
Gabapentin hair loss

Common Questions and Answers about Gabapentin hair loss


Avatar n tn How long after taking gabapentin will the side effects last. I have hair loss. I stopped taking gabapentin about four or five months ago.
Avatar f tn "Because hair loss is so common in the general public, it is difficult to say whether hair loss is caused by Lyrica, genetics, other factors, or a combination of these things." Within a few days of starting Lyrica back in 2007, my husband's hair started falling out in clumps like a cancer patient. You can't tell me that wasn't caused by Lyrica!
2194148 tn?1397323475 t stop it either. Also, I have noticed that quiet a bit of hair comes out when I comb or brush my hair, and my hair seems course, like straw. I have horrible gas that I can't hold in because some of those muscles aren't working all the way, and that is really embarrassing. One thing that actually scares me is that I seem to jerk a lot. Nothing major, just those once in a while involuntary body jerks, except mine are getting more severe and more prevalent.
Avatar n tn Side of scalb itchy and top andf it seem to move about under skin. Various places sort of spotty hair loss. It also feels there are worms under my scalp. I will do the V-B12 run. Thank you. You are very knowledgeable, dr. Ok. done the V-B12 shot and will do it once a week for 4 weeks. Hope it works and stops the crawling and loss of hair.
Avatar n tn As far as I am aware anticonvulsants of the gabapentoid class (gabapentin and pregabalin, for example) are known to cause weight gain and hair loss in some people. It's listed in their side effect profile. I use clippers with a number 2 comb to disguise the hair loss...
Avatar n tn Thankfully, I had a lot of hair to begin with and the loss was all over, so no big bald spots. I do take Biotin now to try & increase my hair growth, but I think it’s only helping me to retain what I have left. Keep in mind, this side effect is more widespread than “officially” reported, can start after being on Topamax for months, even a year or two, & it’s almost 100% permanent.
Avatar f tn I had severe level-ten eat-the-gun neck pain and was prescribed Gabapentin many years ago. Gabapentin was addictive, caused confusion and lack of sentience, loss of mental functioning, anger, and headaches. It did absolutely positively nothing for the pain. I can only say this experience was anecdotal. I eventually ended up with a pain specialist, who straightened the issue out.
Avatar f tn I became addicted to oxycodone 15mg in 2012 after my first back surgery, obviously I was on them while I was in the hospital for 7days after surgery then took them for about 4 days once I got home. I tried to stop and became sick and realized I was addicted. I go to a pain clinic for my chronic pain. Since then I had surgery on my elbow and just 2 weeks ago I had another back surgery. My oxycodone has never been upped in dosage so of course it doesn't help with the pain.
Avatar f tn I saw a Nurologist today who prescribed Gabapentin for Degenerative disc Disease. I was informed that surgery was out of the question because it was over a large area, wasn't very helpful and didn't really expalin why i was prescribed it. i was also prescribed amitriptyline for the night time.
1168718 tn?1464983535 I was on 1200mg for a while for nerve pain, but I suddenly started suffering from so many side effects that I need to get off this stuff. I'd rather have the pain than swollen joints, gout, extreme hair loss, painful nails...the list goes on and on. The doctor cut the dose in half, but I'm going to get off as soon as I can. He's not all that helpful. I found info on Gabapentin at . I should have checked into it before starting to take it.
Avatar m tn For me it helped because Neurontin started to cause me bad hair loss and awful fluid retention and thus weight gain and made my whole body heat up like it was being cooked from the inside out.But yes I still loved the way it made me feel.I would mess up constantly and get down on myself but just expect that you will mess up sometimes but dont wallow too long and try to get right back on track.
Avatar m tn Drug interecation. dog is new to gabapentin, ear flap is all crusty itchy. Has been on and is currently taking, methocarbamol, tramadol, carporfen.
Avatar f tn Low iron levels can cause hair loss. You might want to get that checked.
Avatar f tn I'm losing hair too. Not in clumps but I clog the drain once a week from my hair loss. And all my friends said their hair was so full and healthy during pregnancy and after lost some. I get a ball of hair during evey wash and its not normal for me also my scalp itches like crazy and I don't have bugs lol o had my husband check lol!
Avatar f tn It started freaking me out so my hubby looked it up and said the number one cause of hair loss in women is pregnancy...
Avatar n tn I lost a ton my first pregnancy. I was taking OTC prenatals. This time around my doc recommended prescription prenatals and I haven't had any hair loss or breakage this time. And bonus, the prescription prenatals are free with Affordable Healthcare Act!
Avatar f tn Especially after combing my hair,there is a ton of hair in the sink. However my hair seems to be growing as fast as it falls out so I have thickness still. Someone told me to drink more milk and I find on the days that I do I see less shedding.
Avatar f tn It makes me depress everytime i see how plenty of hair i loss. I tried every hair fall shampoo but none of those worked. I don't wanna comb my hair anymore.
Avatar f tn Is Anyone experiencing hair loss during pregnancy I thought I was Going to have this really beautiful hair but is not working out that way does it mean that I'm going to have a girl?
Avatar f tn Ever since I got pregnant I noticed a lot of hair loss, my hair just falls like crazy! Has anybody else expirenced this?
Avatar f tn I'm very early in my pregnancy and I've noticed some mild hair loss. I have a lot of hair so it's normal for me to shed but this is a lot more than usual. Anyone experience this during pregnancy? Or maybe its due to something else?
Avatar m tn I actually posted about this a month or so ago. I have hair loss that really started post Tx. My hair didn't grow hardly at all during Tx, than about 6 weeks post Tx it really started falling out, probably lost 50%. Everyone says it should grow back fine after 6 months post Tx. I figure it is the least of my worries. Looking for my SVR12 in 3 weeks. Hang in there.
Avatar f tn On a 12 week treatment with peg , ribavirin and sovaldi should I experience hair loss ? I am a hairstylist with very long thick hair ,still planning on working . Not planning to tell clients about treatment ,mostly due to fear they will not understand . How much hair loss should I expect?
Avatar f tn Is anyone else experiencing hair loss, I wouldnt say extreme hair loss. But everytime I take a shower or comb my hair, so much falls out. And it just scares me that by the time im done with thia pregnancy im going to be bald. Im 26w5d.
Avatar f tn 5w 5d and have been having major hair loss in the past 2-3 weeks.. Is that normal at this stage??