
Flexeril for tmj pain

Common Questions and Answers about Flexeril for tmj pain


Avatar m tn Two months ago i took flexeril (muscle relaxer) for tmj like symptoms. Right after that i noticed hypo symptoms and when i went to the doc intested at tsh 17. Was i wrong to think that the pill triggered my thyroid? I have hashimotos By the way. I am asking because i am hanving jaw tension and pain now and want to take the flexeril but i am afraid it might trigger my hyop tyroidism.
790137 tn?1318064425 What does everyone take for their TMJ pain? I did take Darvocets, but those were removed from the market, so what should I take now? What does everyone else take for their jaw pain that is so painful?
Avatar f tn Now my ob just has me on the lowest dose of flexeril but it seems to do nothing for it. Just 10 more weeks though i think i can make it if i've gotten this far.
Avatar f tn s TMJ disorder is often difficult to determine. Your pain may be due to a combination of factors, such as genetics, arthritis or jaw injury. Some people who have jaw pain also tend to clench or grind their teeth, although many people habitually clench or grind their teeth and never develop TMJ disorders. In most cases, the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorders is temporary and can be relieved with self-managed care or nonsurgical treatments.
Avatar f tn Jaw pain, headaches, eye pain, ear pain, ear feels muffled (inflammation) are all symptoms of TMJ because all those tendons and nerves are connected. An appliance (like a mouthguard) may help your symptoms.
Avatar f tn I have suffered with TMJ problems for the past year since the removal of my braces. It has just been clicking and popping, and recently started to lock. These things would only occur in the morning after I woke up and last for only about an hour then go away. I have been through many many retainers that my orthodontist has made. None of which have helped with the problem.
Avatar f tn The doctor stopped the Flexeril as soon as I told him about the palpitations. As for Naproxin, I got chest pain from that. Also, Celebrex gives me insomnia after two days. So, I took Ibupropin with food for two weeks for oral surgery and it helps my bad a little but not much anymore. Tylenol works better but I stay away from that most of the time. Usually, my pain isn't intollerable just uncomfortable now.
6441382 tn?1381325896 He has been grinding his teeth for years now. His doctor gave him flexeril to help with relaxing but it is not working. We tried a mouth guard but he will not keep it in. The grinding is severe, I tried looking at his teeth, they do appear to be damaged. His dentist only suggested a mouth guard but it is not the answer. Is there anything else to try. Please, we need help.
Avatar f tn I've tried both Soma and Flexeril (not at same time!) for muscle relaxers (I have fibromyalgia, lupus, severe arthritis). Really the only side effect I've experienced with the Flexeril is that it makes me VERY sleepy, but when I'm hurting and having trouble getting the rest that I need, that actually is a good thing!
Avatar f tn Surgery may correct structural deformity, which may or may not be the cause of pain. Occlusal therapy is highly effective for tmj associated pain. Seeing a competent tmj specialist is advised.
232328 tn?1207090071 Hi there. I was prescribed flexeril today for some back pain. Can anyone tell me exactly what it is? If it is addicting? Will it make me sleepy/hyper, etc?
Avatar f tn I've had bad lower back, tailbone, and pelvic pain. My doctor prescribed flexiril and pain meds. I take them as needed, I usually take half of a muscle relaxer though cause they make me so sleepy!
Avatar f tn My back is really bothering me!! Hurts so bad and can't relax for anything!! I'm 35 weeks and really want to! Has anyone taken a muscle relaxer or even a half of one?
Avatar m tn s getting to the point where I have to ask my family doc to prescribe me something stronger for pain control, because the pain is getting more and more frequent. I'v e tried regular otc meds like tylenol and Ibruprofen and in the past nsaids like Toradol and Naproxen. But they just dont seem to relieve the pain. Would you have any suggestions Dr J?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Avatar n tn I have tried several muscle relaxers over the years for my shoulder pain and flexeril is the only one that works for me. It helps with the pain and also helps me to sleep. I am really sensitive to medication so I usually only take half of a 10 mg tablet at bedtime. Sometimes when I am in a a lot of pain during the day I'll take a quarter. It helps without making me too tired. Hope this helps some.
