
Carbs in navy beans

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs in navy beans


Avatar f tn Could this be happening for you? (I try to focus on complex carbs like pinto or navy beans, whole wheat bread, brown and/or wild rice, Fiber One cereal, etc.
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar f tn please bare in mind that i have omlett because i am a fussy eater and it is high in colestrol so balace it out with chicken maybe. sorry to everyone who eat vegie's i hate them this is my fussey eating plan..
Avatar f tn I'm not allowed to eat beans as they r too high in carbs :/ I would love to eat beans lol. Popcorn spikes my sugar belive it or not, ***** cuz I love it. I also have to be careful of the carbs in nuts! And I'm only 24 weeks and dr says its going to keep getting worse til I have the baby.
Avatar n tn I have no clue what im having...
594189 tn?1386916607 I will have to try to find some cheep casseroles to make, since I have to watch my carbs my dr said not to eat corn cause it has 17 carbs- 2 fiber= 15 carbs per serving but green beans have 5 carbs- 1 fiber= 4 carbs per serving much better option, issue here is my husband will not eat green beans ( I'm sure you know that issue)
Avatar f tn I get those dried beans, you can get what kind you like, I use a combo of pintos, black beans, lima beans, navy beans, red beans, black eyed peas, they are full of protein and no fat. When you buy the canned refried beans, those are cooked in LARD and are full of fat and sodium. You rinse the the dried beans through a colander and soak them in water over night. Then you cook them on the stove top for about two hours, adding water if necessary.
Avatar f tn I usually cooked lean (no skin) chicken, lean (97% lean) hamburger, green beans, eggs, and some chicken and rice in low-sodium chicken broth for my (now passed on) diabetic dachshund.
Tbd I eat veggies and fruits. I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and need to lose some weight. My doctor says I don't get enough protein in my diet to lose weight. I'm not a big fan of beans. What is a good source of protein for my case?
Avatar f tn Check out everything. Even beans. Yes some people have a very large and long lasting spike on beans, even though books suggest it as a good choice. Supplements can help some people. If you want to go in that direction consider things like chromium, they help some people control BG. But check with your doctor, especially if you are on medications.
Avatar n tn I have had type 2 diabetes for 16 years and have always had trouble with my levels. An uncontrolable brittle diabetic my doc calld me. Playing defense taking 3 different types of insulin a day all day. Recently my doc changed my insulins to 1 toujeo but it is impartive that I take fast acting with every meal according to the carb count.I have no idea what I'm doing. And despite my efforts they still sky rocket after I eat.
644592 tn?1226588817 A balance is good but ultimately it is lower calories that result in weight loss. We do recommend limiting your intake of white carbs and instead eating complex carbs such as whole grain bread products and cereals, beans, legumes and vegetables. Stick with us. There are some challenges coming up and we offer great support. The weight and exercise tracker really help you stay on track.
Avatar n tn You can have iron rich foods like liver, lean red meats, beans like kidney, lima, navy, black, pinto, soy beans, and lentils, iron fortified whole grains, green vegetables like spinach, tofu, broccoli, swiss chard, asparagus, parsley, chicken, nuts, egg yolk and dry fruits. Non vegetarian diet is rich in vitamin B 12 and should be taken regularly. In addition, eat lots of fruits and vegetables especially green leafy vegetables. They are a rich source of folic acid.
4287262 tn?1358999012 Homemade Chili and Cornbread....Im so hungry my nausea is kicking in!
Avatar f tn Hello, If you are low in iron contents then you may be having iron deficiency anemia. You can have iron rich foods like liver, lean red meats, beans like kidney, lima, navy, black, pinto, soy beans, and lentils, iron fortified whole grains, green vegetables like spinach, tofu, broccoli, swiss chard, asparagus, parsley, chicken, nuts, egg yolk and dry fruits. You can also have iron supplements along with these foods.
Avatar n tn Consume more complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, brown pasta and whole wheat bread, one to two weeks before you begin your training program. Complex carbs contain energy in the form of glucose, which will provide your muscles with the necessary fuel before you begin training. Complex carbs contain essential nutrients and minerals that will help your body develop after working out. A slice of wheat bread, or one half cup of white or brown rice, is a serving of complex carbs.
Avatar m tn t have to cut out all carbs. You can still include complex carbs like nuts, legumes, beans, oats(steel cut are best). Have a look at the Glycemic Index Charts. The lower the better. Balance these complex carbs with proteins such as fish, and lean skinless chicken breast, good fats like extra virgin olive oil, and green veggies. These are just rough ideas. The doctor will put together what's best for you. But the basic rules are, eat healthy, and get active! Keep us posted.
Avatar n tn From what you have stated, you are appropriately 30lbs overweight. You did not state your age so I am not sure how many calories you need a day. If you want to lose weight, it is done by eating healthy and exercise. You need to do is increase your physical activities to 1/2 hour or more a day. That 1/2-hour or more can be broken up through the day, 10 minutes here and 20 minutes there. For example, park your car in the back of the parking lot and walk to the store.
Avatar m tn Salmon oil is also a good additive to put in their food. For carbs, (cooked) potatoes and both brown and white rice -are all okay for dogs. So is wholemeal pasta. But not too many carbs. And you may need a food supplement tablet recommended for dogs to give daily. No bones. Remove bones. Use lean meats, don't let them eat meat fat or fatty skin. Some oils are essential for dogs in the correct amount daily, but not fatty foods.
7628588 tn?1392763151 No rice, potatoes, and most beans as they are high in carbs. No pasta!! If you really need a slice of bread, look for the "old world" breads available. These contain lots of fiber, and are slow to process. .....and learn to read labels on food containers. Look at the total weight of the carbs versus the fiber. I could be bothered with learning glycemic loads of foods. Instead I adopted this way of eating, and it has worked extremely well for me.
Avatar m tn Do you have the same reaction if they are cooked? Also, if you are eating a lot of carbs with your meals, ultimately, the breakdown of carbs causes a lot of gas.
Avatar f tn Eating more protein and fewer simple carbs are good. White beans, such as white kidney beans, chicpeas, aduzi beans, and other beans are good because they're high in protein and also in fibers that help control blood sugar and cholesterol. That's a start. To get more complete, try to find a holistic nutritionist.