
Jaw pain in heart attacks

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain in heart attacks


659608 tn?1318289366 I had Rheumatic fever as a young child, and have never been told I had any heart damage. I have heart attacks in my family, my brother has had several bypass surgeries, and has a difibullar in place, and his heart is working at 20%. Is there a possibility this could be heart related, or is there some other cause? I would appreciate comments from anyone who has had this or knows someone who has.
Avatar m tn My main concern is jaw pain. After short periods of running I am experiencing pain, specifically around my joints. After doing some light background research I saw this this could be linked to heart disease. Before anyone responds a few points should be made. -I was tested extensively for heart issues when I was 4 due to a benign heart murmur. - I have scoliosis which causes one of my legs to be approx .25 inches shorter than the other. I require the use of a lift in one shoe.
Avatar m tn have had 3 episodes of pain in my jaw & across my chest for about 30 minutes, had a angiogram today & they found no blockages? Is there something else it could be?
Avatar n tn These symptoms could be a sign that you are having a heart attack or angina (a pre-heart attack). The pain from this is usually a heaviness in the chest, sometimes associated with shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and /or sweating. It can spread to the shoulders, the jaw, or the left arm. Another cause of chest pain that radiates to the shoulder blades could be a tear in the aorta, which is a medical emergency. It would be most safe if you were evaluated as soon as possible.
Avatar n tn Pain that starts along my jaw bone and spreads quickly to my chest (Like a really bad case of heartburn) where I have trouble taking deep breaths without pain. I break out in a sweat and feel panicy. It only lasts for a short time but it is starting to worry me. I also have occasional left upper arm pain. Does this sound like heart attack symptoms?
Avatar n tn I was driving home last night in crawling traffic and getting tense to say the least. I experienced a moderate to severe pain in my chest that radiated to my jaw. This happened once before, several months ago, and I attributed to taking supplemenst on an empty stomach. My last BP was 130/72, just last week. I have had neck and headaches for about three weeks, thus the muscle relaxers from my MD. Is there any profit in seing a doctor now that the episode has passed..
370181 tn?1595629445 Thanks so much for your response, selma. I didn't think about the vagus nerve being a possibility and I'd never heard of the condition you called "silent reflux." I was just incredibly relieved you didn't immediately say "run to your cardiologst as it might be a heart attack!" That is what I was fearing someone would say.
Avatar m tn I had jaw pain while walking and playing with my son in the pool a few times. The pain brings me to the ground all I can do is lay there until it pass. I also have a hard time breathing short of breath. Is this considered a heart attack? If not then what is it? My father died on the table during bypass at 70 my one brother died at 46 and my other brother at 33. My oldest son has had 12 heart surgery's.
15695260 tn?1549593113 There are the classic signs such as chest pain or pressure which is the number one signs as well as jaw pain, sweating, heartburn, shortness of breath, jaw pain, toothache, headache, and nausea and vomiting. Women also often have the signs of lightheadedness, nausea, extreme fatigue, fainting, dizziness, or pressure in the upper back. Heart attack is the number one killer of both men and women and involves death of the cardiac muscle.
1224562 tn?1274475633 It could be a panic attack, but pain in the jaw especially for a woman is also a sign of a heart attack. Shortness of breath is also a sign of heart attack. Not trying to scare you, just be aware and maybe give your dr a call in the morning. If you start to feel worse or have any other symptoms that seem out of the ordinary or life threatening please go to the ER. God Bless!
Avatar f tn about 6 month ago I was admitted to hospital with a suspected angina attack as I had chest pain, pain in my left arm and jaw, I was given a perscription for asprin and gtn spray. 2 weeks later I had a treadmill test done which came back ok and was toldd to stop taking my medication. since then I have had 3 or 4 bouts of chest pain along with heart flutterings and am wondering if it would be wise to go see my GP again.
Avatar m tn Do you wear a splint for the clinching? If not, you can grind your teeth down so you might have to get your dentist to make one. I have tmj and had to pay an orthodontist $2,300 but it was worth it because within 6 months the jaw pain went away. He said a dentist doesn't know how to make upper jaw splints and guaranteed an upper would work and for 6 years he has been correct. I threw my dentist's splint away, and stopped asking him any tmj questions.
Avatar m tn They were picked up on the heart monitors. The pain was very much like the chest pain with my heart attacks. The burning ache in the center of my chest. Not twinges and not going up in my neck or jaw. That was the only difference between the chest pains with heart attacks and the spasms. The spasms seem to stay confined to my chest area. The heart attack chest pains radiated to my jaw, cheekbones and arms.
