
Sore jaw pain in side of head

Common Questions and Answers about Sore jaw pain in side of head


Avatar f tn To massage the masseter muscles on each side of your jaw, place your thumb inside your mouth and squeeze the thick muscle in your cheek with your fingers. To massage the jaw muscles inside your mouth, use your index finger to probe and massage these spots. Moist heat or cold packs on the face, vitamin supplements, or biofeedback are useful for some people. Usually people find a method that brings relief by trial and error. Consult an ENT specialist.
Avatar f tn Hi . M 32 yr female. Few weeks back i.e 3 i got sore lyumph node on the left side of my neck , behind the ear and it goes down to the neck . Then i got sore throat on the left side . These symptoms comes and goes. In the morning when i get up sysmptoms n soreness is not there and then comes during the day.... i went to the ENT specialist he said i dont hAve sore throat i have sinus problem . He gave me some antibiotics, nasal spray, sinus medicine .
Avatar n tn It always starts with a horrible headache then it goes to numbness in my cheek and jaw and ear. The other day I had a new symptom that was a sore throat pain in underneath of jaw and behind my ear. Anyway, someone told me the headache was a side effect of gabbapentin but the headache has always been present even before I started medication. The headache is constant and unrelenting. I have had MRI and cat scan and they were normal. Dr thinks my TN came from mastoiditis that I had.
Avatar n tn I have been experience constant pain for six months. It started with heart palpitations. After three days in the hospital with an echo, EKGs, and heart enzyme studies, it was determined that the issue is not related to my heart. The palpitations eventually subsided but that pain that presented with them has not. In fact, it's gotten much worse. Sometimes it's all of the way down my arm into my finger tips. It feels like it's in my muscle.
Avatar f tn (I have been diagnosed with a bakers cyst on the back of my left knee, but am beginning to wonder if the series off small lumps may instead be related to my other lumps.) My pain and lumps are primarily associated with my right side of my jaw ear and neck area. Often times the whole side of my neck feels tight and swollen on the inside and under my tongue as well. I feel like something is pressing on nerves causing tingling soreness and discomfort.
Avatar n tn I know many people with this and it can cause headaches, neck pain, ear pain, all kinds of pain in your head/face area. First I would talk with your regular doctor then maybe a referral, if your doctor agrees, to someone who specializes in TMJ disorders. Please remember this is just a guess, so see your family doctor first OK. Good luck and let me know how it goes. Take care.
644083 tn?1282604175 is anybody who have tmj and have constant pain in the teeth only in the right side is like something is pulling my upper teeth is a horrible pain no pills take the pain they say i have tmj plus a bunch of oher things the back of my head and my showelders are in a lot of painis like my all body is going crazy is any body who have a lot of pain in the teeht please tell me what can help my new thing right know is taking something call tmj relief plus a bunch of new vitamins if is helping d
Avatar f tn I must clench my teeth. I do suffer from bad anxiety and depression. I started this way 2 years ago. I do find that I grit my teeth. When I wake up my jaws are tight and they stay that way all day. They are not real bad but I can tell their tight when I open and close my mouth. I have had a weird sensation for over a month that doesn't go away on the side of my head and into my ear. My ear feels clogged.
Avatar n tn Sometimes it is so bad that it is difficult to eat. When I grab the left side of my jaw and slide it right, the right side/TMJ hurts in the same way as it does when i bite down. Pushing the jaw the other way produces no pain. I am concerned because I also have a funny "feeling" in my right ear that has accompanied this jaw pain. My ear canal feels "cool" and like there is liquid or wax in it, but when I put my finger in it, there is nothing.
Avatar n tn Recently I have been having pain on both sides of my jaw and up the back of my head. It started off on the right side making my face feel numb and then gave me shooting pain in the side of my head and down my neck. I have also been feeling like my ears are clogged or there is a lot of pressure in my head. I constantly feel as if I have been given a numbing medication because my teeth feel numb. I know that sounds weird but it feels like my mouth and teeth have been numbed.
Avatar n tn About 6 months ago I started developing pain in the side of my neck. At first I thought it was a toothache because my lower back jaw and my ear hurt as well. I can barely touch the side of my neck and if feels like I have a sore throat when I swallow. This goes on for about a week and them the symptoms disappear. Then I will get the same pain back right around a month later. This has been going on for about 6 month now? What is causing this pain in my neck?
Avatar n tn thanks. I cannot take anti-inflammatories as I am alergic to aspirin and there are none that aren't in the same category. I am seeing a massage therapist today, recommended by my chiropractor. My chiropractor showed me how my jaw is actually "pulling to one side" and is out of line. He is doing adjustments and it has been getting it back in line. My whoel face hurts, including my teeth. I think I let it go far too long.
Avatar n tn Well I started biting down on my jaw (left side only) and now the muscles on jaw and in my neck on my left side twitch. Of course I have the jaw pain and ear pain associated with the biting down on my jaw. But I have never had muscle twitches in my neck. Anyone have any answers?
