
Prozac and exercise

Common Questions and Answers about Prozac and exercise


Avatar f tn Hello. I am hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. I am 39 and have known I have very mild Mitral Valve Prolapse for years. It caused me NO problems whatsoever, then one day WHAM panic attacks and anxiety. Long story short, after several trips to the ER, cardiologists visits, Internal Medicine docs, psychiatrist. They all conclude Panic disorder/Anxiety. I have since learned that many times people with MVP are more prone to panic and anxiety.
Avatar n tn i have had major anxiety for 4 yrs now to the point were i cant be elft alone again, and it is or i am letting it control my life i c drs i have just been switched or in the process of switching from paxil cr 50 mg daily to prozac and i take clonazepam. i c many take xanax. i have heard bad things about that. but i am wondering if prozac is a good med for really bad axiety and fears of dieing..everyday.
Avatar f tn Is there a correlation between taking Prozac and weight gain? I have been on this med for close to 20 years and have steadily gained weight during those years (2-3 pounds a year). I wondered if it is the meds or just me!?!
Avatar m tn what does potassium have to do with it? .... I am open here to any and all thinking and ideas ... how long sis on Prozac? ... what has improved? .. no side effects noticed by her? as always THANKS everyone and God Bless!!!!!
Avatar f tn got a new dr in may cause old one retired he had me try to up prozac and trouble with that so his asso. had me totally stop the prozac and go on wellbutrin sr 150am and pm,,,,after a week i was having prozac withdrawals so back on prozac i went and still on wellbutrin to be honest i dont know if my depression is something else cause neither brought me up or were new dt thinks i have slight add..anywayas i have been tapering off the prozac 10 mg a week per dr...
527657 tn?1214051850 s true that a small percentage of people gain weight on Paxil, but that does not mean you be careful about how much you eat and exercise, and you will probably be all right.
Avatar f tn Hi everyone, well it's an absolute miracle I made it this far. Thanks to ALL of you for your support! I was depressed before the pills, during the pills and now after. I know I suffer from depression and have been on Prozac for a few years which I'm tapering down and getting off of. I know the blahs are all part of this process. I was so proud of myself for the first few days and to be perfectly honest, the WD I was so terrified of just didn't happen for me.
Avatar f tn So, had a head ct scan done this morning, waiting on those results. My doctor put me on prozac about a week and a half ago. Starting to feel a little better, not as much anxiety, but its still there. I read about the magnesium and vitamin d, will see how it interacts with my meds.
Avatar f tn I've gained 25 lbs in less than a year. I'm taking Prozac and lorazepam for OCD and anxiety. I know I can't get off the medicine yet but how do I lose the weight? I initially lost weight until I gained all and more weight back. Has anyone experienced this and have you done to help in losing weight?
Avatar n tn So is there a recommended amount of time to let the adderall wear off so I can exercise and feel normal heart rate and breathing wise?
Avatar f tn Basically it is high intensity (whatever that is for you) in a burst of say 1.5 to 2 minutes and then 3 to 5 minutes of lower intensity. So if you walk, walk at a brisk pace for the lower intensity and then for the burst-- do a light job or super fast walk pumping arms. Good to life weights too because you will burn calories AFTER your work out and rev up your metabolism. The truth is, turning 40 is hard on a woman regarding weight. When I turned 40, I began gaining weight.
1798419 tn?1315810427 I have been on effexor for four months now, In that time ive gained 6 kgs, feel bloated and full all the time, and have NO sex drive at all. I spoke to my doctor about this, and she assured me the weight gain has nothing to do with effexor, she made feel like it was all in my head. I decided to take myself off the medicine, i halved my dosage for a week, then stopped it all together, i have gone back on prozac which is what i was taking before effexor..
Avatar f tn And drink one before each mean. Exercise and water can help you loose wieght. No one has ever lost wieght from taking pills. It is determination to change your lifestyle. You need a doctor to help you with your eating disorder. It is not medicine it is a disorder and it is dangerous to your health. There are doctor that specialize in eating disorders. Ask your family doctor to refer you to a eating disorder therapist or doctor. Take care of you!
Avatar n tn It is exhausting. I went on and off Prozac for several years and the situation did not improve. Two years ago a new doctor gave me Zoloft but it made me gain weight, which is an issue for me. My depression started as a teenager because I was overweight, and I know I became a very insecure adult with low self esteem, in great part because of this. Switched back to Prozac and things remained the same, though I managed to lose the extra weight.
