
Lump on zygomatic

Common Questions and Answers about Lump on zygomatic


646413 tn?1224618069 Hello. I have been diagnosed with common migraines (so far) in July 2008. I just weaned myself off the Lexapro (5mg) which was prescribed by my neuro. I thought that it was responsible for giving me daily tension headaches that I never had prior to July 2008. Since I have been off, I have only experienced my "regular" migraines. I take Midrin to abort my migraines. It usually takes about 4 pills for the pain to go away. Caffeine also helps with my headaches and migraines.
Avatar f tn I am 21 and since I was 19 around November 2015, 8 started having this skin issue on my upper cheek bones like under my eyes but on top of my cheek bones I would say its ontop of the zygomatic/ Malar bone. It started on both sides of my face, it would look swollen like dark purple like I got hit in the face and it would cause a dark line of skin kind of like a slash.
Avatar m tn Clinic A advised extraction for my upper right, while Clinic B advised against (until it became problem) since, on the x-ray, the root was contiguous with my zygomatic bone. The doc. from Clinic B said that it would require "breaking." The photo-picture shows some sign of decay (yellow, a few black spots). [upper left- not impacted; upper right- impacted] Lower molars 6 (bilat.) showed cavities and Clinic A recommended inlays.
Avatar f tn s Anatomy (not the TV show -- the book on anatomy) and was shocked to see just how much of the face/head the Trigeminal Nerve interacts with. Here's a quote (very technical medical stuff): "The Auriculotemporal Nerve (n. auriculotemporalis) generally arises by two roots, between which the middle meningeal artery ascends. It runs backward beneath the Pterygoideus externus to the medial side of the neck of the mandible.
Avatar m tn Specifically the punch landed medially of my left zygomatic process. I also expelled coagulated blood from my left nostril several times today. I was wondering what the cause of the numbness might be, as well as all the coagulated blood... Thanks!
Avatar f tn I had cataract surgery on my left eye 4 days ago, using phacoemulsification and a toric IOL. I noticed today that my pupil is now off-center. If you use a compass diagram, the pupil sort of goes to the NNE area of the iris. I've also noticed that my vision actually seems a bit blurrier than it was 2 days ago. I am using Vigamox and Nevanac drops every 4 hours. Note that I had high myopia in that eye, with a diopter of -8.0.
Avatar n tn I had best surgery to fix my broken bones 1 month ago but as you said i have some numbness on my right side of my nose and teeth. nose numbness has almost gone but my teeth are numb and sometimes they are in pain. even numbness stays , pain in my teeth will every get better?
Avatar n tn If there were any extractions of teeth from her maxilla (the upper jaw) or even just deep cleaning and peridontal treatment, it is possible that a branch of the facial nerve (probably the zygomatic branch or others) which innervates the nictitans (third eyelid)could have been bruised or damaged. Since nerves only heal at about 1/8 of an inch per month, it may take a long while before the innervation to the nictitans is completely healed and returns to normal.
Avatar n tn I have had a small lump on the shaft of my penis for quite some time now. It doesn't give me any irritation or cause me any problems. It doesn't hurt whatsoever. I have never given it to a sexual partner and have had the same girlfriend for 2 years now. We have unprotected sex and she has never had an STD when she went to the doctor. I was just wondering if it could be friction or some other kind of disease.
Avatar n tn ) Also, in the past three weeks I have had a sudden continuous cyst like acne right below my zygomatic bone on the right cheek. I am 25 years old, and have never had cystic acne to this extent. Is is likely related to the low tsh? Thanks again.
477608 tn?1238527958 Back in 1993, I was diagnosed with Post Partum Depression. I was on Wellbutrin and did very well. Off meds in late 1994. Then...2005 hit. My son went into the military and was facing his first deployment to Iraq. I went to see my doc who diagnosed me with depression and anxiety. I began taking Wellbutrin and Ativan. Forward to August second child passed away. Doc doubled/tripled my Ativan. Another forward to July 2006...I moved out of state.
Avatar m tn Now a month after the extraction. One day I was pushing on (whats left of the lump) and playing with it. The lump on my gums came back to the stage where it was before i gotten to tooth extracted. What can this be??
719663 tn?1233010902 I was told I had a zygomatic fracture, I then recieved surgery to move the cheekbone back to its correct place. Since then I have noticed that the cheekbone isn't symmetrical with my left cheekbone and that the affected area of my face is uncomfortable and feels alien.
Avatar n tn Breast lump. Found a small lump on areola. It is fixed, hard and irregular in shape. It is on the surface of the areola. Anyone have something like this? Waht is it?
Avatar n tn How old are you? Where precisely is the lump located? Near or on your breast or on the chest wall itself? What are the other characteristics of that lump aside from being painful? How big is it? Is it red? What's the shape? Is it hard or soft? I can answer your question better if you can give the additional information. Hope to hear from you soon.
2191761 tn?1338284458 Stop pressing on the lump! Let it heal. If it doesn't go away after a while, see your doctor. Also, don't punch walls!!! This post was sent using humor. I stand by my advice though!
Avatar f tn A few days ago I went to the bathroom and when I wiped I felt a hard lump on the right side of my vagina. I didn't really think anything of it, thinking it would go away, but it didn't. The lump is very hard and doesn't move very much. I'm only 16 and I'm afraid to tell my mom because I'm embarassed. I'm not sexually active and there's a history of reprductive ( i cant think of the word because im an idiot. ) cancer in my family. Should I go see a doctor?
Avatar n tn Hi Dr. Yesterday I felt a sore lump on my tongue, it was red and raised a little. This morning I checked and the lump is still there but now all the little papules (is that the right word!?) are yellowish white. The lump/bump is right in the middle of my tongue. It's sore to the touch and not a very hard lump but rather large for a bump on the tongue, about the circumference of an eraser head.
Avatar f tn i have a big hard lump on my clavicle also. i suffer bad migraines and sickness. also the lump feels as tho its aching. i also have underactive thyroid. should i go doctors?
Avatar f tn My husband has had tendinitis for quite some time. It comes and goes. I have also had tendinitis that comes and goes away on it's own. My husband now has a lump on his elbow about the size of a marble, maybe a tiny bit bigger than a marble. I never heard of a lump forming due to tendinitis - would this be normal? The lump is hard and painful to him when I tried feeling the lump. I told him several times to call the doctor, but he thinks it's just tendinitis.
Avatar m tn Hello, I have noticed a lump on the back of my neck. It is only on the left side. It is in the area circled in the attached pic. It is scary and i really just want too know if there is a chance it could be nothing to worry about. I had a few random panic attacks a couple months ago, and ever since ive been thinking something is wrong with me. So im hoping that it could be nothing. I hope that its not cancerous. If you could tell me the possibilities, it would be great.