
Carbs honey smoked turkey

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs honey smoked turkey


Avatar n tn Honey is a carbohydrate (carb) and like all carbs it will raise your BG. How much depends on you and how much honey you eat.
1451080 tn?1438527660 s different. How many carbs are you allowed? That makes a difference. Some low carb diets are less then 30 carbs a day, and some are 30-50 carbs a day. Blood pressure...well for one, dark chocolate is great at lowering blood pressure. Not only does it taste great, but it's great for your body! Eat about 3 ounces a day of 70% cocoa dark chocolate. Also, red grapes as well and vitamin C (like oranges). Also, while on the low carb diet watch the salt intake.
Avatar f tn t get hungry tell about 2 hours then I ate a turkey sand witch some cucumbers and a apple for lunch 30 mins latter my stomach was growling so a ate a bowl of cereal honey bunches of oat and a apple that was like 30 mins ago and my stomach is growling again but let me eat a burger and some french fries I dont get hungry until two hours latter its hard no wonder some girls gain 50 60 pounds I even drink water all day long its just uggh 22 weeks + 3 and not trying to be fat
Avatar n tn ve added to the environment. When I grew up, everyone smoked, and all the kids had allergies and asthma -- not a coincidence. Now asthma is even worse, due mostly to the huge amount of carbon based fuel we burn. Meaning, there are a lot of anti-histamines out there, including freeze dried nettles, scutellaria, quercitin bromelain vitamin c combinations, homeopathic remedies, etc., but a cure is unlikely.
Avatar n tn Smoked turkey sandwich on whole-wheat pita bread 1/2 cup apple slices 1 cup tomato juice 3/4 cup baked potato wedges Dinner: 3/4 cup mashed potatoes 1/2 cup steamed carrots with honey Whole-wheat dinner roll 1 cup fat-free milk
Avatar f tn You say "I smoked pot for the first time and I really don't feel right". Go get in there and get checked.
Avatar f tn m sure it depend per woman but i had to see a nutritionist to make a meal plan on how many carbs i can have each meal and snacks.she had a list for me of howamy carbs are in portions of certain foods im sure you can find a good chart on google too. Id say just make sure you watch carbs.its amazing how many carbs are in everything even things i thought were healthy for you like raisin bran and bananas.
684219 tn?1226815608 I had a baby a little over a year ago and am trying to lose weight now. I have little time as my honey is coming home soon (one month) from Dental School to be together for the holidays. Hes been HOPING and hoping that i'll get my body back. I've been dieting for about a month and working out regularly..and running...gosh i hate running...and i've only lost about 9 lbs. I have about 20 more i'd like to shed....but even 10 more by the time he gets here would be wonderful.
18337299 tn?1464101903 Which is better and has less carbs and calories to use? Or should I use instead Truvia?
Avatar f tn Thanks, barbienikki. That's what I thought. I've eaten store-bought honey since I've been pregnant, but was unsure about raw honey straight from thw comb.
Avatar n tn All I can suggest is going cold turkey.
Avatar f tn I'm sure everyone's different of course. I've smoked for 9 years now. And my doctor told me defiantly don't quit cold turkey. It can cause a miscarriage. As the previous person said. I cut back a lot but have continued smoking this whole pregnancy. I'm 37 weeks now. And my baby girl is healthy and a big baby! After smoking for 1 year, I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant with my first at 6 weeks. She was born healthy at 39 weeks 6 days.
Avatar f tn I think you might need to wean yourself off cigarettes rather than quitting cold turkey.
1559281 tn?1314216778 In december of 2000 I found out I was pregnant. I went home smoked a few more cigs, woke up the next morning...smoked the last one in my pack and vowed not to have another one. Here it is 10 years later and I have not had a single cigarette since that day. I had smoked upwards of 3 packs a day at times over the previous 12 years. (I started smoking at age 12) . I smoked through my first pregnancy and my daughter suffered from intrauterine growth restriction and lack of amniotic fluid.
874521 tn?1424116797 I'm doing ok it's rough. Today is nine days quit cold turkey and I definitely don't feel great. I am proud of doing it though. Cold turkey is hard but it's the only way I could quit. If I tried to cut down I would smoke even more lol. I smoked always more than a pack a day and sometimes two. Smoked for almost 20 years as a heavy smoker. Well I wish you luck whatever method you choose.
Avatar f tn I am 20 weeks 5 days. I've gone from over half a pack and I'm stuck at 2 or 3 sh!ts not easym I've been smoking for 10 years. Back when people smoked all the time. Im gonna get my drs opinion at my next appointment. But I can tell my baby isn't liking them. Made me super sick after smoking a half a cig this morning. I believe my baby will play a big part in quitting when I can feel them way more. Know your not the only mom that's having a hard time quitting.
Avatar f tn ve found that the best breakfast for me is 2 slices of cinnamon raisin toast (30g of carbs), 1 scrambled egg and 3 slices of Turkey bacon. Sometimes I switch out a slice of toast for a cup of milk. I'm only allowed 30g for breakfast... Others are allowed more or less. I'm not a huge fan of eggs either, but you can add a little bit of shredded cheese if needed. If you need any other advice you can PM me.
Avatar f tn Its best not to go cold turkey, I smoked a pack a day. I cut down first to only 5 or 6 then eventually to 2 or 3 some days I only would smoke one and a half. One day I woke up and it made me gag so I put it out and haven't smoked since. I quit at about 13 weeks. I still get cravings though because my boyfriend smokes but I've been strong and tell myself no.
Avatar f tn I would say cold turkey would be okay as you only smoked a few years. I smoked 35 years, attempted quitting 15 times, and only 2xs tried cold turkey and was smoking again by day 2 it was horrilbe for me, and what is funny is that as I aged and quit som many times, I was down to only 7 cigs a day for the past 3 years.
Avatar f tn I'm 19 and smoked a pack a day until I found out I was pregnant, it is the Hardest thing to quit! I thankfully got sick from the smell of it so it was easy to cut down, but now I don't and my boyfriend still smokes all the time around me, which does not help the cravings! All I think is the dangers it causes to the baby, (miscarriage, pre-term labor, small birth weight) and it stops me from acting on my cravings... Also the fact that if I really wanna start again!
Panda We do know that ALL carbohydrates raise Blood Glucose (BG) let me repeat that ALL carbs raise BG rice, pasta, potato, wheat (bread), sugar, honey, most fruit ALL contain significant amounts of carbs and will raise BG. Get a BG (Blood Glucose) meter. Test before you eat, test 1 hour after you eat. if your BG is too high you eat too many carbs. Too high is over 140 (US measure) 7.8 every ware else.
Avatar f tn My friend smoked with both her babies not really heavy she did cut down. Both her boys are fine. My mum smoked with all her kids as did her mum with hers no horror stories.
Avatar n tn Is it safe to stop smoking cigarettes "cold turkey"? I am 4 wks.I smoked the whole pregnant with my son and he had no issues at birth.I don't want to smoke through this pregnancy.Just wondering if anyone had any info on this.
Avatar f tn I just wanted to ask if anyone has smoked during pregnancy ???!! Or if it is okay to smoke at leasrlt 2 cigarettes a day .
Avatar n tn Have any of you guys smoked before you were pregnant ? If so how far along were you In your pregnancy when you found out ?