
Estrogen uterine fibroids

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen uterine fibroids


1676653 tn?1391039945 There are things you can do to lower your estrogen levels (estrogen dominance is one of the causes of fibroids) in your diet, etc, to help to minimize the growth and effect of the fibroids. Before I got pregnant I was taking vitex (chasteberry) to increase progesterone and minimize estrogen -- after about 3 months my menstrual cramps, which before that were dibilitating!, disappeared. If you want to talk fibroids more feel free to send me a message.
Avatar f tn I currently have five small fibroids. My doctor put me on Nuvaring four weeks ago to help slow the growth of the fibroids as well as help with the severe pain that accompany them. I am on the continuous use schedule, wearing the ring for three weeks then, instead of an "off week", I insert another. I have had some spotting as well as cramping, (I've resigned that I am just cursed with terrible cramps) but other than that, I have had no negative side effects.
Avatar f tn ) A thick uterine wall can be from benign growths such as fibroids or another type of benign growths such as leiomyomas. It can also, of course, be caused by uterine cancer but, that is less likely than the benign growths, especially, in African American women. However, it can't be ruled out without proper testings. More than likely, the thickening is due to your fibroids (making the walls of the uterus thicker than those without them).
Avatar n tn hi- have you heard of uterine arterial embolization? I had this done to shrink my fibroids. I didnt want a hysterectomy. It cut down my bleeding and bloating issues by 50%. Its was very quick and no side effects.
Avatar f tn hi,i too am 53,and not had periods for over two yrs, and im no doctor,but reading ur post,it just reminds me of my sister,,she used to bleed alot,and a scan showed she had fibroids, and the doctor told her that fibroids do bleed bleed alot,anyway,after afew yrs of this,she ended up having a hystrectomy,im not trying to scare you, but i feel,i would go back to the doctors,or get a second oppinion,anyway,i hope you get sorted, good luck
Avatar f tn Hello, Yam is supposed to be used for vaginal dryness but Hormone-sensitive condition such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids may become aggravated by using this herbal drug and hence you should not use it without medical guidance. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar f tn I had IVF done in July and was on progesterone and menopur. Most of my fibroids are really small, but I do have one that is big.
Avatar f tn ve had abnormal paps and thickened uterine lining that comes and goes and fibroids that have been getting slowly bigger, as well as mildly high can 125 for a few years. Is it safe for me to take this hormone replacement therapy if I'm not in menopause and still have all my parts, especially if I've had abnormal paps and an increased risk for cervical/uterine/enfometrious cancer?
Avatar f tn I am a 38 year old woman with no kids who was diagnosed a year ago with uterine fibroids and a 6 cm cyst of unknown etiology. They ran TVUS, abdominal US and the cancer markers (CA - 125, CA 19-9) of which the one for ovarian cancer came elevated. Since then I started the battle of trying to find out what my best option was and finally after making sever medical consults and searching on line, I decided to get operated.
Avatar n tn I am 42 years old with 2 children. I have a history of large fibroids for many years. They never caused any problems for me. A few months ago I started having heavy periods with blod lots passings sometimes. I had an ultrasound done and the doctor found 3.4 cm polyp. My previous ultrasound was 8 months ago with no polyps found at that time. I am scheduled for polyp removal on June 4th and really scared. Can such a rapid growth of a polyp indicate a malignancy?
1047147 tn?1328906154 To shrink fibroids you can take diim, and chinese bitters. Fibroids is caused by estrogen dominance. Too much estrogen in the body. Do a detox for the liver, a good one I used was aloe vera dextox. Detoxing the liver helps the liver elimates excess estrogen from the body. Also pray everyday. Read scriptures out loud. Its going to happen. As far as egg quality you can try royal jelly and bee propolis. Also try baby asprin and fish oil for more blood flow to the uterus.
