
Carbs honey turkey

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs honey turkey


Avatar n tn Honey is a carbohydrate (carb) and like all carbs it will raise your BG. How much depends on you and how much honey you eat.
Avatar f tn t get hungry tell about 2 hours then I ate a turkey sand witch some cucumbers and a apple for lunch 30 mins latter my stomach was growling so a ate a bowl of cereal honey bunches of oat and a apple that was like 30 mins ago and my stomach is growling again but let me eat a burger and some french fries I dont get hungry until two hours latter its hard no wonder some girls gain 50 60 pounds I even drink water all day long its just uggh 22 weeks + 3 and not trying to be fat
Avatar f tn m sure it depend per woman but i had to see a nutritionist to make a meal plan on how many carbs i can have each meal and snacks.she had a list for me of howamy carbs are in portions of certain foods im sure you can find a good chart on google too. Id say just make sure you watch carbs.its amazing how many carbs are in everything even things i thought were healthy for you like raisin bran and bananas.
18337299 tn?1464101903 Which is better and has less carbs and calories to use? Or should I use instead Truvia?
Avatar n tn All I can suggest is going cold turkey.
Avatar f tn ve found that the best breakfast for me is 2 slices of cinnamon raisin toast (30g of carbs), 1 scrambled egg and 3 slices of Turkey bacon. Sometimes I switch out a slice of toast for a cup of milk. I'm only allowed 30g for breakfast... Others are allowed more or less. I'm not a huge fan of eggs either, but you can add a little bit of shredded cheese if needed. If you need any other advice you can PM me.
Panda We do know that ALL carbohydrates raise Blood Glucose (BG) let me repeat that ALL carbs raise BG rice, pasta, potato, wheat (bread), sugar, honey, most fruit ALL contain significant amounts of carbs and will raise BG. Get a BG (Blood Glucose) meter. Test before you eat, test 1 hour after you eat. if your BG is too high you eat too many carbs. Too high is over 140 (US measure) 7.8 every ware else.
Avatar f tn t have to stay away from carbs. You just need to make sure you balance the carbs with protein. So if you eat a baked potato, be sure to add cheese and other protein filled things to keep that balance. One of my favorite things to make is fried potatoes with cheese, eggs, and turkey bacon (since I don't care for pig bacon). I slice up a potato and put it in a skillet with either butter or oil and I let it brown, meanwhile I cook the bacon.
649848 tn?1534633700 The two different types of carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbs are those such as sugar, honey, fructose, etc. Complex carbs are those found in vegetables, fruit and grain, that's commonly known as fiber. Complex carbs are healthy for us, simple carbs not. As AnnieBrooke said - how would you design a diet without any carbs?
Avatar f tn Did this person tell you to cut all carbs, or just simple carbs? Vegetables are carbs. Fruit are carbs. Whole grains are carbs. Beans are a combination of protein and carbs. I think what most would advise is to avoid white flour, bagels, sweets, anything that turns to sugar quickly in your system. That's why you're craving sugar -- carbs are necessary for energy, and sugar is quick energy but also stores as fat if not burned immediately. Same with processed carbs.
Avatar n tn ll need to eat more fat and protein along with whole grain slowly digestible carbs. Avoid highly process carbs and cakes, candies, cookies - things which break down easily and will raise your sugar.. Make sure you put fat with your carbs as it also slows down the absorption. Use natural fats as much as possible. Ie butter or cream in your potatoes, cream in your coffee. Do not use low fat foods. Regular fat cheese and yogurt, etc. Eat the fat from your meats.
Avatar f tn I found out I was a diabetic when i found out I was pregnant i thought the same thing that I couldn't eat anything what really does it is the carbs if you eat carbs just eat a little and no sweets at all
506791 tn?1439842983 GO TEIA!! I thought about her a couple days ago and wondered how she was doing.
6579347 tn?1388502368 Hi, there - I just started on zoloft 2 weeks ago for chronic anxiety. This forum has been great for giving me hope that I'm on the right path! I'm already a tiny lady - 5'4", 110lb. Prior to the anxiety onset, I love to eat and exercise. The exercise I've kept up with because the endorphins help manage the anxiety. But the anxiety plus the zoloft are killing my appetite.
Avatar f tn Thanks. How can I tell how much carbs will raise my BG? Trial and error, or is it pretty standard for 4 grams to raise it 20 points??
Avatar f tn You need carbs to live. Look up how carbs help you and how they don't. Make sure you are taking prenatals as well!
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar f tn How do you eat less carbs for breakfast? I can't seem to get away from bad carbs at breakfast.
Avatar f tn I am trying to eat less carbs but i need to do this right i do not know how many carbs i should require for the day? How do i find out what is right for me?
193609 tn?1292180293 What is the recommended number of carbs to eat per day? I am using a calorie counter and I am good there, but not sure how many carbs per day will equal weight loss??? Thanks!
Avatar n tn There is NO ideal carb count. Each of us is different. How many carbs you can handle without having your BG go too high (140 in the USA) is different than it is for me (I eat under 50gr a day). Google "eat to your meter" that will tell you haw many carbs YOU can eat.
Avatar n tn Hey there! I don't think you need to limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs per day. I would recommend trying a high protein and high fiber diet. Also try meal planning. Having a plan will ensure that you aren't going overboard on carbs, and knowing how many carbs you'll have for each meal will help you plan your bolus more correctly.
532657 tn?1213131909 Hi, You can try making your own protein shake by mixing together rice protein powder, your favorite fruits, some soymilk or juice and a little organic acai. You can also add honey if you want to.