
Methadone withdrawal nutrition

Common Questions and Answers about Methadone withdrawal nutrition


4394616 tn?1355257218 i went cold turkey with my methadone 80mg's per day to 00mg's. i believe all the withdrawal symptoms have past but now i am falling for no apparent reason stopped taking on the 18th of Nov. and now it has been 15 days without any at all just today i fall over sideways with no warnings at ll, i just fell. Is this also a withdrawal symptom or could it be something else?
417564 tn?1287982827 In our research prior to our detox, we learned that a vitamin deficiency caused by methadone is the primary factor in pain associated with withdrawals. We then determined that a safe amount of vitamins is alot! We eased through the detox with far more ease than others. Our counselor kept telling me that I was not a doctor, but we were being careful, conscious...and applying common sense and natural healing techniques (very effective, not used by many dr.'s)...Still, doing great.
Avatar m tn All pregnant opiate-addicted women are advised to take methadone as a part of a medically supervised methadone maintenance treatment program. Methadone is currently the only medication approved for the addiction treatment of pregnant women who are addicted to heroin or other opiates. The fetus feels withdrawal symptoms during pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I returned to methadone as was best option during pregnancy.(fortunately baby had no withdrawal symptoms). Haven't used heroin for about 5 years but so scared of withdrawal, thought i would be on one of the above for life. Baby now 19mths & have been withdrawing slowly so can still fulfill parental (single). I am currently on 4mg and have conflicting info regarding what to do next.
Avatar n tn hi, your partner will get back to normal but it does take a good amount of time, if he was on it for ten years, 8 weeks isnt such a long time, if you think of his body and mind being reliant on it for such a long time, please dont give up, get all the information you can , read the health pages, top right hand corner of this page, it has "detox and nutrition"with methadone withdrawal, and lots of other help and advice for you, i really wish him well, take care and god bless.
Avatar m tn Mild withdrawal symptoms that you may experience during methadone maintenance treatment include the following: Anxiety or depression Fatigue Insomnia Hot flashes Muscle pains Nausea Restlessness Cravings for drugs I figured to myself, why wait to go through withdrawal if i'm going to go through withdrawal from the drug i'm taking to not go through withdrawal? Pay me now or pay me later. I didn't want me to be tied to having to take a drug for the rest of my life.
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Avatar n tn found it and printed it. thanks.
Avatar m tn And you may have something there - you wouldnt be the first person to get off methadone by getting back on an opiate and then quiting.......methadone is a bear! Some research that I came across indicated that the rfesearchers couldnt tell much of a difference from quiting 30mg of methadone or 3mg - keep your nutrition up - the AminoAcidProtocol is very good. It even helps the "brain fog" that comes around.
Avatar f tn Just google methadone withdrawal or look for some methadone posts on this site and see what you have to look forward too.....I have been off Norco's and the methadone for about two weeks now and am still feeling the affects.....It is horrible coming off of methadone and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Methadone detox lasts anywhere from 3-9 weeks. The worst is usually over within 2 weeks but it takes forever to get back to normal.
Avatar f tn It takes some time to recover. There are other peeps here that know more about methadone withdrawal and sub. Griz is one he (or she??) should be around soon , was yesterday. CONGRATS ON YOUR CLEAN TIME!!!!
Avatar f tn I'm on week 5 of detoxing from only 60mgs of methadone (prior heavy IV heroin addict) and everyone keeps telling me it's going to get better. I feel like I have a body of a 80 year old women and I'm 33. I would rather withdrawal from heroin than methadone. It's the hardest thing I have ever had to do.
Avatar f tn i hate going to the clinic alot of girls dont like me and its hard going to the clinic ecspecially with strong anxiety so i cant handle doing this any longer being on methadone as well as lowering methadone. im just looking for help for the anxiety, depression, and what i should do now that im at a low dose....
