
Estrogen breakthrough bleeding

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen breakthrough bleeding


Avatar f tn Breakthrough bleeding also depended on other factors like dose, potency, and activity of the particular progestin in the combined OC as well as the ratio of the estrogen and progestin in the formulation and other factors like missed pills and smoking. So this bleeding that you are having is breakthrough bleeding, but it is important to find out whether it is due to switching the contraceptive pills or due to pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I am on my 3rd year of being on Loestrin 24 FE and in the first month or two I had the regular spotting and breakthrough bleeding. However, in the past couple of months I have experienced spotting and breakthrough bleeding all over again and that is not normal for me. What could be going on? I take my pill at the same time daily and there haven't been any changes of lifestyle.
Avatar f tn I have been taking Topomax 50mg a day (25 morning and 25 night) since January 20th, for weight loss. I've lost 50 lbs. Two months ago , my doctor put me on an ultra low dose birth control pill, for continuous birth control, to prevent pregnancy, as Im having a "date" in august, and because I have heavy periods. I understand that Topomax can decrease the effectiveness of the birth control pill.
Avatar n tn I tried depo before and I had the same issue with nonstop breakthrough bleeding. They say after six months to a year that will stop but who wants to have breakthrough bleeding that long? I finally switched back to the pill.
Avatar m tn When you start noticing more and more breakthrough periods, that means the estrogen that is in the IUD is running low and the IUD needs to be replaced.
Avatar f tn Have you experienced breakthrough bleeding before? I notice that the pills low in estrogen can cause that, especially if you miss one. If it persists and the bleeding becomes heavier and longer, I suggest speaking to the gyno to rule out pregnancy.
Avatar f tn My boyfriend and I had sex about six days ago. He didn't wear a condom because I'm on birth control and have been on it for about two years now. However, five months ago I switched to a new brand. I take the pill everyday at the same time except I was late the night after we had sex by eight hours. Six days later, this morning, I woke up with breakthrough bleeding. I wouldn't even call it a moderate amount. It's mainly when I wipe or when I've been active for awhile.
Avatar f tn And the use of progesterone does seem to be more problematic in dosing to both protect and prevent breakthrough bleeding or spotting. And over-the-counter progesterone cream has been shown to not be effective at protecting the lining when taking estrogen.
1050301 tn?1253735918 so answer is no,what you will get is breakthrough bleeding.isnt a proper period.sounds like somtimes you do ovulate.other months later than normal.however with this can make timing for sex in order to concieve more maybe worth discussing with your doctor other options,they can put you on birth control for few months,this is said to help regulate your cycle.
4062516 tn?1349728639 That is why it has been recommended to start OC pills on the first day of menstrual bleeding or it can be started if you one is sure that she is not pregnant and have not had unprotected sex since her last period. Spotting or breakthrough bleeding while on pills may occur since the uterine lining is adjusting to a lower estrogen and progestin level. Passage of blood clots may be seen during menses. As you said there was sac like structure it could possibly be a sign of early miscarriage.
Avatar f tn Im on BC and on Day 9 of my pills i started spotting...I though nothing of it..breakthrough bleeding at worst...Day 10, in the shower a clot the size of a golf ball came out of me and i have started bleeding heavier...Well the next day of my pack Day 11, I was still bleeding and decided to stop taking the pill...Here i am today what would have been Day 13 in my pack Im still bleeding with no sign of stoppage!?!?!?!!! I made appointment with my doctor for tomorrow @ 10am...
Avatar f tn I am breakthrough bleeding during week 2 of birth control pills. Should I stop this pack and if yes, when do I start the new pack?
Avatar f tn Has anyone experienced breakthrough bleeding at 8 weeks and then stayed pregnant?
Avatar f tn For the first 3 months I had thrush exactly a week before I was due on every month as well as breakthrough bleeding. That went by the 4th month but the breakthrough bleeding still happened. It started slowly going so I thought finally I was getting somewhere but its suddenly increased again. The doctors are now putting me on a new pill called Gedarel which contains 30 mg ethinylestradiol and 150mg desogestrel.