5377229 tn?1367102940 What can she do to help herself? She w as taken off both on Wednesday and put on prozac. Can she use tylenol for the headache? Someone told her it is not safe to do. Another person suggested melatonin. Is that safe? She is bi polar and has gained over 100 lbs on these meds over the last 6 years. This is ridiculous! Will she gain on prozac also? What is wrong with these psychiatrists, anyway? It makes me sooooo angry!
Avatar n tn Remember if you have been exercising alot that this turns bodyfat into muscle which is heavier. Prozac and seroxat i think increased my weight, as did the depression itself and giving up the smokes. Speak to your GP if its a burning issue that really stresses you. just being devils advocate but what about a specific exercise group which incorporates meeting others, also attempting to lose a few pounds?
Avatar f tn you think so,i have been on prozac since march ttrying totaper off but got scared cause going to alaska,so dr said drop back to 10 mg of prozzac well im not going down to 10 mg ffrom 40 mg in one day i was freaking from cutting back from 50 to 40,,,i will wait till after vacation..some say u dont have to taper off prozac but i have been on it since march 2 and evn my pharmasist said that would be to much off a drop for me as i freak out so much..
Avatar f tn My question is this, now 42, I looked at my last exercise echo and also my old testing and the paper work says trivial tricuspid regurgitation but mvp not evident. Also it said nothing about heart block. Does this mean the heart block went away and did they mess up on the mvp diagnoses at first or is the tricuspid thing the same at mvp?
Avatar n tn I hated prozac it was the drug from hell for me. Im on paxil and i like it much better but everyone is different. On prozac my heart would race and i felt aweful.
Avatar m tn The only other medications I am on are Klonopin and Gianvi (birth control), neither of which should interact with the Prozac. Since the prozac, I have been vomiting, not sleeping, and feeling "out of it". The pharmacist I spoke with said it should take one more day to get out of my system. If I did in fact have serotonin syndrome, I would most likely either be dead by now or coming out of it, correct?
Avatar f tn Increased sweating is a common side effect of Prozac (Fluoxetine is the generic for Prozac so it is the exact same thing). For most patients the sweating settles down after a month or two after start of therapy...but not for all. Some patients that struggle with the sweating issue with take their Prozac at bedtime to try to minimize this side effect, but even that doesn't always work. Keep in mind that there are other anti-anxiety/depression choices out there if you are willing to try.
Avatar f tn I have taken Prozac off and on for about 8 years and I am planning on seeing my doctor next week to be "on again." Do keep in mind that people react differently to different medications. A good friend of mine prefers Zoloft to Prozac because she stated that Prozac makes her "wig out" but I have never had a problem with it. It just seems to help me deal with everything a little bit better each day.
Avatar n tn I personaly dont agree with A.Ds "ssris, snris, all of em" My theroy is that people with anxiety are over stimulated as a result from Higher production of Seritonin, Norepinephrine, Dopeamine, and the onder production of GABA. A.D's make those certian nerotransmitter more sensitive, creating worse panic. And of course the GABA definently can keep up with the other 3 nerotransmitters because it already had a unhealthy lowered functioning level.
Avatar m tn i am wanting to know what other med i can take, that will not put so much weight on me. i have been told that prozac is ok and will not add weight. i also had a friend who was on paxil 20 mg. her doctor switched her avitan, and she loast 25 lbs. she is doing great. will this help me.
Avatar n tn Paxil should be done on at least a six week taper. It's a tough one to withdraw from. The problem with shifting directly from one to another is you can't tell whether what you're suffering is withdrawal from the last drug or side effects from the new one, so it's impossible for your psychiatrist to help you adapt. Now, because Paxil is so hard to withdraw from for some people, what some psychiatrists do is put you on a little liquid prozac to ease the withdrawal.
Avatar m tn Prozac was not an energy booster for me, i think energy comes from nutrition, and exercise and getting off my arse. i would take natural tiredness over insomnia and having to take a sleep aid any day. look up the history of Zoloft on whikopedia, notice that it was banned in europe until magically in 1991 it was approved. you can read the %'s from the double blind studies right there. then resarch prozac.
Avatar m tn IM having to take something to sleep and now the Prozac. Im trying to figure out what to expect and how to best handle it. Help?