
Prozac feeling

Common Questions and Answers about Prozac feeling


Avatar n tn This is my 12th day on Prozac and my anxiety is at an all time low. The first few days on Prozac I started to feel better (could have been placebo effect.). Now for the past week its starting to make me depressed because I feel like this is never going to get better. The Prozac seems to be making it worse. I have no appetite whatsoever, dry mouth and slight nausea.
503449 tn?1231075934 I have had depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember. Lately it has been a lot worse. I don't do much anymore because I don't really have any friends. The friends I had are all married now. I've been single for 2 years. I have a daughter but she lives 2 hours away with my parents. I usually get to see her on weekends but it's just not the same, and I always come home alone. I work regular Monday - Friday hours.
Avatar f tn It is going to take some time for the prozac to start working. That spacy feeling is actually quite normal, think of it as the medication at work, with time it will go away. And your appetite will return. Some people such as I, had to try different antidepressants until I found the right one for me. But with each one the spacy feeling was there for at least the first couple weeks.
Avatar f tn When should i be feeling the feel good effects of prozac i'm coming up to 4 weeks tomorrow and at first felt ok but have gone a little down hill i was just wondering weather its my body trying to adjust to the med. I'm currently taking 20mg in the morning does anybody think this needs to be upped if i have felt good and now gone a little down.I also take omega 3 fish oil and vitamin b complex. having few side effects off the prozac shakes feeling sick and diarrhea.
Avatar f tn Has anyone taking prozac experienced a foggy headed feeling? It started off with dizziness when I was at 10 mg, but now it is more of a feeling like my head is clouded up (recently stated 20mg). Sometimes it is hard to think clearly. I noticed that it is better when it is dark out. Could this be a side effect that is short term? Or could it possibly just be from anxiety showing through?
Avatar f tn Has anyone taking prozac experienced a foggy headed feeling? It started off with dizziness when I was at 10 mg, but now it is more of a feeling like my head is clouded up (recently stated 20mg). Sometimes it is hard to think clearly. I noticed that it is better when it is dark out. Could this be a side effect that is short term? Or could it possibly just be from anxiety showing through?
Avatar f tn Were you tapered off Paxil, or abruptly switched to Prozac? What you were suffering is probably Paxil withdrawal, not "allergy" to Prozac. Prozac actually gets in your system much more slowly than Paxil, and leaves your system much more slowly. Paxil is one of the most difficult meds to quit. What you're getting is bad info from everyone. For one thing, Prozac is just as likely to cause suicidal thinking as Paxil -- all antidepressants can do this.
449440 tn?1206887304 ok i just started taking prozac for my agoraphobia my depression and my anxity was wondering since i have been on it i have had diarriah and been overly tired how long should this last o and when i try to relax i feel all creapy crawly inside is this normal
Avatar f tn ive just been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder by my doctor and have started taking 20mg prozac daily for the past week-im just wondering how long will it take to 'kick in'? as i feel the past few days my symptoms slightly worsening-is this normal? please help me as i have a chronic fear of going out in public with the past few months, its the strangest feeling!
Avatar f tn Is anyone on this drug?for depression,etc,started back on me tablets again prozac,but i get thoughts that scare me,mood swings etc,havent been on it again all that long,should i give the tablets more time?mayb it isnt the tablets and just me thinking it is.
Avatar m tn my partner has been on prozac for around 10 years and recently weaned herself of them.4 months down the line she is feeling really low ,is this a side affect of the drug e.g. coming out of her system or should she be considering retking it .she really dosent want to start again.Is there a phone number she can ring or a helpline where she can discuss her symtoms. many thanks A.
Avatar f tn Had anxiety from a child! In 1997 introduced to Prozac and no anxiety for 13 years! The Prozac just slowly became ineffective! Went onto Citilopram which worked well and now after 8 years that has slowly become ineffective! I tried Sertraline for a round 8 weeks but didn't find them as efficient! Dr said try Prozac again, the anxiety is back, and I'm needing Diazapam to keep me calm! Really don't know what to do next! Very depressed.