Avatar n tn Then it felt like I had eaten way to much of a Thanksgiving meal. There was pain in my lower jaw on both sides. Did I have a heart attack? I had a similar episode a few months back.
Avatar f tn It was constant but at points become real intense. When it was intense it felt like the pain was in my jaw on the right side also. I also felt neauseous but this started after awhile of having the pain. From what I have been reading online it sounds like a gallbladder attack to me. Yesterday and today I had diarrhea right after eating lunch. This has been happening to me at different points for almost a year now, anywhere from 5 - 30 minutes after eating.
Avatar n tn I have small vessel disease and have had a few heart attacks. My chest pain with the spasms and the angina have always been the same. Burning ache that radiates up to my jaw and at times as far as my cheek bones. It is always dead center in my chest. But the best way I can describe it is a burning ache. Not pain. I even have problems with upper back discomfort. I describe that as a pins and needles sensation with a back ache.
671285 tn?1292660161 All day I have had throbbing pain in my temples. It started when I woke up this morning with the left temple throbbing. The pain would drift in and out throughtout the afternoon. The way I describe the throbbing is similar to a toothache except that its on my temples. I recently just got over a bad upper respiratory infection so I figured that maybe my temple was hurting from my sinuses being aggrevated with mucus, dryness, etc.
Avatar n tn Since then I have had a lot of head aches and a dull aching pain in my jaw joints. The jaw/head pain comes and goes. The chest/back pain has mostly disappeared. However, the jaw pain and headaches are causing anxiety. I went to my dentist and he said I needed to get my wisdom teeth out. Perhaps this is the cause of the jaw pain... I tend to be a worrier, and believe this may be anxiety. But I'm just not sure.
703031 tn?1398963307 If the fever has not increased, it is not easy that it will be a blood infection. In the other hand, heart issues due to teeth extraction are possible, mainly due to the effect of vase constrictors effects of the anesthesia used, but they should appear much earlier than 3 days later. Just in case it is a cardiac problem, do not use any pain killer, like ibuprofen, that rise the blood pressure. If required chose the ones that does not rise BP.
Avatar m tn While a racing heart can be a manifestation of panic attacks (especially in your age group), you do have other features which are more concerning: increased episodes, chest/jaw tightness and a family history of heart problems. You also mention a prior use of dangerous stimulants. A history of cocaine use may lead to cardiovascular issues at an earlier age (though 21 is still quite young). A prior history of IV drug use also has its share of consequences (such as heart infection).
Avatar f tn if you arent happy with the answers you need to go back to your doctor, heart failure can be treated and needs treating signs of it are swelling of the ankles and breathlessness, it will eventually cause death this is quite serious condition, go straight back to your doctor, as pain in the jaw is a sign of a heart attack, if you have had a heart attack you will need an angiogram to see if there is damage or blockages and may need a stent.
Avatar f tn In additional to all of my other issues post baby, I am hav developed random shooting pain in my jaw. no chest or arm pain.....i went to my dentiist who thinks I am clenching...and apparently on the same side there is nerve damage to one of my teeth. could this be all it is?!? i am also getting panic attacks with post partum anxiety so am nervous this could all be my heart. i am a 29 year old healthy female, 2 babies....
Avatar f tn Look out if you experience nausea, cold sweats, pain in jaw, pain that radaiates into the back or down one or both arms along with chest can also feel like indigestion or gas.....normally these symptoms don't go away with rest and last longer than 5-10 minutes. There are many conditions that might cause chest pain that are heart related even if it's not an heart attack......again if its not normal for you get it checked out. I hope this helps!Keep us posted.
994817 tn?1249738278 Do I sound like a candidate for heart attack or another heart problem? Can teenagers with my history even get heart attacks? And if they can, what type of history do teenage heart attack victims usually have in order to get one? Do my symptoms sound like typical anxiety symptoms? And could I possibly be a rare case where even though my history is all good I have a serious heart problem? Or is that just pretty darn unusual? I am currently seeing a primary Dr.
Avatar f tn I have been in terrible pain today in my lower back, which radiates down my times it is excruciating...and others its just tingling....from the spot in my back that hurts, all the way down my back feels very hot to the touch, on the right side only, all the way down. The headache and neck pain, arm pain and nausea is back as well today. Has anyone had a similar experience???
Avatar f tn What is a persons outcome of heart disease. How many heart attacks should a person expect. How many stents can a person handle, how long does the pain last, or does it ever go away.