
Celexa for severe depression

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa for severe depression


Avatar n tn Regarding the effectiveness of the two medicines, some studies have suggested that Lexapro may be more effective than Celexa for depression treatment, while others have not found significant differences between these two medications. And what works well for one may not work as well for another. While I am glad that your friend has found Celexa so effective it may not be as effective for you....or it may be. Please discuss your depression and the available treatments with your physician.
646598 tn?1223708455 I took Celexa for quit a while for fibro and other conditions. I think it helped a lot. My dr perscribed it for pain, not for depression. That should be noted in dr's chart notes, so you don't get labeled with depression. Good luck, hope it helps you.
Avatar f tn Yes, I am going follow doc's instructions to taper off the meds. I did all types of blood tests every 6 months and everything is fine. That why I don't understand why I am suffering from this. On top of that I didn't major trauma in my life. I am soooo hopeless and scared that I am never going to have my life back. It's like my brain is totally screwed up, it cannot think positive. I am so desperate. I am so scared that I will get worse after getting off the meds, is that true?
446896 tn?1237802742 s Wort did nothing for me. Probably because my Depression and Anxiety were off the scale severe. It may work for you if your depression and anxiety are of a mild to moderate level. From your description is sounds as if your depression is not so out of control that your symptoms have rendered you "Non-functional." This leads me to beleive that the Wort may just provide you with enough theraputic effect to do the job.
1831920 tn?1320857757 I have been taking 10mg of ritalin 3 times a day on an empty stomach for 5 months. I have noticed that I am extremely depressed in the mornings and mid mornings. I suffer from major depression and am taking Celexa 40mg. Why isnt' the Celexa working? Is it because of the Ritalin? Please help. I don't think I can live like this anymore.................
Avatar f tn I am a 30 year old female that has suffered from depression, anxiety, OCD, and ADHD since childhood. I have been on at least 7 different medications over the years that have and have not worked for various symptoms; however, I can't find one that works for them all. I have been taking 50 mg of Zoloft for about 3 years and it works great for my depression and the best thing I've ever taken for my OCD, but my anxiety is worse than it has ever been.
Avatar f tn I was on celexa 40mg for 4 years and it didn't work that much for me. I never felt normal like myself, and didnt enjoy doing thing. So i tappered of off that a week ago with guidance. I started Lamictal 12.5 mg today (11/6/13), have to go very slow on the increase dosage to avoid deadly rash. But i am feeling itchy all over my body and face and have light headache. But no rash yet. Did anyone took Lamictal for anxiety and depression? Did it work,and how soon did it started working?
Avatar n tn I have been taking celexa (20 mg) for two weeks for anxiety with Klonopin just when I need it. I don't like the way the celexa is making me feel. Do you think I will have any side effects only taking it for two weeks if I stop?
Avatar n tn Since then I have had SEVERE and uncommon withdrawal side effects, Migraine, Severe Myalgia, Panic Attacks(which I never had for over 15 yrs.), severe depression, hypertension, Etc. I have now been completely off the medication for about 5 weeks. I am still having some severe symptoms, not always but it comes and goes, mostly it is there to some degree though. My question is, what is the longest these symptoms can last? I have read 7 weeks, 3 months, and everything in between.
Avatar f tn I guess I should also let u no that I suffer from severe anxiety/ severe depression disorder. Plz help and tell me your experiences with the medication and hoping to find someone that suffers the same as me, and takes the same meds lol.. I no it's a long shot..
Avatar f tn I take Effexor XR, Celexa and Risperdal. When the p-doc added the Celexa I had mania for a week. I have been on this cocktail for a couple of months and only one other issue with mania but it only lasted 3-4 days and was not too severe. I can tell you my depression is 100 times better with the additional anti- depressant. Best of luck to you and I hope you find success with the new cocktail.
Avatar m tn is celexa just for depression?? or does it also help with anxiety's?? is this one on the bottom of the list?? like zoloft,paxil,lexapro,prozac..this is in the same category as these others....please explain this??
Avatar f tn Lilymoon is absolutely right. Usually it takes effect starting about 3 weeks afterwards. Most common initial side effects are nausea, indigestion and sleepiness, but they usually go away after a few weeks. Personally Celexa did absolutely nothing for me, but I know several people for whom it works great. It's the first-line drug for a reason - it's the least dangerous anti-depressant, with the least chance of side-effects. Don't worry, just try it and see how it goes.