519096 tn?1219940211 diagnosed with temporal arteritis, symtoms are, head ake left side of head, face pain, left side, sore left eye, jaw sore, eye left side, temple sore, upper back, very sore from shoulder to shoulder. sweating and feel weak, no energy, mental or physical, i'm on 40 mgs. of prednisone, and elavil, 25 mgs.. my symtoms are not getting better, i'm more dragged out feeling, nothing is changing, as in getting better, i have taken prednisone since january.
Avatar f tn m concerned about is that today, two days later, I STILL have this really terrible pain and swelling in the back of my head and in the bottom corners of my jaw. My neck also feels really sore, I don't know what that's about, but I'm not as worried about either. I don't remember a lot of the night, but my friends told me I hit my head really hard in a concrete wall a couple times, which I don't remember...
Avatar n tn The next day my gum started to swell where the shot was given. The swelling has went down but now there is a sore there and the left side of my cheek and jaw hurt. I've never experienced this before. What could this be?
5887486 tn?1376104591 Hi, just last night, I was laying in bed, and rolled to my right side, and as I turned my head over on my pillow, I noticed it was painful. Today. I've noticed it all day, there is a slight lump on the right side under my jaw. It is moveable, and isn't excruciating just yet. When I apply pressure, or face my head downwards, it gets very sore. I am very curious to know if this is heard of commonly or not, and if it is a serious problem. Thank you!
Avatar f tn On Monday felt a little pain and discomfort which gradually increased through Tuesday and still experience pain and discomfort on wednesday. When mouth is closed there is no pain. When moving jaw from side to side, no pain. I experience tthe pain and discomfort when opening my mouth. II also noticed my face get a little puffy on that side on Tuesday. Do think my jaw is broken, dislocated, or just bruised?
1527510 tn?1392301344 today however has been the worst and has lasted the entire day soo far, also, the pain is more on the left hand side of my forehead and is travelling right down the left side past my etc...and its really painful to actually touch the skin too. ive also been very tired since yesterday and even though ive had plenty of sleep all weekend i could just sleep again. anyone know what this could be?
Avatar m tn Thanks so much for reading this and trying to help. The last 2 weeks, I have had a litany of things happen in and around my mouth. I will make this as quick as possible for ya! ...2 weeks ago, 1. I had the left corner of my mouth, by my lip crease crack. There may have been a very slight raise in the skin. I couldn't open my mouth the whole way though without a good bit of pain in the crease of my lip area. That lasted a week to ten days. 2.
Avatar m tn Swollen lymph nodes, migraines, shoulder and upper back tension, pain under jaw, swollen tong, ear pressure, white yeast on tong, several lesions on top of tong, and pressure on top of head and back of head, Itchy on neck and head. Stopped after 10 days. (Weight 175) Week 8: Dull pain in chest that grew into severe pain with 2 weeks’ time, tender lymph nodes, pressure behind ears and jaw line. Coughed up blood. Itchy on neck.
Avatar m tn The problem I have is that I can not turn my head to the left properly,I have pain up to the back of my neck on the left side, to under the skull, the back of my throat on the left side is swollen.When my tooth was playing up,which is the top back left molar,my throat was swollen on the left side,down to my lower throat.The socket took a year to heal and stop leaking,I was on penicillin for a week the decay had got into my jaw ,and I lost a little bit of my jaw around the top of my back molar.
621386 tn?1221532483 Not to mention, that she suffered for years with head pain, jaw pain ( excrutiating) sinus troubles, severe neck pain, and mostly ear aches. They told her it was "sensative ears", and they told her it was Vertigo. This went on for many years, they gave her pain meds that only harbored the troubles. Now, I am very mad that her doctor(s) could not have found out about the cancer until the lesion showed up.
Avatar f tn Along with all my other pain back, hips, hands, i have had this pain on the right side of my head just behind the ear about the size of a tennis ball. As the day progresses the pain/pressure gets worse. Its such a concentrated pain it is very strange. Would love to hear from someone.
Avatar m tn I have had a sore throat for almost 14 days now, accompanied by infrequent stabbing pain in my jaw. I know that it's not normal to have a sore throat for this long (it's on my right side, same side as jaw pain) and I'm starting to become concerned. I saw a dentist, thinkin that it was tooth related, but the dentist said he could not attribute it to any tooth problems. He took my temp, felt glands, applied pressure to gums. Nothing, but the pain still persists. What could it be ?
Avatar m tn To massage the masseter muscles on each side of your jaw, place your thumb inside your mouth and squeeze the thick muscle in your cheek (toward the back of your mouth) with your fingers. To get at the harder-to-reach jaw muscles inside your mouth, use your index finger to probe for tender areas behind the teeth, and use the finger to massage these spots. Other home-care therapies, such as moist heat or cold packs on the face, vitamin supplements, or biofeedback are useful for some people.
Avatar f tn It just hit me like a ton of bricks. The pain is a throbing kind of pain and it will ease up after several minutes, then come back as bad, if not worse, than before. I almost feel as though it's situated inside my ear and it's causing the nerves along my upper and lower right jaw to hurt. I'd say on a scale of 1-10, the pain is around 7, possibly even 8 at times. It gets worse when I lie down on my back. It isn't relieved by cold or heat applied to the area.