Avatar n tn He knows nothing about Doctor Shopping, it was my idea for him to see a doctor somewhere to get help for his severe pain - he has degenerative arthritis in his neck with compressed and bulging disks so I thought I was helping by taking him to my local doctor (I didn't realize he wouldn't mention the Tramadol and I think his anger, etc.
Avatar m tn Hi! I've dealt with TMJ for several years, and it is important to find a doctor who actually treats it! For the first several years I had a maxillofacial surgeon and when i moved I found a dentist who specialized in TMJ. The reason why this is important is that they will understand the need for speciliazed splints to reduce harm to the jaw, and also be able to properly medicate, measure the progress and damage to the joint, and see if surgery(rarely) is needed.
Avatar n tn ve seen the DO 4 times, seen a dentist for possible TMJ, seen an ENT (nothing wrong in my throat after looking inside), seen a neurologist (nothing neurological, he sid ) about my neck pain for 9-10 weeks. the pain subsides a bit when i am standing up and i feel the front of my neck tightening when i am sitting down. i have asked over and over but got no answer if there is some muscle pulling somewhere that's straining my neck when i sit down?
483733 tn?1326798446 Look at the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain website for the referral area. I know how difficult and frustrating it is for patients to find the correct treatment. Hope you find it.
Avatar f tn I also have suffered from tmj for many many years. At first, I thought I actually had a brain tumor, I was feeling that wierd! I felt like my vision was off center, I had shoulder pain, neck pain. sinus problems, and stuffy itchy ears,and feelings of being off balance. I was told its all in my mind ,but that was back some years ago. I eventually got an ortho who put me on a night guard.. i would grind my teeth so hard at night I cracked the dang thing!
Avatar m tn Also, I bet we all do big yawns now and then--I open my mouth very wide and stretch a bit farther for a moment when the TMJ tension is too high. Accupressure w/ a thumb just above the back jawbone in front of the ear and below the cheek bone feels good. Press the spot firmly a few moments--mine makes crackling noises on that spot when opening my mouth. That spot is probably the muscle the chiropractors are pressing from the inside--it feels similar.
Avatar m tn Wow, I'm out of action for at least 16 hours after just one Flexeril! And for the entire next day I'm a space cadet.
Avatar f tn I see a specialist in TMJ who tells me my case is very severe and he has been urging me for at least a year to get a full surgical joint surgery with new implants. I have heard awful things about that type of surgery. I feel like I haven't heard anything positive. I know when I see him, he is frustrated because my jaw hardly opens and it sounds like crumbling rocks, no more popping, that was the good ole days. His frustration is that I won't give in to surgery.
Avatar m tn I'm glad to hear you got some relief from Flexeril. It didn't do anything for my pain at all. It only made me feel stoned and hungover. I'd be careful drinking with it, particularly because you just started taking it. You might experience some kind of cumulative effect after taking a few doses.
Avatar f tn flexeril is not a drug of abuse as a norm..and good for u...made it thru to day 5..
Avatar f tn I see a pain management doctor and have spinal injections every 12 weeks. I was prescribed Vicoden 10/325 for pain as well as flexeril and gabapentin. Neither the flexeril or the gabapentin seem to help with muscle tightness, spasms, or nerve pain. I am seeing my doctor again in two days and I wondered if any one could tell me of medications that have worked for you. I have a high tollerence to medication, most do not make me sleepy at all.
Avatar n tn My son (14 yrs old, 6'2, 155 lbs) has had chronic, DAILY headaches for almost 4 years. They seem to have started after he landed on his chin in a bicycling accident. All MRI's,CAT scans, Blood tests, echochardiogram, spinal tap and neurological exams are normal. He has been to the following specialists: He is on his THIRD neurologist, tmj specialist, chriopractor, (3) physical therapists, rheumotologist, opthamologist, ENT, tried biofeedback, OBI dentistist.
Avatar f tn Seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis can help your pain level as well as help get your body ready for birth. I am 33 weeks and have had back pain/issues since around 16 weeks. I would not still be working and functioning if I did not go to the chiropractor every week.