
Estrogen and uterine lining

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and uterine lining


1141709 tn?1329402332 Every time I've been pregnant, I've had period cramps a few days before my period normally came, and like you said, progesterone really mimics pre- menstrual symptoms. Plus, I used to really document every cramp and twinge, but after review, I found that I had the same exact symptoms before I got the BFPs as I did when I got the BFNs! Needless to say I stopped documenting things.
Avatar f tn What is a good way to thicken the uterine lining. My lining my last two cycles have been 7mm then 5mm. I was on clomid both times, and my RE has switched me to Letrozole. I'm going on vacation this month so won't start a cycle till October. I heard baby aspirin will help, but not sure if this is safe.
Avatar f tn I went in for u/s on a Monday, where my lining was only a 5.5, and then I started the pills and 2 days later on Wednesday it had grown to almost 8 mm. They want to see it at least 8-9 mm before they will do IUI or trigger shots (not sure what your plan is) but I would definitely tell your doctor that you are concerned. I see that you go back into your doc. in 2 days, if it doesn't thicken by then, I would ask for something to help it along. Good Luck to you.
1055902 tn?1286305198 from what ive read so far it seems high estrogen can make the uterine lining thick. which if interesting seen i just went to the NP thinking mine was high because my BBs are constantly sore and high estrogen will case that problem. she said even if my estrogen is high the only thing that will fix it is going on BC... not what i want to hear when TTC right!!!!! but in your case.. im not sure about the fertility meds you are taking but I do know that clomid can make the lining thin...
Avatar f tn I actually was on Clomid for one cycle and it thinned my lining. They switched me to Femara and my lining thickened up. Last time, it measured 11mm.
Avatar f tn I had a friend who was on clomid and estrogen (clomid helped her get pregnant, but thinned her lining, so the estrogen helped counter that), then she went on progesterone as soon as she got a bfp. and found this on healthywomen . org "During the reproductive years, the pituitary gland in the brain generates hormones that cause a new egg to be released from its follicle each month. As the follicle develops, it produces estrogen, which causes the lining of the uterus to thicken.
449498 tn?1338772039 I too am not sure what the rate of growth is but i do know that the uterine lining is created by estrogen . The more estrogen we have the thicker the lining will be. Mine was 9mm 2 days before trigger and 11mm on the day of trigger.
Avatar f tn Your soctor should have prescribed you estrogen and progesterone supplements to thickin you lining. You take each at a different part of your cycle.
Avatar f tn for lining thickness is for being perscribed progesterone? Thursday I had u/s and trigger shot and my lining was 9.1. The past 2 cycles I was told to use progesterone suppositories, but this cycle not told to. I still have some from last cycle and thought about using them anyway. Can you have too much progesterone that would make the lining to thick? We had our IUI today, Saturday and I am already stir crazy wondering is the cut off 9? 8?
Avatar f tn today went in for cd12 exam to chec follies and determine if there ready for trigger shot and iui.. they said good news is u have 3 follies on right 18, 16 and 16 all fused together though.. and 2 on the left 20 and 16. bad news is my uterine lining didnt grow any it's still only a 3.. has any one had this problem or no one anyone who has achieved and carried a p[regnancy to term with this thin uterine lining.
Avatar m tn I went to my gyn doctor, because I told her i did not have a period in four months she gave me an appt to have transvaginal sonogram. it showed thick uterine lining of 10 mm therefore she said that i needed an endometrial biopsy which i had. my results came back benign, thank God. I asked her if I needed to take any hormone therapy like progesterone, she said no she does not like putting her patients on hormones due to the side effects only if absolutely necessary.
1068361 tn?1290628159 hi all i was wondering if anyone here has had success using clomid over the age of 38. ive heard that clomid doesnt work for older women because it thins the uterine lining thus preventing implantation.
Avatar m tn Thickening of the uterine lining can mean several things and most of them are not serious. I have a thickened uterine lining as well. What it will mean is that they will likely do an endometrial biopsy (office procedure) or, a D&C (hospital procedure, day surgery..about a 15 minute procedure under general anesthetic) to check the cells to see a number of things: They can determine if the build-up of the endometrium is due to proliferative changes (ie: hormonal imbalances...
162784 tn?1227296050 I had an office hysteroscopy on CD7, and results said I wasn't ovulating even though my BBT is biphasic & OPKs are positive. My GYN said the biopsy indicated that my uterine lining shows that it is not responding to Progesterone so I'm not Ovulating and I had too much Estrogen. I researched on my own and found that the biopsy should be done BEFORE AF in the luteal phase and not in the beginning of the cycle like I had.
Avatar n tn It was under general anesthesia. He told me husband that I had a thickened uterine lining and they were sending it of to pathology, but he did not see anything to worry about. I have heard that before when I found out I had oral cancer. Anyway, what is meant by a thickened lining and can stress be the culprit? I know that there this potential for hyperplasis as I have done my research.
298462 tn?1259457975 so re instructed me to do 74iu of gonal f cd 8 and 9. went for bw and us and E2 was 99.7, uterine lining 6.5, several small follicles and cysts were still measureable... re told me to do more gonal f 75iu cd 10 and 11. today is cd 12 and had bw and us this morning--- HERE IS THE TROUBLING PART.....todays bw and us results= small follies turned into nice plumpy follies but E2 DROPPED to a disgusting 72.7 :( uterine lining was nice too-- 9.9 with multiple layers....
Avatar f tn Your uterine lining is denuded. You need estrogen to thicken your lining. Unfortunately your only option for birth control after starting small doses of estrogen will probably be a copper IUD.
Avatar m tn If your wife is pregnant, it might be a self-correcting problem, as the estrogen produced by the pregnancy should thicken the lining. There are various foods said to help the lining, and also acupuncture is said to be able to increase the blood flow to the uterus (but find an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility issues if you go that route). The foods are: turkey, eggs, whole milk, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pineapple core. No caffeine.
Avatar f tn he said for example sometimes they implant in tubes or outside the uterus and theres not an ideally thick uterine lining there. so he said this is the best hes been able to get me to respond.
Avatar f tn Have been trying to complete FET but have cancelled twice due to uetrine lining being only 5.4 mm. Now trying a third time and uterine lining is only 4.2 mm. I am on the max dosage of estrogen, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, takin vitex and a baby aspirin every day, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and of course my prenatal vitamins. Started acupuncture last week and going for more treatments this week. Any advice, suggestions etc.. are welcome.
1320252 tn?1290190343 I was also given Estrogen to thicken my uterine lining. And its a bonus because it also helps with dryness "down there" too. Good luck and I hope it works for you!
189192 tn?1261341628 Anyone taking follistim and estrogen? Anyone taking estrogen and still developing mature follies? Anybody have any insight or advice on this at all? Everything I've read on the whole lining issue, is that is all speculation anyway. Like if it is thin, it is less than ideal but they don't really know how much impact it has or not. Any thoughts??
1358758 tn?1390767067 Anyone know of anything that improves uterine lining thickness? Our doc gave us no suggestions. Was on clomid, which may be impacting it, but wondering if there are certain vitamins, foods to avoid, etc. that I could try.
Avatar f tn My RE always made a big deal about my lining being too thin. I conceived my son with a thin lining and IUI. I think it usually measured around 6 maybe 7 at the most. When I was ready to start trying for my second child, I went back to the RE. He was so focused on my lining he was messing up my cycles. He kept giving me estrogen to thicken my and the estrogen was keeping my follies from developing. After a couple of months of this, I told him enough was enough..