
Carbs in popcorn calories

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs in popcorn calories


193609 tn?1292180293 Losing weight is really just a simple math equation and comes down to calories in vs calories out. In order to lose weight, you have to burn more than you consume. People lose weight on low carb diets because whether or not they realize it, they're consuming less calories. High carb foods (cereal, potatoes, rice, pasta, sugary snacks) tend to be quite calorie dense so a very modest portion can end up being pretty caloric.
579258 tn?1250649343 Where the knowledge about carbs comes in is that carbs are metabolized quickly in the digestion process and, therefore, has your body calling for food again. We, by habit of taste, think of carbs. And thus, a cycle of eating poor choices of food and having the accompanying highs and lows in our blood sugar begins ... and continues ... until we exercise our knowledge to exchange the call for food ... for protein.
Avatar n tn I work night shift (about 14 hours a night) at the home of a 92 year old woman. I find it hard to stick to foods that are healthy, because she does shopping and gets her feelings hurt when I don't eat the food she buys for me. POPCORN is my love and enemy! I keep telling myself to stop eating it (because I'm slightly a binge eater) but I do every time and sometimes o go for a second bag. How do I overcome this binge eating and stop wanting to shove my face full of carbs and salt?!
Avatar f tn Then with that number you should calculate how much protein 1 X body weight and minus that from the calories and the rest should be carbs and fats
Avatar f tn The above post explains this when it says to avoid simple carbs as much as possible -- they may be lower in calories than, say, salmon, but they metabolize quickly into sugar. Your diet sounds pretty good (I'm not sure why you need a protein bar, but hopefully it's one of the healthier ones -- and most are most assuredly not healthful. Are you weight training?
644592 tn?1226588817 I have been focusing more on low carbs than calories but my wife things I should be looking at my calories more. What is your opinion and tell me what you have more sucess at.
168348 tn?1379357075 Popcorn! It is working .. it satisfies the crunch and the taste ... I had no idea it had so few calories! I portion it out in 2cup servings and snack on it during the day and it's working! Thanks for the idea!
7894272 tn?1395206727 There are three types of carbs.(fiber, starch, and sugar) All carbs are four calories per gram, but sugar holds no nutritional value, so if you consume a lot of sugar you may meet your caloric(energy) needs, but your body is still starving for nutrients and as a result you consume more and add the calorie surplus to your reserves. (fat) So, in my opinion, if you're trying to use your reserves, it's important that you try and avoid high sugar intake, but the other carbs are fine.
933846 tn?1353452448 I agree with whole grains too. Anything that doesn't have empty calories will help you probably.
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar f tn d have to drop 500 calories from your BMR each day (1 lb is equal to 3500 calories, so 500 calories X 7 days = 3500 calories or 1 lb). OR you can drop 250 calories from your diet and increase exercise to use an additional 250 calories. Changing up calorie counts and exercises will help prevent plateau.
979080 tn?1323433639 I`d say if you are trying to lower your triglycerides by limiting carbohydrates in your diet it applies to all carbs.
7791326 tn?1396488062 I am now 17 weeks and it is now 6.2. I stick to a simple plan of 30 carbs for breakfast, 45 carbs for lunch and 60 carbs for dinner with a 15 carb snack 2 hrs after each meal. Good luck!
Avatar f tn if you can stick to it for 3-7 days, you will feel a noticeable change in your body. If you have to have carbs, do the healthy kind, but really give it a try, just for a couple of weeks. It is a great jump start for any diet and you will feel your belly seem instantly less bloated and feel less hungry and munchy all of the time. Eat lots of fiber to stay full. Good luck!
Avatar m tn Hello and welcome to our community. Unfortunately, you can't really "spot reduce", as it appears you'd like to do. When we lose weight, we lose from the whole body. It's important to note, that losing weight, isn't always just a matter of "calories in/calories out"; however, we do have to make sure we don't take in more calories than we need as they will be stored as fat. What those calories consist of, it equally important.
Avatar f tn A typical calorie intake for someone such as yourself would need to intake about 1600 calories daily in order to loose approx 1 pound per week. Of course the proper macro-nutrient levels would have to met also besides just the calories, i.e. carbs, proteins and fats. good luck.
579258 tn?1250649343 Yep, yep, yep .. we're hanging in there together! So much more fun to do this with friends ... thanks for your support and your participation!! Am sooo proud of both of you and look at the progress you are making!!! Thanks for the warm wishes Julie. And C~ .. thought of you often today as I eyed popcorn and mixed Crystal Light in my water .. loll Take care ladies ..
1157811 tn?1263831494 I love bread, but also know that they are source of a load of carbs, sugars and empty calories. So, again, what is a healthy amount of carbs per day and in what for are the carbs best consumed? Thanks in advance for any help!
Avatar f tn I'm not allowed to eat beans as they r too high in carbs :/ I would love to eat beans lol. Popcorn spikes my sugar belive it or not, ***** cuz I love it. I also have to be careful of the carbs in nuts! And I'm only 24 weeks and dr says its going to keep getting worse til I have the baby.
Avatar n tn s the type of carbs. Simple carbs, such as sugar and white flour, metabolize into sugar in your body very quickly and store as fat if not burned very quickly. Complex carbs burn more slowly and provide a long-lasting energy and provide us with our most important nutrients. High protein diets are a current fad, and some of them might one day prove out -- we just have to see what happens when we have a lot of years of people eating this way and see what happens to them.
Avatar n tn s physical activities (play, dance, sports) to lose weight, and not lower calorie intake due to the need of calories for growth. For your age you need approximately 1800-2000 calories a day to grow. Limit time in front of the TV or non-active-video games. There have been studies showing the longer the length of time a child sit in front of the TV, the greater the weight gain. Limit high sugar drinks/snacks, and try replacing with low fat milk/yogurt, fruit, air popped popcorn, or low-fat cheese.
Avatar n tn Some good advice posted above. Since your favorite foods are veggies, you should have 1/2 the battle won, since those are foods to eat the most of. AvaG is right about the 1/2 plate of veggies and the 1/4 plate of lean protein and complex carbs/starches. Be aware that can destroy all benefit of eating veggies, if you put the wrong things on them.
Avatar f tn Your weight is a balance between the calories you take in and the calories you burn. You will lose weight if you burn off more calories than you take in, and you will gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn off.