
Propranolol and thyroid storm

Common Questions and Answers about Propranolol and thyroid storm


510002 tn?1214073197 but I did my Question to you is the Dr put me on 40 mg 3 times a Day and I want to know do I still take the Propranolol I think the Dr said yes and he will reduce it as times goes on ,he also have me Ativan when needed 7 gm what is this drug for ?
Avatar f tn I had a thyroid storm in October 2016. It affected my eyes and heart rate, with palpitations, heat intolerance, being hot all the time. I was treated with methimazole and propranolol. I was advised by the eye specialist to have a thyroidectomy ASAP which I did mid December,but just checked my labs and found the TSI to be really high. What happens now? Do my eyes continue to get worse? Can it be helped? Do I go blind?
Avatar f tn Your want body and mind to be good now and scary thyroid can convinced - you are in a situation and need to DO something ASAP! Its not true or should be acted in all senerios. You have possibilities to regain and heal better than ever - EVEN repairing or "cure" ( for a better word) your entire condition utilizing this full term pregnancy. I'd hate to see that be the case after a hastful act to abort - then find out it wasn't the right thing to do.
Avatar f tn I am hyperthyroid since 2011,I lost a baby after birth due to it(didn't know it was thyroid)in 2013 march I had another baby.who is okay and well.I'm 5weeks pregnant now.what do I do.which drugs is best for me now.on carbimazole and propranolol but have stopped as I confirmed been pregnant.
1454777 tn?1288839052 My eyes,,,,,,,,,,my eyes felt peeled back, and it was like I was in a weird zone. My mom told me that it may be a thyroid storm. That day I did see a doctor, she was pressing on my thyroid, while she had me try to swallow water. I am not sure what I am anymore, Hypo or not. I do know that I have several goiters from an ultrasound last week. I just want to know if anyone else has had this experience.
Avatar f tn Two weeks ago, I had a Supraventricular Tachycardia Fibrillation (I have a heart murmur from birth and trivial and mild regurgitation of mitral and tricuspid valves). What I need to know is..... Is there a BIG possibilty of me getting thyroid storm after RAI as the last episode of fibbrillation made me feel like I was going to die. I have been checked by my Cardio since and ultraosund shows no clots or damage and same results as from ultrasound 2 years ago.
Avatar n tn That isn't a thyroid storm. A thyroid storm is an emergency situation and requires medical intervention. What you probably had was a whole mess of symptoms from being hypo and having high antibodies. The thyroid regulates body temp so that was probably the start of that attack. It is very difficult for some of us to be out in the heat doing anything physical, let alone just sitting. :) I always use an ice pack behind my neck and in front to cool myself down when that starts happening to me.
458072 tn?1291415186 You hear a lot of talk about thyroid storm, and people say they have experienced it, but it is rare, and most people do not survive one unless they happen to be in a hospital at the time. Thyroid storm induces multiple system failure. Confusion or delirium along with tachacardia quickly escalates to vomitting, extreme delirium, coma, or seizures, along with the liver shutting down and heart failure.
Avatar n tn You get over medicated. Too much medication. I have been over medicated before and became hyper years after my TT. You could also have re growth of remaining thyroid tissue. It has happened, rare, but it does. If you are getting hyper symptoms please let your doctor know. That is why you need to make sure you get your levels checked periodically.
Avatar f tn these drugs quieten down the symptoms of the overactive thyroid, by blocking the adrenaline-like effects of thyroid hormones. Propranolol tablets are the most frequently used." It is likely your doctor will follow up with you in the coming weeks and monitor your levels and decide what to do after that. Once your thyroid levels are under control, you chances of conceiving will greatly improve.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism last august and have been on propranolol and methimazole since. I was taking four methimazole and now my specialist increased it to 5 and that really makes me sad. I'm gaining weight and feel so awful about myself. Yes i am feeling better which is worth alot but my hot flashes are insane. My pituitary gland is what the specialist refers to as "sleeping" and so I was wondering if you have any suggestions as to how to wake it up.
Avatar f tn So, please post your most recent thyroid labs and include reference ranges (they vary lab to lab and have to come from your own lab report). Are weight gain and tremors your only symptoms?
Avatar m tn t work because of contrast that they injected to mu body before the CT scan ( Contrast has made of Iodine and reduce the thyroid iodine uptake ) and yes 3 month after my first thyroid scan , I can do another one ( I should wait 2 more month ) How do you feel now ? I hope you feel better !
Avatar f tn Thyroid storm is an *extreme* case of hyperthyroidism. When were your labs run last and what were the results??
1341750 tn?1276997427 Does anyone know at what point during or after surgery one is no longer susceptible to Thyroid storm? I read on that surgery and anesthesia can precipitate Thyroid Storm. This sounds pretty risky to me. My hyperhtyroidism has not been labled by any doctor. The only diagnosis they give is that I have a subacute hot nodule and slightly elevated levels of T3 and T4 and very low TSH. I've had this situation for 8 years and take no meds. Just lots of kale and cruceferous vegetables.
1308034 tn?1337644984 What were the symptoms???