
Carb intake daily men

Common Questions and Answers about Carb intake daily men


Business woman2 Eating a low carb diet is one factor in controlling and managing ones diabetes. Daily 30-60 minute exercise, normal body weight and normal lipid panel are the others. Include avoiding stress and unnecessary tension too. Sugar is a no-no to t2 diabetics, plain and simple.
Avatar m tn The finding that diet quality can trump quantity is great news until you consider that many calorie-cutters fail to get the recommended daily intake for protein (46 g a day for women; 56 for men)—recommendation that some experts say is already too low. "It appears that there is a 30 gram protein threshold per meal," says metabolism research Donald Layman, PhD, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois.
Avatar f tn Yes just don't over do it. Make sure you what your daily carb intake and sugars.
591470 tn?1218975186 I have been on a low carb diet sinse april and my weight loss has plateued at 124, which is fine. I eat 150-200 carbs a day. and am very active at work on my feet all day. My question is I recently started to los my hair. Now female baldness does not run in the family. What Vitamon or nutrient am I missing that would cause this? It has gown thin in it's strand size,and dry as well. what is missing from my diet?
Avatar f tn 45 to 65 percent of your daily cal. intake should be from carbohydrates. If following a 1,500-calorie diet then 675 to 975 of those calories should be from carbs 168 to 240 grams of carbohydrate. On a 2,000-calorie diet, it would be between 900 and 1,300 calories or 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrate. When choosing carbs, the focus should be on healthy carb. sources, like fruits and vegetables, along with healthier complex carbs like whole grains. Healthy carbs.
Avatar n tn If you would like to follow me I eat low carb I eat 30 carbs a day bc I had JD and my dad died at 53 from complication to diabetes so if I eat 30 or less carbs a day my A1C is 5.3 when I eat carbs it's about a 8 so that's my happy number.
973741 tn?1342342773 However, a mounting figure of authorities believe people with diabetes should intake far fewer carb than this. In fact, many praise fewer carbs per day than what the ADA allows per meal. Studies recommend that certain higher-carb foods may be operative for diabetes management. However, study associating these regimes to low-carb supplies is needed.
Avatar m tn you have the typical pattern of a high-carb intake, perhaps especially sugar. High triglycerides can suppress HDL, and are associated with high VLDL. Also, high carb and low fat is what causes the preponderance of small dense LDL. The wine might help raise HDL a little bit, but will raise triglycerides even more. I'd ditch it, even though moderate alcohol is generally cardioprotective for most others.
219363 tn?1189755821 I have recently started a low carbohydrate diet with calories maybe 1500-1800 daily and 20 carbs maximum. My intake consists of vegetables, lean beef, chicken, pork and fish. I also eat eggs and 4 oz of cheese daily. I am losing weight on this plan. I had a headache at first, but it has gone away. I have more energy and sleep better, and have less aches and pains. I have lost 9 lbs, and want to lose about 30 lbs more. Is this safe and should I worry about any supplements.
Avatar n tn how many carbs should I intake daily to raise my ft3 levels back to normal?
1301482 tn?1325722991 As you can see I am quite active, I just need advice on how many calories I should intake on a daily basis and if you have any suggestions on certain foods I should be eating or staying away from that would be greatly appreciated as well. Thank you for taking the time to read/respond to my questions! If there is anything else you would need to know please let me know.
Avatar f tn my doctor had me on a high protein, low fat, moderate carb diet, with certain exercises, daily and I was still gaining weight in spite of adequate thyroid hormones. At the beginning of this year, I, finally, ditched my doctor's diet, cut my bread consumption by about 75-85%, in other words, my maximum is 1 slice of bread/day or if we have pizza, I don't get bread, etc...
Avatar n tn What is your daily carbohydrate intake? What is your daily exercise regimen? What is your current weight? Without knowing all the aforementioned in detail you made it difficult for us to try and figure out the cause/s of your elevated glucose levels.
Avatar f tn It's like a everything is a fuzz. It's hard to focus and it's worse when I am standing/sitting. Parents are hypoglycaemic but I constantly have protein to level out sweets I eat. I have lots of water daily. I don't understand why I feel almost drunk. My thought process is really slow. I am always tired. What do u think?
11754186 tn?1422644986 If it below 120 is good. Just remember to eat healthy and watch your carb intake. Eat more protein with your meals and exercise daily. I have gestational diabetes and must take insulin for the rest of my pregnancy. I say as long as you eat healthy and exercise you should be fine.
Avatar n tn You need to eat more balance make 50% of your grains whole, drink water not juice or soda, make you plates at meals half or more vegetables, only eat lean meats, and exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes or more. Start taking vitamins. A daily Mixed B vitamin will help boost your metabolism and give you the energy you need to get going.You can do this!!!
1372516 tn?1297265962 My mom is type 2 diabetic, had much higher levels, they put her on medicine and when she lost some weight and changed her diet, they took her off the medicine. She has to watch her sugar and carb intake. Also, daily exercise will help lower levels.
Tbd It usually involves cutting all added sugars, grains, sweet fruits and starchy veges. Low carb is defined as less than 100g of carbs per day. Very low carb is 25 - 50 g of carb per day. When you cut carbs you still energy so you get this from increasing your fat intake and making sure you have enough protein. Enough protein can be at least 100g for a woman and probably about 120g for a man. You can use a diet tracker to work out which foods have how much carbs, protein, and fats.
Avatar m tn Depending on your results from your blood sugar meter you may need to eat much lower carb to manage blood sugars. This is called "eat to your meter" appraoch. An alternative low carb approach recommended by Dr. Bernstein is detailed in his book "Diabetes Solutions" and also discussed on Utube at "Bernstein Diabetes University". He recommends typically about 30 g of carbs / day mostly from non-starchy veges. You will need to experiment and see what works for you.
4322328 tn?1353998038 Watch your carb intake as well that will shoot it up