1311475 tn?1274198780 I am now taking 60 mg. of methadone, trying to get off of the methadone to become eligible for other pain treatment. I didn't know where to ask this question. The 1st reason I started taking the methadone was due to heroin abuse, which I started to kill the pain from a car accident. I had dabbled in heroin use prior to my car accident. But have been clean for many years now, thanks to the methadone.
Avatar f tn This part of tramadol makes the mental part of withdrawal from this drug very difficult.When I was able to compare withdrawal from methadone and withdrawal from tramadol I thought tramadol was worse.Although tramadol has acute withdrawal and it over in 3-6 days.I hope a doctor could help you function through your withdrawal from methadone,What I did was a two month taper from 80mgs a day 4 20mgs doses per day for pain.Jumped off methadone at around 2.5 mgs per day.I did have withdrawal problems.
1537357 tn?1292638227 just found this forum and am so thankful for all the previous posts regarding methadone detox. I guess I just want to know what to expect from here on out. I started methadone treament a year and a half ago and just detoxed down to 1 mg last week and have been completely free of methadone for 3 days. I initially started the program for oxy and heroin addiction. My highest dose was 65 mg and I have been slowly detoxing since Mar. 2010.
Avatar f tn Yeah, It sure sounds like methadone withdrawal, I,ve been slowly weaning off methadone for almost one year, as of today Im at 3mgs, & while Im ok at times, their are other times when I get cranky, emotional, and the worst of the worst is the lack of energy, I take so much pride in my home as this is my first home I bought, & its most peoples dream home, well since getting under 12mgs I have let it all go, dishes in the sink, my bathroom looks like a huricane hit, laundry is piling up, I
Avatar n tn my daughter is 33yrs old and was arrest on 8/27/08. At the time of her arrest she was on daily methadone (110mg). since they don't give methadone in jail she was forced into cold turkey withdrawal. Last thur4day she was sent to a mental health faciltiy because she is seeing things and hears voices. Please can anyone tell me is this somtimes part of the withdrawal or has she possible lost her mind.
Avatar m tn No thank ya'll, I found this site last night and feel so much better for it. Its like a meeting less the drama, and I don't even have to go out and be sociable.. And found some much needed advice. Sure as hell couldn't get it from my doc. I've been taking lortab for years and then went to methadone like a *******, I've been methadone free for two weeks with a little lortab help about two a day, I'm finally feeling about over it.
4407520 tn?1363011865 the pain is withdrawal pain from the methadone, or least i hope it is, i went to the dr for my stomach a few weeks ago and my x-ray looked normal, i havent had an injury and am pretty sure its just withdrawals, it like a constant ache, that only hot water or icy hot will kinda relieve it, and about the vicodin i can get 130mgs of liquid methadone for the same as like 10 10mg vicodin, the vicodin will last me 2 days, where as the methadone will last for a few weeks, im not going to the clinic any
Avatar f tn The level of misinfo on here about this subject is sad. Here are some facts: There is an EXTREMELY HIGH risk of miscarriage if you detox from methadone while pregnant. Lowering your dose WILL NOT mitigate neonatal withdrawal symptoms after birth. The fetus absorbs much of the dose, causing mom to be in constant withdrawal if dose is lowered, which is dangerous to the fetus. Federal methadone guidelines now recommend dosage increases during pregnancy. Yes, the baby will go through withdrawal.
Avatar m tn Any thoughts on nutrition and holistic treatments I might try. I am on Medi-Care, so I doubt they will fund interferon. Anyway, I was on interferon in 2002. After six months, my doctor stopped treatment, He said it wasn't having the effect he had hoped for. Any thoughts will be sincerely received.
Avatar f tn I know as a mother that it is not easy to see your child suffer, but understand, this is all part of recovery, your daughters body is undergoing many changes due to having little or no methadone, it will get better, but only if she stays off methadone. The symtoms of methadone withdrawals vary from person to person, mine were like riding a roller coaster, some days were good, then the next day Id feel as if I were back on my first day of detoxing, so shes gonna have good days & bad.