
Carbs honey peanuts

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs honey peanuts


Avatar n tn Honey is a carbohydrate (carb) and like all carbs it will raise your BG. How much depends on you and how much honey you eat.
Avatar m tn to much to list, there is a class of food that is not good for a diabetic... carbohydrates (carbs) your body turns carbs to BG, period. that is what your body does with carbs.
7628588 tn?1392763151 They were seasonal treats found during the warm months of the year, honey, berries, and fruit. Our bodies have not evolved sufficiently to run on carbohydrates. Rampant Type II diabetes is proof of that. So, do you really want to lose weight, and lower your blood glucose level? No "white stuff". Eliminate anything white; flour, pasta, potatoes, sugar, rice, white bread, etc. Exercise! Help use up those latent carbs out of your system, and become a fat burning engine.
8369322 tn?1397826669 I still dont know what drugs your taking or what your eating... as I said carbs raise BG ALL carbs whole wheat will raise your BG almost as much as plane wheat. I dont know what diet your folowing other than "this site" Well I just looked up "Diabetic Recipes: Super Bowl snacks" this is diabetic freindly food? NUTRITION FACTS PER SERVING: Calories: 232, Total Fat: 3 g (1 g sat.
Avatar n tn re eating carbs. The carbs to avoid are the simple carbs, the carbs to eat are the complex carbs, especially vegetables. But let's say when you increased protein you started eating a lot of dairy -- that could explain the gas. So could anything you're either allergic to or intolerant to. Let's say you're eating a lot of peanuts -- they can also cause gas in some people. Let's say you started eating a lot of legumes -- if not prepared properly they can add a lot of gas.
Avatar f tn My daughter got T2 in her 6th month. She has one month remaining. Were you T2 before your became pregnant? My daughter has made an amazing impact on her glucose levels, by doing what I do: Treat carbs like they're a poison to your body. I don't calculate glycemic loads, or consider good carbs and bad carbs. Rather, I avoid them entirely if at all possible. Now... I live on handfuls of almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and cashews. Cheese!.
7058746 tn?1393435420 That sounds about right but your dietician will go over the exact amount of carbs you can intake with each meal. In my case, I'm required to eat a total of 180 carbs a day/30 carbs each feeding (eat up to 6x a day-breakfast, lunch, dinner with snacks after each). I have to check my sugar before my first meal and then every two hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner. I mainly drink water (all day) and milk (breakfast/lunch only).
Avatar n tn i eat unbuttered popcorn, jello, sugar free popcicles, and cheese or ham and i like to roll the ham and cheese up as a little protein free snack
4569680 tn?1359580401 Carbs should be a rare, seasonal treat; things like honey, and fruits. Instead we literally bathe ourselves in carbs. take for instance a tall glass of natural orange juice. How many oranges go into that glass; 6, 8, possibly more. It's too much of a good thing. I could go on and on..... But my advice to you would be to try drastically reducing your carb intake, and adopt a new lifestyle. It may take a while, but perhaps you'll experience the same phenomonon I did.
Avatar f tn Try eating protein with your snacks and meals every time...a little handful of peanuts or whatever nuts you like, cheese, Greek yogurt, etc. Whatever sounds appealing enough. The midwives suggested that to me with my first and it helped a ton! :) I think carbs are fine they just break down into sugars faster giving you that quick relief then hunger/nausea all over again quickly. Hope you find something that helps!
18337299 tn?1464101903 Which is better and has less carbs and calories to use? Or should I use instead Truvia?
Avatar f tn Granola bars, fruits, honey roasted peanuts (my favorite) or any kind of nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts)
Avatar f tn Yesterday I was watching Dr Oz and he had a segment about resistance carbs. Said to have noodles dante (slighly undercooked) good for the large intestine and will not give a big sugar spike. Well I did have spaghetti noodles (plain) cooled off before I ate them. I have an avacado, a Healthy Choice fudgesicle and some peanuts. Took my blood sugar this morning and it 141 fasting! Usually about 115 otherwise. Do you think I overate? My blood sugar was at 105 at 2:00 PM before eating.
Avatar f tn Well I have PCOS and one of the main things for me was finding out that I was even ovulating. That would be the first step since anovulation is common with PCOS. If you're not ovulating you won't be able to conceive. Taking Clomid or Femara can help if you aren't ovulating. Start taking prenatals now. Watch your diet! Eat lots of protein but make sure they're lean, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, you still need carbs but make sure they're good carbs.
Panda We do know that ALL carbohydrates raise Blood Glucose (BG) let me repeat that ALL carbs raise BG rice, pasta, potato, wheat (bread), sugar, honey, most fruit ALL contain significant amounts of carbs and will raise BG. Get a BG (Blood Glucose) meter. Test before you eat, test 1 hour after you eat. if your BG is too high you eat too many carbs. Too high is over 140 (US measure) 7.8 every ware else.
5431850 tn?1381682097 I never knew that I love peanuts too!!!!!!
5431850 tn?1381682097 I love peanuts!!!
Avatar m tn I am a 29 year old male and I don't have much sex education as such. My peanuts does not has the frontal top, does any one know that would it affect my chances of becoming a father?
Avatar f tn Yes peanuts n tree nuts are safe unwashed produce and undercooked meats and large fish that will have higher levels of mercury are really only concerns
147426 tn?1317265632 House appraised low due to housing crash. Better homes nearby going for peanuts. Need more peanuts. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Backtracked on remodel. New shopping for cheaper stuff. Goodbye to skylight. Wail some more. Tired. Can't nap. Sawing, jackhammer. Concrete truck in front. Explosive bolts going into concrete slab. Back wall leaning in. Fear a stiff wind. Now have structural engineer. Miss here. Outraged at stupid jack*ss neuros. Need to expound.