
Depression help for loved ones

Common Questions and Answers about Depression help for loved ones


Avatar f tn For example, I accidentally burned my legs (when it rains it pours right?). A loved was putting cream on for me and I started to get worried that if I am positive I could infect them. Also, I am paranoid about this because my gyn said based on my results I am positive.. and I could have even been infected from my roommate who is positive and I share clothes/utensils/bathroom with. Possible?
382218 tn?1341181487 Last night I mentioned to my husband that the numbness in my left hand seems to be spreading all through my left arm, shoulder and down the left side of my torso. He said “well then, I guess you better call Dr. D or go to the hospital.” I got exasperated, and reminded him I’d already talked to the MS clinic nurse who said even if this is a relapse, they don’t treat numbness unless it is causing a problem with functioning.
Avatar m tn Try hot baths and a heating pad for those aching/burning/crawling muscles. It really does help. Also walking will help with the restless legs. I know it sounds crazy to walk when you feel so bad, but it really does help. Good luck to you!!!!!! I hope you feel better soon.! Stay strong, it really does get better.
Avatar f tn i m feeeling,i dont have loved ones now hating me,becose of some misunderstandindg.
405441 tn?1201818043 And the idiot, in this case, is ME! I'm so sorry for not having made a promot response -don't know how your post slipped by me. Boy, do I know that "what did I forget" feeling. And you'll find that others do, as well. Regret and worry. I'm adding that to my collection of names for punk rock bands that don't exist and hopefully never will -the truht is that those words are the anxiety victim's mantra.
412194 tn?1233621532 He is still struggling and he still has a lot of healing to do, but talking about what one has gone through and accepting that no matter what, you are still alive and there are other loved ones whom you can count on, helps you too. A brighter day is on its way, and many more yet to come. I hope this helps you and stay strong.
Avatar f tn So sorry that you're going through all that you're going through. There are things you could do to help with depression. I don't recommend medication, whether pregnant or not, plus they have research studies that show medication can cause deformalities and other problems for mom and baby. Psychotherapy is very helpful, and omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to release feel good hormones and decrease effects of depression.
Avatar n tn i am suffering from lack of sleep for the last for years, due to heavy anxiety and depression. i hardly sleep for 2 hours a day. and as a result there is a balck patch in my forehead now,my parents think its some kind of a skin problem but i know its a sign of chronic depression.
Avatar f tn You're obsessing over things you cannot control -- you cannot control other people. You can help them the best if you help yourself first -- a healthy you will be a better help for them, too. As for everything else you're saying here, again, nobody here knows you or the people you're talking about, so anything we would say would be just a wild guess.
Avatar f tn I know hospitals offer free ones. Talking it out with others who have also lost a loved one may help you move on. And do consider seeing a therapist if your doctor recommends it. Talking through not just the loss but how the pacemaker and the loss are affecting how you feel about yourself and life may help you move past this. Depression isn't easy so be gentle with yourself.
Avatar f tn Your kids would never be better off without you!!! Please make an appt. with a psychiatrist, it does sounds like you have depression, and there is help for this. Most of us can't stay strong and this is why we seek help with a psychiatrist. Depression is like any other illness that requires treatment. There are so many who suffer from depression, you'd be amazed! Depression robs us of everything, including the will to live.
Avatar n tn Congrats on being able to admit that you have a problem, because that's the hardest part! I finally had to be totally honest and tell my family about my serious addiction to Norco. It was the hardest thing to do, but once it was out in the open I felt a thousand times lighter, no more secrets! Over time, the burden of the truth about your addiction will literally wear you down to nothing. Trust me when I say that no matter what, over time all addictions get worse without help.
Avatar f tn I been having horrible fatigue I don't want do anything just lay in bed and my wonderful husband cleans the house, cooks for me and my daughter, he takes care of her most of the time which right now it's horrible bcus of her teething I just love him so much I so grateful to have such a great dad and husband(:
Avatar m tn Try not to fall into this trap with your loved ones. It becomes a pattern and negatively impacts relationships now and in the future. Find OTHER outlets. I want to recommend that you get some exercise on a regular basis. It is a natural way of healing any mood issues going on. It won't work to treat clinical depression but it helps overall.
Avatar f tn Any one have good advice for forum or group that I can recommend for my husband and loved ones as I have suffered so much from depression and anxiety and PTSD. Though I am getting better, I have begun to realize that their pain is so strong too as they watched me go through this. I want them to continue to understand me and just like I am reaching out to my own groups to understand my pain, I know they are suffering too and I want to help them if I can.
Avatar f tn Hi. I can relate to how sad we can be during the holidays, especially when we've lost so many loved ones through the years. It sounds like you are in a depression and there is so much help for you! You can and will feel better! Think of how much you mean to your grandson and how much he needs and loves you!
Avatar m tn i got sent off for a week but that still did not help.. i have tried therapy it does not help me at all.. for some reason i just cant let my feelings out.. if i dont have a boyfrined i feel so alone and very unhappy... the only time i am happy is when im drinking or doing other things that hurt my body.. i have to be with my friends 24/7, but they do not understand me and they are so mean to me and they leave me out.. i dont know what to do..
Avatar f tn I am not sure what the heck is going on. Firstly I want to rip the head off of my loved ones then I am crying and looking for forgiveness from them in the same breath. Holy man its feels like I am an emotional basket case. I have never taken any kind of depression medication and was wondering what is the best one that helps? My family is awsome but no one deserves to be walking on egg shells because I am feeling all messed up!! Any suggestions, advise would be great help at this time.
Avatar f tn I don't want to admit it but I find myself struggling silently that is because it's hard to tell my loved ones how sad and down I feel. I just stay home and watch tv, I'll have 2 friends over or so.. I don't really have friends.. My parents are in another country.. I'm just always alone. I'll find myself taking little walks or something just to distract myself from the empty feeling I have. I cry so much, alone of course, no one can know.