
Fingernails red line

Common Questions and Answers about Fingernails red line


Avatar f tn (was very curly now just frizzy) The skin under all my fingernails starting at the nail bed has a very light fleshy color and as it nears the end of the finder has a red line that turns even a deeper red as the nail extends beyond the end of the finger. The end of the nail is white. The ring fingernails are flat and the middle fingernails are flat to start with and then turn under in a wavy motion.
1674823 tn?1307263620 I have been noted to have domed fingernails but not apparently 'clubbed' They have been like this as long as I can remember What might cause domed nails but not clubbed. ???
Avatar n tn I should also mention, if you are sure it's orange and not red, that is significant because there are some causes of red fingernails that are pretty serious. (The most minor sounding one is carbon-monoxide poisoning.) So again, unless you know an obvious cause such as a blow to your hand, I'd see the doctor.
Avatar f tn Hi my 12yr old daughter has the chickenpox. The blisters line the edges of her eyelids causing extreme discomfort. Both eyes are red and they are full of a white substance. I called my Dr. and was told it would go over and they didn't have any advice. I can't believe there is nothing we can do. I know a tea bag helps with pink eye. Isn't there something like that we can do? I am afraid of making the pox worse so I could really use some advice.
Avatar f tn (was very curly now just frizzy) The sking under all my fingernails starting at the nail bed has a very light fleshy color and as it nears the end of the finder has a red line that turns even a deeper red as the nail extends beyond the end of the finger. The end of the nail is white. The ring fingernails are flat and the middle fingernails are flat to start with and then turn under in a wavy motion. The pointer fingerails have begun to get a small wave to them in the last few weeks.
Avatar n tn I was working with an AIDS patient (very high viral load-->750,000) and I was helping him to sit upright on his bed and he thought he would fall--so he reached out for my arm and scratched me with his fingernails--under which I looked under and could see no visible bodily fluids. I could only see on my arm a very small scratch--red (cut )line half an inch--I don't know how deep the scratch went but I could'nt see any blood &it is painful What do you consider my risk to be?
Avatar m tn I had a sex With a girl in December 2012. Two weeks after sex i had itching on my groin area and red rash on left thigh . I used hydrocortisone it disappeared .i didn't meet the doctor as I stay in different country. on December 15 2013, I met the doctor and he told me to do HSV2 IGG and the results IGG negative. From January 2nd 2014 onwards , I am facing below symptoms and it spreads all over the body.
Avatar n tn 8 out of my 10 fingernails are slightly swollen and red at the cuticle pus is oozing out of a couple also 2 of them have a white patch on .
Avatar m tn So for a while now I have had thin red lines near the tips of my fingernails under the nail accompanied by a little lack of color beneath the lines. This is most prominent in my thumbs. The color in my fingernails seems to be slightly darker than normal and maybe a little purple tinged. When I extend my fingers, the color leaves the front half of them. I have no idea what this is and my doctor didn't seem to know either.
Avatar n tn ve noticed the ends of all my fingertips slowly turning red.... only on the top side of my hands, the side with the fingernails.... My fingernails are healthy and growing/normal, but the skin surrounding the nail is very red.... I also can add that my hands are ALWA:YS cold, and I have had a tingly feeling in my fingertips a few times, only in a few fingers, it went away after a minute or two.....
Avatar f tn I'm a 50 year old woman and my fingernails have begun to curl as they get longer?
Avatar f tn I have these white lines on my fingernails that run parallel to the cuticle. They have areas in the white line that are heavier and make the line look like a spot. They cover the nail in it's entirety. I have taken zinc for year now with no real change. I am concerned about taking too much zinc since it was removed from some dental products. My hypoyroidism is controlled with medication. I do not suffer trauma to my hands. I am 55 yes old and have had these for as long as I can remember.
Avatar f tn Ok guys! I took a test this morning and it had a faint positive line. Never seen that before!!!!! What to I do, and what does that mean??? I am bitting my fingernails!!!! :( :). I know all the symptoms, and I have some of them. But I usually do before my period. I am due tomorrow, but just figured I would try to test this morning since I was off work. Help needed!!!!
Avatar m tn I sometimes get red sore and itchy feet when I've been in the bathroom and sometimes the kitchen when I'm in bare feet. They get red on the top and sore all over, it only lasts for 5-10 mins once I've left the room. It usually happens when I'm standing in the bathroom for a while, such as cutting my fingernails, and sometimes happens when I've got out of the shower. It's really annoying and it would be awesome if I could get some help!
Avatar n tn What are these red, tender bumps the size of a pencil eraser on the tops of my knuckles on my fingers adjacent to the bed of my fingernails. I have assumed they were arthritic in nature. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/243275'>Bumps on backs of hands, knuckles</a>.
Avatar m tn I get these little red bumps on my hands and fingers every once in a while. They are never clustered, I may get one on and hand or finger and then next week get another one on the other hand or finger. They hurt when touched. They usually disappear after a week or so. What could this be? Thanks!
Avatar m tn Any possible STD transmitted from this rubbing scrotum (with abrasions) like this with fingers and fingernails after rinsing? Or STDs on fingers if no cut? Test Needed? (red light district area known for HIV and HEP B) Thank you.
Avatar f tn Beau's lines can be caused by a number of things, from a common cold, to systemic illnesses, and yes, beta blockers. During the five or six years that I've taken the same beta blocker at different strengths, I have occasionally experienced a Beau's line in one or two fingernails. has a good write up on Beau's lines.
Avatar f tn s lines that appear when growth at the area under your cuticle is interrupted. Third possibility is of psoriasis. The inflammatory skin condition, it shows up as red, scaly patches on the skin and can also affect the skin cells in the nails. I sincerely advise you to consult a dermatologist as treatment modalities for all are different and so a confirmatory diagnosis has to be made first.
Avatar f tn No. They appear randomly for what appears to be no reason at all.
Avatar m tn Afterwards she stimulated my nipples with that same hand. Apparently she had a bit of sharp fingernails so I felt a little pain and told her to stop. My nipples were a bit red (having some sore spots) but there was no blood or other liquids visible. I immediately (in minutes) disinfected my nipples with hand disinfection. It felt a small burning sensation, just like using aftershave on my face in the morning, which shocked me because it wouldn't burn on completely intact skin (correct?).
Avatar m tn can you transmit or contract any STD (HIV, Herpes, etc) through 1) Fingering somebody is you have recently bitten your fingernails down very low and they are painful and red?
Avatar m tn t know if this a coincidence that they are on both of my middle fingers. the line on the left hand is slightly thinner and looks slightly different to the one on my right hand. The line on my left hand is slightly thicker and visible through the cuticle. I have no lines on my toenails.I developed these lines from the age of 12 or 13 and they haven't changed in appearance, colour and size since then. Nobody in my family has these lines on their fingernails.
Avatar m tn t know if this a coincidence that they are on both of my middle fingers. the line on the left hand is slightly thinner and looks slightly different to the one on my right hand. The line on my left hand is slightly thicker and visible through the cuticle. I have no lines on my toenails.I developed these lines from the age of 12 or 13 and they haven't changed in appearance, colour and size since then. Nobody in my family has these lines on their fingernails.
Avatar m tn t know if this a coincidence that they are on both of my middle fingers. the line on the left hand is slightly thinner and looks slightly different to the one on my right hand. The line on my left hand is slightly thicker and visible through the cuticle. I have no lines on my toenails.I developed these lines from the age of 12 or 13 and they haven't changed in appearance, colour and size since then. Nobody in my family has these lines on their fingernails.