
Period cycle getting longer

Common Questions and Answers about Period cycle getting longer


Avatar m tn I suggest visiting your gynecologist/doctor for advice and an exam as soon as possible. Anytime you experience anything unusual about your cycle, such as heavy bleeding or an irregular cycle w/ blood clots, it's always good to make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as you can.
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Avatar f tn last month I did not get a period and now for the last week and a half I have had a very light period (at least I think it's a period) that is mostly just spotting when I urinate but not much otherwise.
1567784 tn?1327054623 I have heard it can make you ovulate later and that in turn would cause your cycle to be longer. I do hope however that not only does this help but that your AF doesn't show her face for another ohh..9 months?? ;) Take care!! Lots of SSBD!
Avatar f tn can stress make your cycle longer? i am now in my junior year of high school and i am constantly stressed about tests and assignments etc. last question: i live in a VERY rural area with no health clinics near. can i drive to the nearest health clinic and get it even if it is in another county for a low price? what is involved in getting it at health care clinics? i am not getting this through my parents or telling them for that matter for an obvious reason.
1105753 tn?1374287348 Things did get back on track, although after my 4th loss my cycle changed from 28 to 25 days. Now, post partum cycles are longer again. Hormones do such weird things to our bodies, but they do tend to straighten themselves out. Good luck!!
Avatar n tn My husband and I are trying to have our 2nd child. Just wondering how long it will take..... I had no problem getting pregnant with the first one who is now almost 4 years old. I had a period about a week after the mirena was removed but i haven't had one in july. We have been trying and i havent had a period this month but took 2 pregnancy test and both came back neg. Could I be pregnant???? My breast are tender, im cramping, tired could but just be late and getting ready to start????
Avatar f tn Your cycle is the time between periods. So by cycle you mean that your *period* is lasting a shorter and shorter amount of time? If that is the case, YES it is normal! You can have a period for ONE day and it's still normal.
Avatar m tn Has she been on the pill for more than 3 months or so? I know when I started on my second month of using them, I had a period that lasted a full month.. It was however very light during the time I was not suppose to have one. I've completely missed a period before once for taking 2 pills in a day when I missed in the last two weeks of the pack.. but that wouldn't make a period last longer.. I agree with the one above me.. have her see her dr.
2187580 tn?1338053554 You should have your period about once every 28 days (or slightly shorter/longer) lasting no longer than 7 days. You may need to look into taking some birth control pills to help regulate your period so something like this doesn't happen, but if this is the only time it has, your doctor may decide to have you track it.
1900942 tn?1462421460 s very natural and expected that if you have a longer cycle you will ovulate later. For example, many women with a 35 day cycle will ovulate on CD 20-25. It doesn't mean their eggs are bad quality. What is your average cycle length so far, and what CD are you on?
Avatar f tn My period is 4 days late.. I really don't know What's going on here. My period last month was longer than normal and then this month it's late! If no period by Tuesday I'm gonna get check out..
Avatar f tn Im still breastfeeding our 16 month d and my periods are very irregular. I got my first period snce he was born when he was nine months. Will i have a difficult time getting pregnant and should i worry?
Avatar f tn When should i have my period I had a baby 3 months ago last time I had sex was maybe a couple weeks ago he didn't ejaculate in me after that I took 2 pregnancy test came out negative but I'm stressing because I'm not nursing and wondering when my cycle would start.
Avatar n tn I'm 28 and I came off the pill in August 2016 and since then my cycle is getting longer, but I generally only get a light bleed for 5 days max, originally at 28 days they were averaging 35 days in january but the last cycle was 43 days and I'm now on day 46 and no period yet though discharge had a hint of pink yesterday but not very noticeable. I came off the pill because of problems with dryness and recurring yeast infections which has all stopped since coming off.
1289552 tn?1272071679 If a woman has a 28 day cycle. Counting the first day of her period as the first day of her cycle and the day before she starts her next period as the last day of her cycle. She would ovulate approximately day 14. If you have a 35 day cycle, you are most likely going to ovulate around day 21 of the cycle. Ovulation TYPICALLY occures about 14 days prior to the start of your period. It is possible to ovulate early or late.
Avatar n tn Thanks very much for the information and glad to know atleast someone else is experiencing the same as me. However my husband and I have been trying for sometime now to have a baby. But we haven't had any success so was thinking if this could be part of. I do test for ovulation it always says positive but we have not been successful yet.
Avatar f tn Here is what doctors tell a woman to do--- first day of your period is cycle day 1. On cycle day 10, begin having sex every other day for the next 10 days. Continue the pattern longer if you tend to have longer than average cycles so maybe make it for14 days, 20 days, whatever. (can't hurt). And that every other day will hopefully catch the egg.
1157374 tn?1263004320 U ovulate 14 days BEFORE ur period is due not 14 days after it starts.... If u have a regular 28 day cycle then it is actually 14 days after the first day but if its longer or shorter then it will be a different day. I would suggest tracking ur temperature, when ur temp spikes u will ovulate 24-48 hours after that.
Avatar f tn Hi there and welcome. Well, a cycle begins the first day of your period and ends the day before your next. most women have around a 28 day cycle but some have shorter and some have longer. So, as to when you should expect your period, do you normally menstruate monthly? In which case, any day.
6938807 tn?1395163288 Actually my period date was on 5th Jan and now today is 15 Jan. Its 10 days above. I donot take the pregnancy test. I have eaten duphastan 10 mg three times for three days as it supports pregnancy. And if there is not pregnancy it will make you on your period. But after eating the medicine I donot menstruate.
Avatar f tn During the past 6 months I have been trying to conceive, with no success. My period usually lasts about 4 days with a light to moderate flow. However, recently (during the past few months) I have been experiencing severe cramping during my period and lower back pain, as well as constant abdominal pain (not severe). I have had a previous pregnancy 8 years ago, conceived with no difficulty and to full term with no complications. Now I am worried that I am infertile for some reason.
Avatar m tn My periods are still regular, with the exception of a few longer cycles (could be peri-menopausal). I should have started my period this past Friday June 28th. So I'm just a few days over. Guess, I'm looking for support/validation that the chance of pregnancy with the above described scenario is unlikely. I realize there aren't any guarantees and absolutes in thew world. Except; death and taxes!
Avatar f tn ve shifted to a longer menstrual month (such as, 32 days from period to period)? If your cycle has shifted and is a little longer, but is regular at that new number of days, I wouldn't worry at all. If it's getting longer and longer every month, that is more unusual.
1317612 tn?1321103964 I was told not to take it no longer than six months at any one time by the docter. Now ah days I only take it when my period runs for longer than a week. But i will check on the Metformin.