Avatar f tn I am currently 26 years old, and have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I was prescribed the anti depressant Celexa. Now, right now I have no plans of becoming pregnant, but I really do want to within the next 5 years. However, I am aware that I can not take Celexa while trying to conceive or during pregnancy. Does anyone know what my options will be when I want to conceive? Will I have to be weened off of the medicine, and stay off of it for the full 9 months?
Avatar f tn I've been on Celexa, Neurontin, and Meloxicam for some time due to chronic pain, depression arthritis, and neuropathy. I've been reading a lot about DLPA and it says NOT to take it with SSRI's. Does anyone know whether I should stop taking the Celexa before I ever start taking Ithis supplement? I'm very anxious to give this supplement a try! My depression has gotten the point that NOTHING works anymore, I have no sex drive, feel hopeless, I have no motivation, etc...
Avatar f tn It is not known if there is a complete cure for the depression yet. People suffer form it every day and range from moderate to severe to sadly to say suicide cause poeple just can't deal with their illness. Seeking professional help is another alternative. If cost is a major factor there is county mental health that can help out. Just by coming in here and finding that one person who will just sit and listen to what you have to say, will even help yourself as well.
Avatar f tn I don't think your over medicated. Here's what I think is happening with you and your depression: (Keep in mind this is just my opinion) I am only going by what my long experience with treating my depression has taught me. (1.) don't count on the Welbuterin to have any major theraputic effect on your symptoms of depression or Anxiety.
1134609 tn?1269272200 However, the withdrawals have been causing me severe bouts of depression. Severe enough that, even after getting through the worst of the withdrawals, I still fight the depression. There's not a whole lot of mood swings involved; just depression. I have read, that even after completely cessation of nicotine, major depression is very prevalent. So, I've been through a few ADs, but most of them were the next generation (Celexa, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, etc..
Avatar n tn So reach out because there may be something out there to help you before it gets to bad. I am on Ativan and Celexa. The celexa has been very helpful for me, I know everyone is different but it may be worth a try. It really took the edge off of my anxety. Also, my Dr. and I have talked about taking me off of the ativan and putting me on buspar.
Avatar f tn i have had generalized anxiety (severe) for 12 yrs. currently only on 5 mg of lexapro only because i couldn't get off the last 5mg. i take clonazepam which is the only thing that works, but every couple of years i hit a wall and need to up the antidepressant. been on zoloft, paxil, celexa,effexor, lyrica, cipralex(lexapro), maoi's, etc..wondering if pristiq works, or maybe cymbalta? only snri i was on was effexor, which didn't do much but also had a brutal psych.
Avatar m tn At the same time that this was switched, I was also taken off of Celexa (10mg daily) which was being used as an add-on treatment for the Effexor. We stopped the Celexa due to severe bruising and nose bleeds. Is it possible that I just having withdrawal from the Celexa or can it be the Generic Effexor. At this point in time I do not feel that I am incontrol and I do not feel "safe" being on my own. Any insight would be appreciated.
Avatar m tn I have found Lexapro to do an equally good job with the Anxiety as well as depression. I also hear Celexa is good at this too. Never taken Celexa so just going by word of mouth on that one. Are you Indian? The only reason I ask is because I have never met anyone of South Asian decent that has suffered from severe Depression and Anxiety. No one really knows why this is, but statistics show that individuals of South Asain decent have a very low occurance of Depressive related mental illnesses.
Avatar n tn I have never heard of it being prescribed for depression, but rather anxiety. I think she needs to return to her doctor to re-evaluate this medication. She is in a rough situation, to be 75 and having to care for your father, I can understand her depression.
Avatar f tn I do have a history of depression, I usually take Celexa, but I cannot take that while pregnant, and I am really not comfortable taking a prescription antidepressant while pregnant.
Avatar n tn You say Been prescribed Celexa but Doc is considering that I might have bipolar 2, is the same doc who has prescribed celexa the one to have concluded BP2 or for instance you were prescribed celexa by a GP then your pdoc told you to stop it as you may have BP2. Incidentally all pharm companies marketing antidepressants say they don't drive people manic yet they do.