Avatar f tn There is something called adenomyosis which is when the endometrium (uterine lining) grows into the uterine wall tied to estrogen production. This also normally has heavy bleeding associated with it and cramping. And I guess cancer could be a concern. (but let's not go there until we have to). Anyway, you have been very anxious about things for quite some time. You are not pregnant from what I recall from your other posts. Maybe talk to a doctor about anxiety.
167998 tn?1208907144 After research on this problem I found out that estrogen caused the fibroids to bleed more. Sometimes by stopping the birth control pills and beginning to use progesterone cream, with doctor's approval, your periods may return to near normal.
Avatar n tn Pap was normal, had U/s showed bilateral Ovarian cysts, 2 fibroids and a small fluid collection in the pelvic cul-de-sac. I have lots of bloating, gas constipation,and pressure to urinate all day. My mother had uterine cancer at age 29 and had a hysterectomy. Do you think i could have cancer?
Avatar m tn In most cases, it is not cancer but, given her history of breast cancer, they will likely be being more cautious and suspicious of an excess of estrogen/estrogen dominance and therefore, will take precautions to make sure that it isn't cancer and doesn't turn into it. Treatments can vary, depending upon what they find and what method they use to determine what it is.
Avatar n tn I have had irregular bleeding, cramping and periods for the last several months. It started out as occasional spotting between periods and has progressed to feeling bloated, more frequent bleeding between periods, bleeding after intercourse every time, and cramping after intercourse. My periods are heavy and irregular - one month it will be 12 days in length, the next 2 days in length. I've had 3 OB/GYN's who have suggested a partial hysterectomy (leaving the ovaries).
Avatar f tn C due to irregular staining for a duration of a few months after my pelvic ultrasound showed an abnormally thick uterine lining. All was well for a few months, I then had 3 months of no period (hooray) but then I had about 2 weeks of staining. After a month I had 3 days of extremely heavy bleeding (something I had a few years ago on a monthly basis - but I thought I was done with that). I went for another ultrasound which again is showing a thick uterine lining. My dr.
Avatar f tn really no reason to suspect herpes as a cause of your symptoms. do you get tested for yeast and bacterial infections vaginally when you are seen for your symptoms?
408163 tn?1242949501 I have never heard of this before. I have 3 large fibroids in my uterus, my mom had uterine cancer but he says once my ovaries are removed, the fibroids will shrink. Some docs think the cysts are endometriomas, some think hemorrhagic cysts and another thinks all of the above but possibly dermoids. I know there is no way to know exactly what they are until they get in there.
Avatar m tn Deer velvet might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t use deer velvet.
Avatar f tn I am considering the Uterine Fibroids Embolization (UFE) procedure to relieve me of my fibroids and adenomyosis symptoms. However, I also have endometriomas in both ovaries. I am 47 years old and I weigh 145 pounds at 5ft 6inches tall. I have never been pregnant. Also, I was once told that I may have polycystic ovaries due to an enlargement of my ovaries. I was told by my GYN at that time that my ovaries were filled with several small cyst.
Avatar f tn Can uterine fibroids and/or ovarian cysts cause sciatica-like symptoms? I've had burning/stinging/stabbing pain in both glutes, hamstrings, calves and feet for 6 years. I've tried everything under the sun to get rid of the pain (long-term physical therapy, steroid injections into L4-L5 disc and piriformis muscle, yoga, deep tissue massage, rolfing, acupuncture, etc) but nothing has helped.
Avatar f tn I have heard that some fibroids are more likely to give problems with periods than others, depending not so much on the size but on the placement in the uterus. You might request a uterine MRI from the other doctor, it will be a much better way to visualize what is going on.
647397 tn?1307056615 to fix the dysplasia. BUT last thursday I got an untrasound and it turned out I have uterine fibroids(Myoma) in large number and size (the biggest one almost 4" - or 10 cm), some subserosal and one peduculated (inside the uterus). She said I have 3 options: 1.- let them there and keep checking the bleeding during my periods and doing ultrasounds each 6 months, with the knowledge that if the bleeding becomes heavy the uterus is gone for sure.