
Fluoxetine with mirtazapine

Common Questions and Answers about Fluoxetine with mirtazapine


Avatar f tn So this morning iv put my foot down and told my doctor I knew fluoxetine was doing nothing for me like it had done 3 years ago and needed a change after persuading him and listing all the side effects I was getting he changed me to mirtazapine 30mg to be taken a night with a good drink of liquid my post really is to anyone out there have they had this change and was it better for them?
Avatar f tn ll feel good or is it the withdrawal from fluoxetine and the mirtazapine trying to get in my system and over ride the fluoxetine and I will feel better when I'm at a steady dose of mirtazapine.
Avatar f tn m not feeling the happy effect from them at all so hes given me fluoxetine (prozac) to take from monday as hes said from today take 75mg effexor every other day till sunday. but still carry on with my 15mg mirtazapine at night. i feel i should take both effexor and prozac together and my mirtazapine at night for at least 2 weeks then come off the effexor. what does anybody else think? or has anyone been on these meds and has any info.
Avatar m tn I was put on Effexor after weeks of panic attacks that turned into depression as I was to scared to leave the house even with somebody I just wanted to be at home where I felt safe, Effexor after a few weeks were my life saver until I weaned off them and was panic free for 3 years then bang it came back went on another med fluoxetine and again had to wait a few weeks to feel back to normal which I did for 12month then weaned off until 5 weeks ago bang it came back again and they put me back on
Avatar f tn As most people taking anti depressants would say it takes 1-2 months to get the benefits and also putting up with possible side effects. I personally had the side effects of extreme tiredness/ lethargy, lack of motivation and slight Nausea. After four weeks I still get anxiety but I'm more in control and it doesn't go 'so deep'. My doctor has recently increased my dose to 100mg and only feeling ok but still have to tiredness.
Avatar m tn ll have better medication advice than I can give you, but I can tell you that most antidepressants interfere with magnesium absorption. Supplementing with magnesium citrate might help with some of the muscular and nerve related side effects.
Avatar f tn t feel like the normal me, my questions are is this dose to high for me or is this med not working an I need to go back there a different one been on fluoxetine and venlafaxine in the past and it worked but 2nd time round in them both they didn't, what is my next best option to feel back to normal again and to enjoy life, can u go back to my doctor after day 4 and say it's making me feel rubbish and the day is a total daze?
Avatar m tn I am 30 years old male and i have been suffering from anxiety and have obsessive features since my childhood which aggravated during my teenage and i was diagonised with Panic disorder with agoraphobhia, insomnia, and concurrent obsessive thoughts. I have been on medications for last 7-8 years. Currently I am taking the following medicines: Fluoxetine 60 mg, Olanzapine 2.5 mg, clonazepam 0.5 mg, Mirtazapine 15 mg.
Avatar f tn I’ve been on mirtazapine for a year or so now and I’m happy with the results and my progress. I’ve recently had a bad knee cartilage injury and have been prescribed the painkillers. Codeine makes me tired let alone the mirtazapine but is there any concerns I should have otherwise?
Avatar f tn Does it stay looking different or is this just when you get up? I do know that with mirtazapine you are supposed to alert your doctor immediately if you have swelling of the hands or feet. That's a huge list but remember that while rare can happen, that if something is listed as rare, it likely won't.
Avatar n tn For a small number of patients (with ADHD), the additional therapy with psychostimulants (methylphenidate) has a similar effect. Source: http://www.web4health.
Avatar n tn Hi, I am on Effexor as well and have gained about 12 pounds since starting as well. My doctor doesn't think it is in direct connection with the effexor but I am struggling with whether or not I should get off it because I can't explain the weight gain. The explanation given makes sense to me, so I guess I need to focus more on my eatting habits.
Avatar m tn Doctor diagnosed me with Obsessive compulsion disorder and depression. Along with this I had thyroid disorder also and taking 100 mcg thyronom daily. My depression is since I was 20 years old , it can be say 20 year old depression . I have been on medicine for some time on and off. Now I started to took medicine continuously. Doctor has given me fluoxetine 80 Mg per day morning (4-X-X),Clomipramine 50mg (X-X-2) Respiredone 1 mg at night .
Avatar f tn even when I went on the mirtazapine. My Dr. prescribed xanax for me and it helped hold me until the mirtazapine started working. I also take 30 mg. at night for depression.... I couldn't tolerate anything - made me agitated...
475300 tn?1312423126 I just found out that ultram combined with anti D's can cause all sorts of problems, seizures being one of them. Fibromyalgia diagnosis this week and my doc gave me a script for 100 with a refill. Pharmacy would not fill it because I am on zoloft. A google search confirms this. So the doc ended up calling in darvocet which has acetaminaphin in which I would rather not take . I did try to get the pharm to fill the ultram as I have a dog that takes it.
1166402 tn?1303847056 s noradrenergic action. What is good with mirtazapine are the cognitive enhancements. Most antidepressants can give you memory trouble etc but mirtazapine can improve memory. Instead of switching medication right now I would try to add Wellbutrin to take in the morning. It's action on dopamine and norepinephrine might be the only thing you need more and especially since mirtazapine is sedative and Wellbutrin is stimulating.
Avatar m tn but when I was on Mirtazapine I had the same problems, you know something else bud, you could need a mild stimulant to get you going. just relax, everything is going to be ok.
Avatar m tn I am 30 years old male and i have been suffering from anxiety and have obsessive features since my childhood which aggravated during my teenage and i was diagonised with Panic disorder with agoraphobhia, insomnia, and concurrent obsessive thoughts. I have been on medications for last 7-8 years. Currently I am taking the following medicines: Fluoxetine 60 mg, Olanzapine 2.5 mg, clonazepam 0.5 mg, Mirtazapine 15 mg.
Avatar m tn My brother went to a psychiatrist and he prescribed him fluoxetine and xanax. He said that my brother should take one 20mg tablet of fluoxetine for the morning and 0.5 tablet for xanax for morning and night for 14 days . He said to take the 0.5 mg xanax tablet half in morning and the other half at night So, my brother took the fluoxetine and xanax for 14 days and then again went to the psychiatrist. My brother has not felt any improvement for his ocd or depression from the tablets.
Avatar f tn Anyone tried this? My gp said as I get insomnia this is better option.
Avatar f tn My cat was put on Mirtazapine today because he's not eating. He will take a couple of bites of food then stop eating. I gave him his first 7 mg dose at about 3:00 and stil nothing. I've tried everything, Fancy Feast, baby food, tuna, chicken, warm milk. He won't touch anything!! We've been back and forth to the vet and all tests are normal. I don't know what else I can do for him, should I try a second dose??
Avatar f tn It really helped me for a couple of years. Withdrawal was minimal. But the 2nd round I took it for a few months then weened off, the withdrawal was really bad on me. But it could have been a bad mix of anxiety on top of that. It will make you crave sugary foods! But it will kill anxiety and depression. It made me super creative as well. Loved it while my body was agreeing with it. :) I prefer to be med free these days though. Good luck, hope it works well for you!
Avatar m tn The Doc prescribe me with zoloft and i went to the ER and they prescribe me with klonopin.I am not sure about Mirtazapine i really don't know much about any of this anxiety medicine..But i don't take meds for my anxiety i keep telling myself i will fight it on my own.So good luck to ya hun on your medicine hope it works for you...