Avatar f tn s thought that any blood you notice around this time is more likely to be because of breakthrough bleeding than implantation bleeding. It's only natural to be worried if you have spotting or bleeding at this time. It's a good idea to tell your doctor or midwife about any bleeding, because occasionally, it can be a cause for concern. Unfortunately, sometimes bleeding may be the first sign of a miscarriage. If so, it probably won't feel like a normal period.
Avatar f tn Also, all of my periods after clomid were shorter but very heavy. This cycle I started bleeding in the middle, about cd12 and had some breakthrough bleeding/spotting for about 10 days. It finally stopped few days ago so I hope that the cyst is shrinking. Bleeding is not uncommon with cysts. Also, clomid gives rise to corpus luteum cysts that produce estrogen that may also affect your period. I hope your cysts go away and you can ttc again soon.
6322039 tn?1380727998 What you are having is breakthrough bleeding due to hormonal effect of bioidentical hormones and should get better with time. If it persists then get it evaluated from your gynecologist. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
314833 tn?1263259499 As far as normal goes, according to the information I got during my injections - breakthrough bleeding can happen with Lupron. Make sure your GYN helps you to fight to get the injections. If they can prove it is medically necessary, your insurance will cover it. My GYN did that for me.
Avatar n tn s something call breakthrough bleeding, that usually happens in the 1st trimester. Got an u/s and my baby/me is okay. But still see your Dr to be safe, and get that security.
20856774 tn?1638158155 All of the wonky symptoms associated with adjusting to the hormones have gone away (breakthrough bleeding and whatnot) and now I have a new, startling symptom that I've never had before. For days on end, there has been a horrible burning at the entrance of my vagina when touched/penetrated. If I wipe, I'll hurt myself. If I have sex, it hurts terribly.
Avatar f tn 1st and I noticed like a dot of blood when I wiped on Nov. 7th. I kind of thought that was implantation bleeding but it seemed a bit early for it to be that (6 days after intercourse). So I ignored that & now I'm really worried because today (Nov. 15th) I went to the restroom and noticed some brown colored blood (there was only a little). I thought I was about to start my period but now it's not there anymore!!
Avatar f tn I'm 21 years old and an active and healthy female. Up until around 8 months ago at this point I had never had a yeast infection. Then I noticed I was consistently itchy down there. I could not for the life of me figure out why but I ruled out a yeast infection because it wasn't unbearable itching and I had no discharge. Fast forward to now, I have had to cure 3 yeast infections with diflucan so far and they keep coming back. So, I'm starting to think it's my birth control.
Avatar f tn Acne, anaphylaxis (life-threatening allergic reaction), blood clot in a vein, lungs, or brain, breakthrough bleeding (between menstrual periods), breast tenderness or sudden or excessive flow of milk, cervical erosion or changes in secretions, depression, excessive growth of hair, fever, fluid retention, hair loss, headache, hives, insomnia, itching, lack of menstruation, menstrual flow changes, spotting, nausea, rash, skin discoloration, sleepiness, weight gain or loss, yellowed eyes and skin
410234 tn?1206634191 But I think this might be beyond break thru bleeding. This bleeding is an actual period with cramping and passing clots. Sorry for the TMI but the bleeding is heavy enough so I get those little gushes that you can feel when you have been sitting for too long and then stand up. It is kinda like a little gush[yuck, i kno]. I am not sure if I should call my gyn about this now or give it more time.
20823742 tn?1524255006 I would bend every effort to see the doctor before going on vacation. Failing that, at the very least, take an iron supplement, so you can cover the blood loss and resulting iron loss. Have you had an ultrasound scan? One thing that sometimes causes heavy and lengthy periods is a fibroid near the opening of the uterus. Fibroids are not dangerous, they are rather benign, but if they are in the wrong location they can cause continual or heavy flow.
959562 tn?1247109979 But keep in mind, that the bleeding you have on the pill is not a real period, it is called forced bleeding, you get this because when you are off the pill for that one week, your body is withdrawing from the estrogen in your pill and every women is diff on how your body reacts. Some women gain weight there are all diff brands and amounts of estrogen and progestron.