to make sure i dont do that again. Time to get back into the football workout also. I will pray for all of you still out there struggling and just remember never lose hope the other side is like a whole new life filled with enjoyment.
Avatar f tn I just wanted to stop in an give an update... today is day 10 for me! So excited ot reach double digits - LOL I didn't even realize yesterday was day 9 - bearly even thought about it all day! And yesterday was a HUGE test for me.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with hypo about 21/2 years ago, I have gained 15 pds and I am extremely exhausted and weak!! I use to be able to workout 5-6 days a week but now I try 3 days a week but I just don't have energy! I been on synthroid but it doesn't help...I recently told my doctor and he switched me to armour thyroid medication... Does anyone know if this will help with some of my weight gain and my chronic fatigue is becoming unbearable...
362249 tn?1441315018 I always tear up when I see that video for that song "What might Have been" by Little Texas... Some Country songs always seem to make people cry!!
647902 tn?1250805283 Just really wanting to know how many of ya'll would like to be able to put songs on your profile page?
Avatar f tn How does everyone workout everyday to stay fit? I am a FTM and I want to stay fit and not lay around the house everyday gaining weight. So can y'all help me ? Please .
Avatar f tn I really recommend pregnancy yoga in your 2nd and 3rd trimester, before that aqua aerobics, swimming, normal yoga and Pilates, gym workout, light jog, stationary bike and cross trainer, anything really as long as you are feeling well and comfortable doing it.