
Jaw pain earache and sore throat

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain earache and sore throat


Avatar f tn Hi mila21, Oh boy, you're in that "fun" waiting stage between biopsy and results. It's like torture, isn't it? I hope you get good news next week. I can't imagine that a needle biopsy could cause a sore throat and earache, but I'm not a doctor. If it does have to do with the lump itself, maybe it's pressing on something that is causing the pain. You should call your doctor's office and talk to the nurse.
Avatar f tn There are many nerves which run under the jaw and up the side of the face and the ear, and it is these they try to avoid when removing a thyroid, as it can cause paralysis of the face. So it is very possible you are having pain due to a nerve being pushed or compressed. Good luck!
Avatar f tn His test proves he was negative at the time you had sex with him. All your tests are well past the window period and false negatives won't repeat themselves constantly past the window period. You are conclusively hiv negative.
Avatar m tn Let me first say that I had a sore throat/stuffy nose about 2 weeks ago and took some Halls cough drops every 2 hours as directed for about a week. I had a mini canker sore on my lip but that went away and now i have another mini canker sore on my lip but that's not an issue. I believe these canker sores are from the cough drops. I'm pretty sure I read that these cough drops can cause the canker sores. My main issue is now I have this painful bump in the back of my throat/mouth/tongue.
Avatar n tn It started as sinus headaches 2 months ago, then it turned into pressure all over my face and an earache with jaw pain. That was 3 weeks ago. Now it is jaw pain, dizziness, and sinus pressure. My ENT had a CT done and said my sinuses are basically clear but I have 2 small polyps in a cavity and teeth growing in y nasal cavity?...Apparently this is normal? But now I am severely depressed and anxious too. He seems to think all of this stemed from stress so he gave me valium.
4259918 tn?1351848942 I have also has earache and sore throat, cough, many have where I live in CA theres almost an epidemic..the waiting rooms are full especially children .I think its environmental allergies caused by the spraying they are doing .
Avatar f tn What would cause my bite to shift to the right and pain at the joint of my jaw on the right? Could this change account for my having a constant eadache?
Avatar f tn I had a sore throat and ear pain whenever I had major dental procedures like, root canal, extraction or surgery! My best friend, who was a dental assistant, told me it is pretty normal as we opened our mouth to our max for a period of time. Therefore our jaw and neck muscle is pretty strained. Adding on, if you have ulcers due to dental procedure, it is gonna be worse. I'm on my day 3 of post root canal treatment and I am still having sore throat and ear ache is well. It is normal guys!!
Avatar f tn It has been more than a month since I noticed that my submandibular gland began to swell and slight pain began. I went to the ER and they gave me 10 days of amoxicillen and said that my throat looked slightly red. However, I have taken all of the medication, the redness was gone within a couple of days, but now the pain has worsened, even to the point of causing a burning in my jaw by my ear, as it does if I laugh when I have something sour in my mouth.
Avatar f tn ok first things first get check by a doc for ct/Mir for head and them for tmj for the jaw , both will cause pain I had an earache for months and not one doc new got luckily and finally I had tmj ok one more thing when you sleep cover your neck with a soft blanket always keep your neck warm, this will help....
Avatar f tn I suspected a neurological issue but after a week, the tingling has subsided and I just have a sore throat and ear pain. Weird! I have also had some facial pain/sensitivity, have you?
1500294 tn?1290272209 can tmj REALLY cause deep ear pain along with throat pain??? my jaw is tender once in a while..but nothing like my ear ache....i worry like crazy about throat cancer or an anurysm (sp?) brewing in my carotid artery or something!!!!!!! i also do have chronic allergies and sinus problems so that probably doesnt' help anyways.
Avatar f tn A winter storm blew in bringing extremely low temps. Between work & errands I have been in & out during the cold snap. Saturday I developed pain inside my ear. It hurts when I move my jaw, yawn etc.. I am taking acetaminophen. I get grief relief but then it's back to throbbing pain again. I cannot sleep on my right side because of the pain. Their is no drainage & I have had no fever. Could it be an ear infection, possibly just a blockage of fluid?
Avatar f tn Hey! My throat has been irritated for about a month and the right side felt like it was a little swollen when I would swallow. I've also been having a bit of an earache, off and on, and recently started getting pain in my ear while chewing food. It was to the point this morning where I couldn't really open my mouth all the way because of my ear hurting.
1408091 tn?1281408698 other glands in my throat are starting to swell, close to middle of throat...throat still isnt sore, just swollen glands that are somewhat painful...very mild pain, seems to get worse sometimes when i turn my head certain ways. And sometimes I get a metallic taste in the back of my throat also. Not very often though. My sinus cavities hurt more than usual today, no fever. And I've been having some mild abdominal pains, but that may be unrelated. Oh my ears ring sometimes too.
Avatar f tn Since early hours this morning ive had really bad Tooth and jaw pain then the pain went to the bottom of my jaw and the top of my head then it stopped then I had a bad jaw and earache then that stopped then I had a pain on the top bit of my nose to my head and so on, I got told that jaw pain in pregnancy but ive never met anyone who has had It, is this Normal it not becuse im in alot of pain and paracetamol never works!!
Avatar f tn what do i do, my jaw aches alot of the time and also slight earache although the teeth themselves dont throb they do seem to ache in morning and evening.
Avatar n tn I have severe throat pain on left side mainly underneath jaw and at bottom of throat. Seems to be set off by acidic foods, or swallowing bulky rough items. I have never had a sore throat like this before -- I have no other symptoms no cold, no runny nose, no cough etc. It has not gotten any better after a kind of 2 day onset 6 days ago. Yawning really hurts severely.
Avatar f tn ) My pain and lumps are primarily associated with my right side of my jaw ear and neck area. Often times the whole side of my neck feels tight and swollen on the inside and under my tongue as well. I feel like something is pressing on nerves causing tingling soreness and discomfort. I asked the doctor if antibiotics would be a consideration for treatment 6 months ago and I got the talk about the over use of antibiotics. I have still not taken any type of antibiotics in regard to this problem.