Avatar f tn Everyone reacts different to meds. Keep tabs on how you are feeling (maybe take notes each day) so you can report back to the doctor if there is any problem. Try not to get discouraged. Med management is definately trial and error! I understand the feeling of ruining others lives, but family is family for a reason, to be there in tough times. Just do your best to get well and let your family know how much you appreciate them!
Avatar n tn I have been on Prozac20 mg for almost 9yrs, Wellbutrin 300 mg bid for about 5 yrs , and Aderrall 30mg SR for 2 yrs. For the last 4yrs i have experienced significant memory loss, word finding difficult, decreased concentration, night sweats and still feel depressed. The Aderall no longer works. I think the Prozac is causing the memory problems and brain fog. My providers says it's not the Prozac. I'm thinking of weaning myself off the prozac first and then the Adderall.
466048 tn?1207707074 I am on prozac as of last Wednesday. I feel the same if not worse than I did a week ago. Could my medication be the cause or is it too soon for it to be working properly? I have hypothyroid, could have that something to do with it?
691920 tn?1252099461 This can be an extremely frustrating experience whilst your awaiting for yourself solely to feel better about yourself as it can feel an extreemly long time when your feeling so shaky and depressed, but hang in there and have other things in place or around you during this transitional time to ease your sense of difficulties & distress.
Avatar f tn I have been taking prozac for 6 days andi feel kindamore anxious and in a fog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,also a member told me on her prozac reacts with the abilify i have been on so now im scared to take them both...........
Avatar n tn Hi deb757! I have to tell you that I was felling exactly the same after my TT. I had mine on Feb 19. My parathyroids were injured and weren't functioning, My calcium was very low, I also take 125 of synthroid and calcitrion to help me balance the calcium. I am still pretty moody but I feel much better. I am almost 49 years old and I don't think that your feeling the way you feel is related to menopouse. I still don.t sleep very well but I am trying to take melatonin.
248167 tn?1220363690 Heeeeeelp!!!! Just took my first dose of 10mg of Prozac. Someone please tell me I'll be ok! Scared out of my mind. Doing a lot of body scanning, waiting for side effects.
Avatar f tn something i always worrry about is meds affecting blood sodium level and i read in the prozac pacakage insert where prozac can cause it,im wondering if this is comman or if anyone has had any proble,s with it
Avatar f tn I'm also on 20 mgs of Prozac and have been for about a month. I take it in the morning and I haven't had any problems with it making me tired or making me sweat. Everyone reacts differently to meds though, so maybe you should talk to your doctor about the side effects and see if there is another med that might be better. I started on Zoloft but I was struggling with the side effects....I couldn't sleep and I always felt extremely jittery and nauseous.
Avatar f tn i was on 20 mg prozac since jan09 i had most of the side effects dizziness feeling faint high bp nervousness anxitey dry mouth fuzzy head just feeling really awful i did say to the gp but he said to increase the dose to 40mg i did this and felt a lot worse so i stopped taking them the first few days i had a real bad headache and neck pain but now i am just feeling a lot better more like myself
Avatar f tn I never had anxiety till I started taking Prozac, Im taking Prozac for severe depression but ever since being on it anxiety has been my major problem, I can't go a day without a panic attack or feeling sick due to anxiety, I'm throwing up from anxiety at least once a week and I'm constantly trembling and shaking and having paranoid thoughts. Prozac destroyed more than it fixed for me.
Avatar f tn Hi all, I have been on 10mg of prozac and .5 mg of klonopin at night for exactly one month. I can not fall asleep with out the klonopin. The Dr said this would go away once the prozac fully kicked in , but its been a month and nothing. I know the prozac is helping but i have ups and downs all day. If I sit at home by myself for an hr or two i will feel depression and or anxiety. I guess my question is.....